

A Research of the Differences Between Professional and Managerial Competency Model in China

【作者】 石薇

【导师】 廖建桥;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国科技和教育水平的不断提高,专业技术人员的队伍不断发展壮大,专业技术人员的职业生涯发展正越来越成为人们关注的问题。“双梯制”是目前组织普遍使用的解决专业技术人员职业生涯发展模式单一问题的方法。但“双梯制”要想真正发挥作用必须解决一个重要的前提性问题,即究竟什么样的专业技术人员适合走专业技术通道,而什么样的专业技术人员可以走管理通道。那种仅凭领导的直觉或专业技术人员本身的兴趣而做出决定的做法显然是不科学的。笔者认为,胜任特征是解决这一问题的一个很好的角度。如果能够找出专业技术人员和管理人员在胜任特征上的差异,便可以把具备更多管理人员胜任特征的优秀专业技术人员提拔到管理岗位上,减少因决策失误将不合适的人放在管理岗位而给组织带来的损失。为找出专业技术人员和管理人员在胜任特征上的差异,本研究在对国内外研究文献进行回顾的基础上,首先通过对我国学者对不同领域、不同层次专业技术人员和管理人员胜任特征的既有研究进行元分析,依据各个胜任特征要素在所有模型中出现的频次统计得到我国专业技术人员和管理人员的胜任特征要素。其次,我们将频次统计得到的胜任特征要素编制成问卷分别发放给各类专业技术人员和管理人员,并对问卷数据采用探索性因子分析和结构方程模型进行检验,并得到了两类人员胜任特征的内在结构。最后,对本研究建立的我国专业技术人员和管理人员胜任特征通用模型进行了对比分析,得到了二者的差异。结果表明,我国专业技术人员胜任特征通用模型由自我效能、思维与认知、职业素养3个因子,自信、解决问题的能力、主动性、坚韧性、分析式思维、概念式思维、成就导向、创新意识与能力、关注质量与程序、责任心、学习能力、专业知识与技能、沟通能力、团队合作、信息寻求能力等15个胜任特征要素构成。而我国管理人员胜任特征通用模型则由职业素养、思维与认知、领导力3个因子,责任心、计划能力、沟通协调能力、战略决策能力、主动性、团队合作、自信、管理相关知识、学习能力、创新意识与能力、正直诚信、客户导向、影响力、发展下属、成就导向、团队领导等16个胜任特征要素构成。而通过对比两类人员的胜任特征模型我们得到以下结论:(1)两类人员在胜任特征上存在的共性表明专业技术人员转向管理人员是可行的。(2)两类人员胜任特征上的差异又决定了并非所有的专业技术人员都能胜任管理岗位,那些在专业技术人员胜任特征之外具备了更多的管理人员胜任特征的专业技术人员更有可能胜任管理岗位。(3)“正直诚信”是专业技术人员胜任管理岗位的必要条件。

【Abstract】 As long as the development of technology and education in China, the number of professional technicians becomes larger and larger, and people are paying more attention to the problem of career development of them.“Double Ladders”is considered one of the best solutions to the problem of the lacking of career development path. But to make“Double Ladders”work better, we should firstly know what kind of professional technicians could be competent for the role of a manager while which couldn’t. People usually made decisions simply from intuition or interest, what is obviously unreasonable. While, we think, that competency is a good solution to this problem. If we could tell the differences between professional and managerial competencies, we could promote those professional technicians who have more managerial competencies to managerial positions and that will avoid the damage to organizations because of the improper promotion.In order to find the differences between professional and managerial competencies, we did a meta-analysis by counting the times every competency element appears in models advanced by local researchers on different kinds of professionals and managers to get the competencies of the two. Then we compiled two editions of questionnaires of the two by these competencies and made a number of professional technicians and managers to answer them. According to the survey data collected from 251 professional technicians and 218managers, factor analysis and the structural equation method was used to advance and examine the construct of the professional and managerial competency models. At last, we compared the two models.We found that, the professional general competency model was consist of three factors, self-efficacy, thinking& perception, and occupational quality, which contains 15 competencies of self-confidence, problem solving, initiative, tenacity, analytical thinking, conceptual thinking, achievement orientation, innovation, focus on quality& procedure, conscientiousness, learning, specific knowledge& technique, communication, teamwork and cooperation and information seeking. While the managerial general competency model was consist of three factors, occupational quality, thinking& perception and leadership, which contains 16competencies of conscientiousness, planning, communication, strategic decision-making, initiative, teamwork and cooperation, self-confidence, specific knowledge, learning, innovation, honesty and integrity, focus on client’s needs, impact and influence, subordinate guiding, achievement orientation and team leadership.Through the comparison of the two models, we got three conclusions. Firstly, the commonness of the two models tells that it is doable for a professional technician switching to management job. Secondly, the differences between the two models decide not all professional technicians could be competent for management job, and those professional technicians who have more managerial competencies could be more competent. Thirdly, honesty and integrity is the most important competency to tell weather a professional technician could be competent for management work.

【关键词】 胜任特征专业技术人员管理人员
【Key words】 competencyprofessional techniciansmanagers
  • 【分类号】F272.92
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】193