

The Study on EMBR Design and Impact Factors of the Process

【作者】 尹勇

【导师】 濮文虹;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 环境工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要内容为基于已有的国内外对电极—生物膜系统研究理论,将当今应用较为广泛的膜生物反应器与电极组件相结合,设计制作了新型的电极—膜生物反应器(EMBR),并对其工艺工程影响因子进行初步研究。低浓度有机废水是一种较难处理的废水,一般的活性污泥法,包括当前广泛应用的膜生物反应器(MBR)都不能达到较高的TN去除率,主要由于反硝化环节受到限制。EMBR是针对处理低浓度有机废水新型反应器,它将一体式膜生物反应器与电极—生物膜系统相结合,利用电极—生物膜系统强化反硝化能力,提高C/N较低情况下TN的去除率。确定好氧区污泥浓度为12g(TSS)/L,模拟生活废水水质:有机物浓度SSO=300mg(COD)/L,NH3-N浓度为100mg/L。通过计算得出好氧区水力停留时间为4h;比负荷率为F/M=0.15 kg(COD)/(kg(MLSS)·d);进水流量Q=4ml/s;好氧区池容VO=58.75L。泥水回流比为2;缺氧区池容与总池容的比值fAO为0.6;得出缺氧区池容为88.13L;缺氧区水力停留时间6h。通过最省材料方法计算出反应器尺寸:反应器长为66.48cm,宽为39.89cm,高为66.48cm。电极-膜生物反应器(EMBR)的反硝化区由异氧—自养两段反硝化室构成,具有异氧—自养联合反硝化脱氮功能。电极单元是EMBR内的核心构件,采用活性炭纤维材料作为电极材料和采用二维平板电极,缩短了阴极极板挂膜时间,增强极板的析氢能力,强化了工艺的反硝化能力。试验结果表明,利用EMBR反应器可有效去除污水中的COD、NH3-N和TN。污染物去除率随电流强度的变化而随之改变,在最佳电流密度0.025mA/cm2的条件下,COD、NH3-N和TN的去除率可分别达到90%,85%,80%。当电流密度>0.03mA/cm2时,反应器工作能力开始下降。在进水C/N为3、4时,EMBR对TN的去除率最高(80%左右);在C/N为1、2时,去除率也能维持在65%以上。对COD去除率稳定在90%以上,反应器抗冲击能力较强。切断电流后,反应器对TN的去除率明显下降,COD去除率没有明显变化,电极—生物膜系统强化脱氮能力得到证明。

【Abstract】 The study based on the theory of electrode and bio-membrane system and designed a new type Electrode-MBR (EMBR) by combining the MBR and electrode module.Wastewater with low organic concentration is hard to treat. Traditional activated sludge system and MBR can hardly get a good TN removal rate due to the lack of organic during the denitrification process. EMBR combines electrode and bio-membrane to strengthen the denitrification process and enhance the TN removal rate when low C/N wastewater treated.The sludge concentration in aerobic area of the reactor was 12g(TSS)/L. The component of simulate wastewater were SSO(300mg(COD)/L) and NH3-N(100mg/L). The HRT of aerobic area was 4h (F/M=0.15kg(COD)/(kg(MLSS)·d), Q=4ml/s). The volume of aerobic area was 58.75L. the recycle ratio was 2. The anaerobic area took up 3/5 of the whole reactor (fAO=0.6). The volume of the anaerobic area was 88.13L. HRT was 6h. Following the economizing principle, the reactor was 66.48 in length, 39.89 in wide, 66.48 in height.The anaerobic area of the EMBR had two parts. The autotrophic nitrobacteria and heterotrophic nitrobacteria were in the two areas respectively. The electrode module was the key device of the reactor. Activated Carbon Fiber was used as the electrode material. Activated Carbon Fiber shortened the bio-film culturing time enhance the hydrogen evolution ability of the electrode and boost up the denitrification process.The results showed EMBR could remove the COD, NH3-N and TN well. The removal rate changed with the current density. Under the best current intensity, the removal rate of COD NH3-N and TN were 90% 85% and 80% respectively. When the current density was above 0.03mA/cm2, the removal rate began to decrease. At the C/N of 3 or 4, the EMBR could get a highest TN removal rate (82%). At the C/N of 1 or 2, the TN removal rate was above 65% and the COD removal rate maintained above 90%. The EMBR had a good resistant ability to the shock organic loading. Without the current the reactor’s TN removal ability drop down apparently. But the COD removal rate didn’t drop down. It proved the good TN removal ability of electrode-biofilm system.

  • 【分类号】X703
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