

A Study on Sustainable Supply Chain Achievements Appraisal System

【作者】 叶勇

【导师】 程海芳;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着可持续发展观念和环保意识深入人心,环境、社会因素逐渐成为供应链上下游企业发展所考虑的不可缺少的因素。但在当前竞争激烈的时代,企业越来越关注如何以最小的成本,达到时间、成本、质量、顾客满意度的最优,实现供应链的可持续发展,因而对可持续供应链的绩效评价有着深刻的理论和现实意义。本文运用理论研究与实证研究、定性分析与定量分析相结合、文献回顾等方法研究可持续供应链的绩效评价。首先,通过对国内外可持续供应链管理的研究现状进行归纳分析,提出本文的研究思路与整体框架;然后探讨可持续供应链管理的内涵、概念和相关理论,以及比较可持续供应链与绿色供应链之间的区别;再构建可持续供应链管理绩效评价指标体系和计算公式;最后运用AHP法构建判断矩阵,确定各指标的相对权重,再构建指标的隶属度矩阵,使用模糊综合评价法对可持续供应链的绩效进行评价,并进行案例分析和总结展望。本文的研究目的是将可持续发展的思想融入到供应链管理中去,顺应当今可持续发展和科学发展的总趋势。通过对可持续供应链绩效的研究,有利于企业对供应链有全面清晰的认识,促进社会经济和谐发展,达到整个社会体系的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 With the concept of sustainable development and environmental awareness deepening in people’s heart, the environment and social factor have gradually become an indispensable factor for supply chain upstream and downstream enterprises to consider development. But in the current era of intense competition, businesses increasingly concern about how to minimize the cost to time, cost, quality and optimal customer satisfaction and achieve the sustainable development of the supply chain ,thus there is a profound theoretical and practical significance for sustainable supply chain performance evaluation.In this paper, the author mainly uses the combining method of empirical and theoretical research, qualitative with quantitative analysis. First of all, through the study of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) about home and abroad, the author gives the idea and overall frame of this study. Then the author studied the content and related theory of SSCM to establish the performance evaluation system of sustainable supply chain management, and compared the distinction between sustainable supply chain and Green supply chain to build a sustainable supply chain management performance evaluation index system and the calculation formula. At last, using the AHP, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method for sustainable supply chain performance evaluation, and finally summing up the case analysis and outlook.The purpose of this paper is to study the idea of sustainable development into the supply chain management to comply with the current trend of sustainable development and of scientific development. Through the achievement of sustainable supply chain research, businesses will have a clear comprehensive understanding of supply chain, economy and society will be promoted to the degree of sustainable development, and the community as a whole system will have a common development.

  • 【分类号】F224;F274
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】567