

Research on the Heating and Cooling System Forms in Residential Buildings in Wuhan Area

【作者】 张边

【导师】 徐菱虹;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 武汉市地处我国夏热冬冷地区,由于亚热带季风气候的影响,居住建筑室内热环境比较差,采暖空调的能耗比较大。本文根据武汉地区居住建筑常用的几种供冷供暖形式,从节能性,经济性、环保性等几个方面结合工程设计和应用中的问题进行研究和分析,得出结论。本文先是选取了武汉地区一典型的住宅建筑户型,进行各空调房间冷、热负荷的计算,然后设计出适合该户型的四套供冷供暖系统方案,分别是:房间空调器方案,VRV空调系统方案,风冷热泵冷热水机组加风机盘管方案和区域供冷供暖方案。然后利用居住建筑能耗模拟软件DeST-h对选用的户型进行建模,设定相关参数,模拟计算全年8760个小时供冷供暖工况下的建筑能耗。结合模拟计算结果,得到四种供冷供暖系统的节能性评价,并为工程设计及应用给出有用的建议。接着根据武汉地区目前的能源,材料及设备价格计算这四种供冷供暖方案的采购、施工、运行、管理及维护的费用情况,利用年平均费用,寿命周期成本(LCC)等不同经济学模型分析各种供冷供暖系统方案的经济性,给出各方案的经济评价。再从各供冷供暖系统的制冷剂使用、污染物排放、噪音污染情况等方面综合分析评价了各方案的环保性。通过对武汉地区居住建筑四种供冷供暖方式的模拟分析研究,得出结论为:VRV空调系统在节能性及环保性方面表现较好,区域供冷供暖系统则有优良的节能性和经济性。

【Abstract】 Because of the influence of subtropics monsoon weather, residential buildings in Wuhan city, which is located in hot summer and cold winter region of our country, have a bad indoor heat environment, and the energy consumption of heating and air conditioning is hug. In this paper, according to several kinds of heating and cooling system forms and their engineering design and application problems, the research and analysis on energy saving, economy and environment protecting of these system forms could provide the conclusion.First, a typical residengtial builing in Wuhan area is selected as the research object which’s heating load and cooling load will be calculated for the design of four heating and cooling systems which are all suitable for the building. These four heating and cooling system are room air-conditioner system, VRV ( variable refrigerant volume ) air-conditioning system, fan coil air-conditioning system and district heating and colling system.Second, the energy consumption of the four heating and cooling systems in 8760 hours of one year is simulated and calculated by using the building energy simulation software DeST-h with building models and setting some diameters for the simulating process. According to the simulation results, the energy saving evaluation of these four heating and cooling system could give some useful suggestion for engineering design and application.Then,according to the energy price, material price and equipment price of Wuhan area at present time,the first costs, operating charges and maintenance charges of these four heating and cooling systems are calculated for economic evaluation which is based on different economic models such as the life cycle cost (LCC) , the annual average exepenses and so on.After that, the environment protecting evaluation of the four heating and cooling systems is provided by compare with their refriger using,contamination emission and noise pollution and so on. Through the simulation and analysis of four heating and cooling systems, it can drow a conclusion that VRV air-conditioning system has a very good performance of energy saving and environment protecting, and district heating and cooling system has a excellent performance of energy saving and economy in the residential buildings inWuhan area.

【关键词】 居住建筑供冷供暖节能经济环保
【Key words】 Residential BuildingsCoolingHeatingEnergy SavingEconomyEnvironment Protecting
  • 【分类号】TU831
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】155