

Study on the Collect and Transport System of Domestic Waste in Small Towns and Villages

【作者】 黎磊

【导师】 陈海滨;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 环境工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着经济的迅猛增长和村镇城市化水平的不断提高,村镇生活水平及生活方式发生了极其重大的变化,随之而来的生活垃圾污染开始侵蚀村镇,村镇生态环境遭遇到前所未有的威胁。对村镇生活垃圾进行科学的管理和治理,减少对村镇生态环境的破坏,使得村镇经济、社会和环境协调发展,已经刻不容缓。而村镇生活垃圾收运系统的研究正是解决问题的重要突破口。村镇生活垃圾收运系统由收集、清运、转运几个环节构成,而其中的收集和中转运输则构成了生活垃圾的转运系统。收运是垃圾源头管理与最终处置之间最重要的衔接部分。因此,选择合理的收运管理模式,建立布局合理、规模适当的生活垃圾收运系统,提高生活垃圾的收运效率,对于降低垃圾处理处置成本及控制村镇环境污染具有重要意义。本文从系统论的角度,对生活垃圾收运系统进行了较为详细的论述,并结合我国村镇的特点,提出了村镇生活垃圾收运思路及村镇收运路线设计需遵循的原则。本文将收运路线分为三部分,并运用图论的相关理论为依据建立优化收运线路的数学模型,并提出了一种最小生成树启发式算法。对该算法的理论基础、算法思想及步骤进行阐述后,选取厦门市翔安区新店镇吕塘村为实例,详细论述了该算法求解生活垃圾收运路线的方法和步骤,对其确定的最终优化路线进行研究。

【Abstract】 With rapid economic development and the level of urbanization rasing, the living standard and life style of the small towns and villages changes, subsequently, the domestic waste started to erode, and the ecological environment situation of small towns and villages encounter an unprecedented threat. Inorder to reduce the destruction of ecological environment and makes the village economy, society and environment harmonious development, it is necessary and urgent to manage and treat the domestic waste scientifically. And the research on collect and transport system of domestic waste is an important breakthrough for solving this problem.village domestic waste collect and transport system is made up by collection, cleaning, transportation and transfer, and the collection, transportation and transfer constitutes the waste collect and transport system. It links up the waste source management and final disposal. Inorder to reduce the cost of garbage treatment and control village pollution, it is significantly to select a reasonable collection and transportation management mode and establish a waste collect and transport system with rational layout, proper scale and improve coleection and transportation efficiency.We will make a detailed exposition to the waste collect and transport system from the perspective of system theory.On the basis of the characteristics of the small towns and villages, a thought about collect and transport village domestic waste was put forward and a mathematical model of the refuse collection vehicle routing is formulated. The dissertation presents a heuristic algorithm of modified Minimum Spanning Tree(MST)for solving the mathematical model. After the elaboration of the theoretical basis and thought of the heuristic, we select the refuse collection vehicle routing of a village in Xiamen City named Lvtang village, it presents the methods and steps to compute the vehicle routing and make a research demonstrate the result.
