

Research on Perfecting of Civil Default Judgment in China

【作者】 雷玻

【导师】 梁木生;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 民商法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国社会主义市场经济建设的发展和改革开放的深入,人口流动加速、纠纷种类的数量剧增、民事诉讼案件急剧增加,对司法的效率和成本都提出了更高的要求。之所以设立缺席判决制度,从民事诉讼原理上讲在于避免诉讼过分迟延、维护诉讼效率、避免造成过高的诉讼成本,从而促进民事纠纷的解决和推动民事活动的繁荣。本文以科学发展观为统领,坚持以人为本的理念,考察了民事缺席审判的概念及其历史演变,对其进行了法理分析,认为缺席判决制度是维护诉讼效率并最终实现程序和实体正义的保障。分析了两种主要的缺席判决模式并对其作了价值评估,考察了西方发达国家和我国台湾地区的缺席判决制度,总结了它们的优势。文章分析了我国现行缺席判决制度的特征、缺陷及其原因,指出职权主义浓厚、立法粗糙和法官行为保守是我国缺席判决制度的基本原因。基于上述分析并结合我国社会发展的实际需要,本文从民事诉讼理念和立法技术上提出完善民事缺席判决制度的建议,认为:首先应当转变民事诉讼理念,确立当事人平等的诉讼原则;其次要确立以一方辩论主义为主、缺席判决主义为辅的制度;第三要完善和细化民事诉讼立法,明确缺席的含义,规范适用缺席判决的法律要件。此外,文章还讨论了缺席判决制度的救济方式,认为应当对缺席判决的上诉理由、再审条件等作科学限制。

【Abstract】 People move from here to there frequently, dispute at various styles increased andcivil litigation emerged more and more, according with the context of socialism marketeconomy and reforming and opening. From civil procedure principle, establi shing defaultjudgment is to avoid too much retardation of litigation and maintain efficiency of justice,avoid too high litigation cost, therefore enhance solving of civil dispute and facilitateeconomic communications. This paper insists the scientific developing view and opinionof taking citizen first, discusses definition and its developing history of civil defaultjudgment, analyzes it with jurisprudence, notes that default judgment could guaranteelitigation efficiency and then realize procedural and substantial justice. And then analyzestwo main kind of default judgment and makes a value evaluating, discusses defaultjudgment in Taiwan, China and western developed countries, summarizes theiradvantages. This paper analyzes default judgment in China, weaknesses and theircausations, lists three basic reasons: thick denseness of authority, imperfect legislationand conservational idea of judges. Based on the above analysis and China’s real needs,this paper puts forward recommendations to perfect civil default judgment from theperspectives of civil procedure principle and legislation technique, notes that at first shallchange traditional idea and stick to the principle of“equal parties”, secondly establishesnew system that mainly guided by the one-party adversary system and partially guided bythe default judgment system; thirdly shall perfect civil procedure, justify definition ofabsent, regulate legal conditions of applying default judgment. Further more, this paperdiscusses remedies of default judgment, notes that shall put limiting on appeals and retrialabout cased that default judged.

  • 【分类号】D925.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】56