

A Study of Sme Financing Strategy of Foreign Bank in South China

【作者】 何志勤

【导师】 薛明皋;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 中小企业是国民经济体系的有机组成部分,其在国民经济运行中所具有的特殊功能与作用,是大型企业无法替代的。但在中小企业成长的过程中,却往往由于其初期规模小、经营风险大等先天缺陷,至使在融资方面难以得到有效的外界支持。因而,融资困难就成为制约中小企业生存与发展的最大瓶颈。为了有效地分析这一问题,文中首先阐明了中小企业融资理论,指出融资不是企业自身的个体行为,而是一项涉及到多方的需求与供给的金融活动;其次,通过相关数据、图表的分析,陈述我国目前中小企业的融资现状,着重指出中小企业融资困难的原因是多方面的,既包括企业自身的原因,也有我国现有的金融体系、金融机制存在缺陷的原因。最后,文章提出拓宽中小企业的直接融资途径,完善贷款担保机构的职能,政府引导商业银行加大对中小企业的融资支持力度,以及建立风险投资的退出机制等各项措施,才是切实改善中小企业的融资困境的良方。目前,国内对外资银行在华的中小企业融资策略研究相对较少,本文拟通过对外资银行在华南地区中小企业融资策略的研究,尝试找出外资银行在国内中小企业融资方面的可行路径。文中选取了永亨银行(中国)有限公司作为研究对象,对永亨银行在华南地区中小企业融资策略的具体特点进行了研究,分析了实施该战略的可行性,并提出了改善措施与对策。文章借鉴了财务分析、战略管理以及商业银行经营管理等方面的理论,采用实证分析的方法,理论与实践相结合,剖析了外资银行中小企业融资策略的成功经验及其尚需完善改进之处,力求提出的应对措施具有很强的针对性。本文的创新之处还在于,提出外资银行应通过中小企业融资体系的构建,形成有效的中小企业融资机制,以提供更常规化的中小企业融资服务。这对于外资银行在中国的本地化战略也将起到一定的帮助作用。

【Abstract】 Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are an integral part of the national economy. The SMEs have the special function and role which cannot be replaced by large enterprises. However, because of its small scale and the higher operating risks, it’s difficult for SMEs to get financing to support their development. The SMEs became difficult to finance from the bank, which can affect the SMEs’survival and development.In order to analyze this issue effectively, the article clarified the financing theory progressively, which financing is not only the SMEs internal activities, but also a multi-party related to demand and supply of finance. Secondly, In order to illustrate the current status of SME financing, the article list up relevant data, charts of south china, and then indicated that although the SMEs developed rapidly, but the SME financing policy support, financial support services are quite behind. Thence, there are many reasons that caused the financing difficulties, including the SMEs’own reasons and China’s existing financial system, financial mechanisms flawed. Finally, the article states that the government need to guide commercial banks to increase financial support to SMEs, as well as set up withdrawal system for the joint ventures, improve the functions of social financial system. Those measures can improve the SMEs financing more effectivelyPresently, there is only little study of the foreign bank’s SMEs financing strategies in china. The article attempts to study the foreign bank’s SMEs financing strategies in south china, and then try to find out feasible path of foreign bank’s to finance the SMEs in south china. The paper selected Wing Hang Bank (China) Co., Ltd. as a research objective, and then studied its specific characteristics of financing strategy in south china; finally try to find out feasible path for foreign bank to finance the local SMEs. The article also analyzed the feasibility of financing strategy and proposed some improvement measures and countermeasures. Because the article brought forward targeted measures by referring to the theory of the financial analysis, strategic management, as well as the operational management of commercial banks, which can analyze foreign bank’s SMEs financing strategies clearly. In order to propose some useful suggestions to the SMEs’financing strategy of the foreign bank, the article analyzed both the successful experience and the inadequacies of the foreign bank SMEs financing strategy.This article pointed out that foreign bank can finance SMEs by set up effective mechanism to regularize the financial services to SMEs. It was also useful for the foreign banks’localization strategy.

  • 【分类号】F276.3;F832.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】191