

Design and Implementation of Produce Management System in the ERP for Printing Industry

【作者】 范励

【导师】 刘威;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 全球经济一体化的挑战使得印刷行业处于空前激烈的竞争中。印刷产品消费需求呈现多样化、个性化的特点,多品种少量生产、快速交货、低成本、高品质已成为印刷企业适应市场、获取竞争优势的重要手段。如何合理高效的充分利用企业的各项资源,提高产品的市场竞争力是企业生存和发展的关键。因此,利用先进的管理思想、计算机技术改造现代印刷企业管理方式成为当今重要的课题。本文针对印刷行业产品生产过程及其管理的特殊性要求,结合生产管理相关理论,提出了一种基于Web的面向印刷行业的生产过程管理系统。本文研究分析了印刷行业的生产流程及其管理的特点。基于印刷产品按需定制、产品多样、工艺流程各异的生产特点,结合生产运营相关理论,在ERP环境中设计了面向印刷行业的生产管理系统。最后,使用JavaScript、AJAX及JSP等Web相关技术,引入持久化框架Hibernate,基于J2EE平台实现了生产管理系统的逻辑流程、体系结构以及系统功能模块。本文阐述的生产管理系统围绕生产工作单对生产过程进行管理,针对工作单制订生产计划、记录生产过程数据、监控生产计划的执行。并保留了生产过程管理数据为其他工作提供基础数据。经试用测试,本系统有效的提高了印刷企业的各种资源在生产过程中的利用率,整合、优化了企业的总体管理流程,实现了提高企业的生产效率和经济效益的目标。

【Abstract】 Printing industry face an unprecedented fierce competition due to the challenges of global economic integration. Printing products’ consumer demand has the characteristics of diversification and personalized. In order to adapt market , obtain competitive advantage, printing enterprises need to quickly produce low-volume, multi-species, low-cost, high-quality products. Rational and efficient use of resources is the linchpin upon which enterprises could survival and development. Therefore, use advanced management ideas, computer technology to change modern printing enterprise’s management method become a important research topic. According to printing industry production process and management requirements’ characteristics, the paper design a web-based printing industry production process management system.The paper analyzes printing industry’s production flow and its management characteristics. At the basis of management theory combined with printing products’ characteristics such as on-demand produce, product variety, different production processes etc, in the ERP environment, design production management system. The paper use web related technologies such as AJAX, JavaScript, JSP etc, persistence framework--Hibernate, based on the J2EE platform achieved production management system’s structure, logic flow, function module.The system around produce orders to conduct a series of management operations, develops production plan, records data, monitor the implementation of production plans. Through testing, this system effectively enhance the utilization of printing enterprise’s resources, integrate and optimize enterprise’s management flow, realizing the production efficiency and improve economic efficiency targets.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】137