

Government Behaviors in Development of Individual and Private Economy in Linyi City

【作者】 任庆泰

【导师】 赵泽洪;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪融入世界经济大潮的中国面临新的发展机遇,中国个体私营经济发展也面临新的机遇,可以预见,在经济体制改革不断深入的趋势下,个体私营经济将成为未来经济发展的主要增长源。本文分析界定了“个体私营经济、政府行为”的概念,总结了“政府干预经济、政府与个体私营经济关系”方面的相关研究,对山东省LY市的个体私营经济现阶段发展中政府行为存在的一些主要问题予以研究分析,从理论和实践的结合方面,提出了一些具体的,有一定操作性的建议,借以改变当前LY市政府管理个体私营经济中存在的问题,完善政府的自身行为,促进个体私营经济持续、快速、健康的发展,以期创新个体私营经济发展中地方政府行为的相关研究。在论述LY市个体私营经济发展现状的基础上,本文对个体私营经济发展中的LY市政府行为现状和问题展开了讨论。利用SPSS软件对实地调查数据进行了统计分析,采用李克特五分制量表的形式编制问卷测量指标,确立了四级指标体系,利用SPSS中的因子分析提取公共因子,获取了六个影响个体私营经济从业者对LY市政府行为评价的关键因素:投资环境、行政机关形象、信用体系建设、政府政策扶持、融资推动、基础设施条件。通过分析发现,个体私营经济从业者对LY市政府行为的评价整体上处于较低水平。其中,被调查者对政府机关的形象评价最高,其次是基础设施条件。评价最低的是信用体系建设,其次是融资推动。说明了政府在企业信用体系建设和实现融资推动服务方面的工作力度不够且效果欠佳。产生上述问题的原因主要有以下几点:政府的导向力和影响力不足、官本位理念影响深刻、政府自身制度创新不足、政府融资推动力度不够、个体私营经济自身的原因以及行业自律意识不强。最后,提出了优化个体私营经济发展中LY市政府行为的对策,从观念上,建立起新的服务政府理念,构建服务型政府;加强政府制度创新,转变政府职能;针对个体私营企业融资难问题,拓宽融资渠道,对个体私营企业进行资金扶持;实施高层次人才引进计划,充实人力资本库;个体私营企业要逐步由家长式管理转向科学管理,用先进手段实现科学管理;整顿和规范市场秩序,完善市场管理制度;健全行业协会,促进个体私营经济的发展。文章结尾回顾了本研究的4点不足,并提出了3点展望和5点后续研究方向。

【Abstract】 The world has entered the era of economic globalization in the 21st Century, China should take a still more open attitude and merge into the world economic system. And the development of the individual and private economy in China is facing new opportunity. In the foreseeable future, the individual and private economy will become the main growth source. This paper gives the definition of“individual and private economy,government behavior”and summarizes the relevant study of“government intervention of economy”,and“the relationship between government and the individual and private economy”.This paper investigates the problems that exists in the government behavior which related to the development of the individual and private economy,and from the combination of theory and practice, puts forward some concrete and operable measures and suggestions in order to solve the problems exists in the process of governmental economy management, perfect the government behavior,promote the economic develop continuously,rapidly and healthily,and bring forth new ideas on the study of the government behavior which related to the development of the individual and private economy.This paper summarizes the present situation and problems of individual and private economy,further more it recommends rationalization proposal for their further development on the basis of the theoretical analysis of China’s present individual and private economy’development. With the help of SPSS software and the field survey data ,This paper has drawn up indexes system of questionnaires and got six key elements that influce the evaluation of the government behavior ,these six key elements are: investment environment;image of administrative organs; credit system construction; government policy support;financing promotion and infrastructure condition. It is found by analysis that the evaluation of the government behavior is low. the evaluation of the government image is the highest,next come the infrastructure condition.The lowest is the credit system construction, next come the financing promotion.This indicates that the service work of the government is not well done.The reason includes :the shortage of government’s guidance force and influence; the influence of official standard values;lack of the government’s institutional innovation; inadequate financing promotion;the own reasons of the individual and private economy and theweak consciousness trade self-discipline.Last, this article puts forward the measures to improve the government behavior which related to the development of the individual and private economy.On the concept,proposed the new view idea of service-oriented government ;strengthen the government’s system innovation, change government function ; widen financing channel, improve financing environment and set up financing system which suit the individual and private economy;enrich the human resources and carry out the high-level talent recruitment; realize scientific management; reorganize and standardize market economic order; cultivate and exert trade association function. In the end reviews four shortages existing in the paper, points outs three prospects and five directions of follow-up study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期
  • 【分类号】F121.23;D625
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】52