

Research on the Related Issues of the System of Enterprise Environmental Supervisor

【作者】 姜明敏

【导师】 王干;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 环境保护作为一个历久弥新的世界性话题,由上世纪的“他律”发展到本世纪的“自律”,人们的环保观念发生了根本性转变。我国企业环境监督员制度的试点和实施,正是环境行政管理体制改革与企业环境自律的体现。研究企业环境监督员制度,把握环境保护在中国最新的潮流和趋势,对于制度本身的架构以及整体环保水平的提升都不无裨益,也是在环保领域实践科学发展观的重要一环。文章重点关注以下几个方面的问题:第一,建立企业环境监督员制度的价值何在;第二,环境受托组织的制度优势及对企业环境监督员制度的冲击和值得参考借鉴的地方;第三,如何改进和完善仍处于试点中的企业环境监督员制度。对于制度建立的价值,在理论基础的层面而言,企业环境监督员制度的思想背景是生态整体主义,实施背景在于企业环境社会责任,认识论基础则是经济、社会和环境的可持续发展。此外,从现实意义的角度来分析,该制度的试点实施正是环境权益多元化、贯彻落实科学发展观以及增强企业环境自律的体现。关于第二个问题,我国企业环境监督员身兼监督与执行双重职务,与企业之间只是一般的劳动雇佣关系,而环境受托组织是环境法上合作原则的具体体现,显著特征就在于其职权行使的单纯化与独立性,并且有较强的工作权保障。我们应该给企业环境监督员减负并重塑,使之真正成为企业内部管理的关键一极。在改进和完善制度设计上,应在保留企业环境监督员的同时,另外设置专门负责“监督”的环境受托组织,进一步明晰企业环境监督员的法律地位,通过企业环境监督员的选任和管理以及环境信息和资讯的公开等方式来强化这一制度的公信力,等运行成熟后将其作为我国环境行政管理的一项常规制度予以确立。

【Abstract】 Environmental protection has been a world topic for a long time. From“external constraint”in last century to“self-discipline”in this century, the operation of the System of Enterprise Environmental Supervisor is reflected in the reform of Environmental Management System and the Enterprise Environmental Self-Discipline. Research on the System of Enterprise Environmental Supervisor and the latest trends of environmental protection in China is helpful to the Scientific Outlook on Development.This article focuses on the following issues: first of all, what is the value of the System of Enterprise Environmental Supervisor; secondly, what are the advantages and references of Environmental Entrusted Organization; and at last, what we can do to improve the System of Enterprise Environmental Supervisor.For the value of the system, the ideological background is Ecological Holism, the implementation background is Enterprise Environmental Social Responsibility, and the epistemological basis is Sustainable Development. Besides, this article analyzes the significance of the system from international, national and enterprise perspectives.For the second issue, the Enterprise Environmental Supervisor figures the roles of supervision and implementation, but the salient characters of Environmental Entrusted Organization is the simple authority and strongly indemnity. We should lighten and remodel the Enterprise Environmental Supervisor, and change it into a key power.As for the improvement, we should maintain the Enterprise Environmental Supervisor System and establish the Environmental Entrusted Organization at the same time. Then we should establish it in the Environmental Management System as a conventional measure after the mature operation and practice testing.
