

Study on the Human Settlement of the Typical Ancient City in Southwest Mountainous Region

【作者】 张贤都

【导师】 赵万民;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 城市规划, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 西南山地典型古城人居环境研究是赵万民教授主持的国家重点基金项目——“西南山地城市(镇)规划适应性理论与方法研究”中的重要组成部分。它选取了西南山地最具代表性的五座历史文化名城——大理、丽江、阆中、镇远、凤凰为个案研究,深入了解其历史沿革和人居演变过程,研究在其形成和发展过程中所总结出来的经验教训,以史为鉴,来更好的应对今天纷繁复杂的西南山地城市规划及设计问题。本文系整体研究中的大理古城部分。大理古城历史悠久,文化底蕴浓厚,历史上一直是滇西的经济文化中心,而且也是白族文化发源地之一,素有“文献名邦”之称。它坐落在美丽富饶的大理坝子上,西枕苍山,东带洱河。作为特定地域历史建设活动的“化石”,它记载了洱海地区社会经济发展的全过程,见证了大理从边疆的一个郡县到南方少数民族统一政权的统治中心,再到大一统政权的府城的转变,是当地白族人民世世代代的集体记忆。本文以大理古城人居环境作为研究对象,以人类聚居学的理论框架为基础,结合古籍文献研究与实地调研,从宏观到微观的角度——即从区域、聚居、街区、建筑、人文历史节点五个层面对古城人居环境进行论述。全文共分七个部分:第一部分是古城区域的人居环境研究。笔者首先通过洱海区域的环境构成与文化脉络的解读,并将区域聚居的发展过程划分为先民的足迹、城市孕育期、城市形成期与发展期、大一统政权下的郡县城市发展四个阶段分别进行研究,最后在区域视野的角度下剖析区域环境对大理古城聚居文化以及古城对区域聚居文化的相互影响。第二部分是古城聚居形态研究。论文先从山水格局、古城空间格局和防卫布局三个方面详细阐述了大理古城聚居形态的静态构成;然后对聚居形态的动态构成展开探讨,着重分析了大理古城选址的变迁、聚居形态演变的过程及其影响动因;最后对古城聚居的景观风貌特色进行分析总结。第三部分是古城街区形态研究。此章首先对古城街区形态的演变进行了分析;然后通过对街区的构成内容——街巷体系与建筑组群的特性分别进行研究,阐述了古城街区的构成机制;最后着重从街巷功能、尺度、景观、界面与节点空间几个方面对街巷空间展开研究。第四部分是古城建筑形态研究。此章以文化影响建筑形态为出发点,探讨了古城内的传统白族建筑的形态特色与建构特色,并按建筑功能分类分别选取了宗教建筑、民居建筑、官方建筑若干建筑实例进行研究。第五部分是古城人文历史节点研究。此章分为两部分,其一对古城的物质型与非物质型人文历史节点进行了系统总结;其二对人文历史节点的价值体系进行了探讨。第六部分是古城人居环境的独特性研究。通过以上对古城人居环境的研究,从古城银苍玉洱的山川形胜、都城兴衰的战略态势、多元融合的白族文化三个方面对古城的独特性系统形成进行研究。第七部分是古城人居环境保护与发展的思考。该部分为文章的结尾部分,主要是总结古城在保护与发展中的有益经验与现面临的相关问题,在其他古城成功发展经验的借鉴下,对大理古城在保护与发展中人居环境的有机延续进行了若干思考。

【Abstract】 The Study on the Typical Human Settlements of the typical Ancient city in Southwest Mountainous Region is important part of“planning theory and method of adaptive of the southwest mountain city”, which is supported by national fund chaired by Pro.Zhao Wanmin. It selected the most representative five historical and cultural citys of Southwest Mountains—Dali, Lijiang, Langzhong, Zhenyuan, Fenghuang as case study, though in-depth understanding of their history and evolution of human settlements , and studying of experience and lessons of the formation and development process, to better direct to today’s complex issues about city planning and design of in southwest mountainous. This text about Dali is one part of the analysis system.Ancient Dali has a long history and a strong culture. As one of the birthplace of Bai culture, it has been the centre of economic and cultural of western Yunnan. Dali locates in the beautiful marble Bazi, wests Cangshan, easts Erhai. Being a specific geographical history of the“fossil”, it documents the entire process of social and economic development of Erhai Lake. Ancient Dali witnessed from a county developed to the regime center of the South minority, to the unitied government, and is the local Bai people’s collective memory from generation to generation.This article studies the Human Settlements of Anicient Dali, from five levels—regions, settlements, blocks, buildings and cultural history node, basing on Human Settlements theoretical framework, composited Ancient literature and field research,The paper is divided into seven parts:The first part is the analysis of the Human Settlements of region. The author first analyzed the environment of Erhai Lake region and cultural context, and divided the development of regional into four stages, then analyzed the interaction to Dali lived culture between Regional environment and city.The second part is the analysis of shape of ancient settlements.The article descriptioned the static from three respects; then discussed the dynamic form, focused on the location changing and morphological evolution, at last analyzed and summarized landscape features and characteristics.The third part is the analysis of ancient form of block.First, this part analyzed evolution of morphology; then it studied the relationship of street system and architectures group; and last studied street space from features, scales, landscapes, interfaces and joints.The fourth part is the analysis of architectural form of the ancient city.This part started from cultural impact of architectural form, then discussed the morphological characteristics of traditional Bai architecture and architectural features., at last selected some examples to study. The fifth part selescted a node of cultural and historical city to discuss.This chapter is divided into two parts, first, it summaried Cultural history Nodes in material and non-material ways. And then studied value system.The sixth part is the analysis of unique of Dali’Human Settlements. Basing on the above analysis, this part studied the unique of Human Settlements of Ancient Dali from landspace, strategy situation and Bai culture.Part seven is thought of the protection and development of Ancient Dali.This part discussed the strategy about protection and development of Dali, though summarying useful experiences and existing problems of protection and development and combining with successful experience of others in protection and development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期