

The Research of Real-time Simulation for Fire Field Based on the Particle System

【作者】 鄢博

【导师】 任波;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 系统分析与集成, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在三维仿真的渲染过程中,传统的建模方法一般只适用于外形比较规则的物体,对于那些像雨、雪、瀑布、喷泉以及火焰等没有固定形状,甚至要随着外部环境或者其他因素的改变而改变的物质建模,传统的方法就显得无能为力了。对于火箭尾喷焰效果的三维仿真,由于其具有不规则的几何外形和内在的不确定性,更不能用通常的三维建模方法来制作。火箭在发射时,火箭发动机尾部会产生尾焰,同时产生大量烟雾,火箭尾焰是推进剂燃烧后生成的高温、高速气体在喷管后形成的复杂湍流。它不同于静态景物,具有产生、发展和消灭的历程,对于这种景物,计算机图形学是用粒子系统来描述的。本文对高度欠膨胀射流流动物理模型进行分析,对喷焰流场喷管出口处,马赫盘波前和马赫盘波后三处截面参数进行计算,总结喷焰流场气体运动的一般规律并且对火箭尾焰物理模型进一步简化,研究粒子系统中粒子的运动算法。采用粒子系统和纹理贴图相结合的方法,对粒子进行面片化。最后本文使用Visual C++和OpenGL图形库编程实现本文算法,并在三维场景中模拟火箭尾喷焰的三维效果。

【Abstract】 In the process of the three-dimensional simulation rendering, the traditional modeling method is only applicable to the regular objects. When those things who have no fixed shape like the rain、snow、waterfalls、fountains and flame, even the shape of the things change by the changes of the external environment or other factors, the traditional modeling method is powerless. In the simulation of flame spray, because of its regular shape and the inherent uncertainty, we can not use the traditional modeling method. When the rocket launched, there are flame generating under the tail of rocket engine, at the same time it generate a lot of smoke behind. The high temperature and high-speed flame and smoke are generated by the propellant burn. This airflow is different from the static scene, its process include generation、development and destroy. In Computer Graphics, we use particle system to simulate it. This thesis analysis the flow field of the fire, calculated the parameters of section 1 to 3, summed up the movement of air current, simplified the model and researched the particle system algorithm, and finally we use Visual C++ and OpenGL programming to simulate it.

  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】46