

Conception and Simulation China’s Ancient Tribal Culture

【作者】 罗小红

【导师】 杨昌国;

【作者基本信息】 湖南科技大学 , 文艺学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 2007年,作家出版社推出的河北作家黄谷子的长篇历史小说《涿鹿大战》,描述了五千多年前黄帝、炎帝、蚩尤等部落的历史地理、人文景观、风情风物、生活习俗、原始信仰以及他们的爱恨情仇。小说通过对原始部落图腾、巫术、祭祀、仪式、信仰、神话、婚姻、家庭等历史文化的描写,再现了原始先民对于当时生活的真切观察和感受,向现代人展示了一幅中国上古部落生活状况的历史画卷,可以说是一部中国上古文学人类学小说。该研究试图从文化人类学的视角,以“文化他者”的眼光来解读这部小说,旨在揭示中华民族丰富的文化底蕴,发掘其中所包涵的原始文化价值及其意义,这对于我们重新审视现代文明,继承和发扬中华民族优秀的传统文化思想与精神,促进民族文化的发展以及民族大团结,巩固国家统一具有一定的现实意义。文章主要对《涿鹿大战》中所反映的原始部落图腾崇拜、原始人的巫术祭祀活动以及古代婚姻家庭状况三个方面进行了分析和探讨。第一章主要考察了原始部落的图腾文化。对黄帝部落熊图腾、炎帝部落羊图腾、炎黄部落联盟龙图腾以及蚩尤部落牛图腾进行了分析,并指出图腾文化对原始部落的影响及其现代启示。第二章主要探讨了原始部落的巫术祭祀仪式活动,包括封禅祭祀、自焚求雨、“赶鬼”驱邪、“炉神”祭炉、“贡茅缩酒”与“剖木问吉”等。原始巫术祭祀作为一种文化现象,有着其特有的文化功能。第三章主要分析了上古部落的婚姻家庭状况。不同部落的婚姻形态习俗各不一样,它包括血缘婚、群婚、多偶制、专偶制婚姻形态以及夫兄弟婚、抢婚等习俗。这种婚姻文化对当时社会生活有着重要的意义,并对后世产生深远影响。

【Abstract】 In 2007,“The Zhuolu War”, a historical novel, written by Guzi Huang and published by Writers Press, describes Yellow Emperor (or Huang-di)’s tribes, Yan Emperor (or Yan-di)’s tribes, and Chi-You tribes, dating back more than 5000 years, including their historical geography, cultural landscape, style scenery, customs, original faith, love and hatred. This novel reproduces the original ancestors’observation and life experience by describing their history and culture of primitive tribal totems, witchcraft, worship, rituals, beliefs, myths, marriage, and family, etc. to show a historical picture of the ancient Chinese tribal living conditions for modern people. Therefore, it can be said that this is a Chinese ancient novel reflecting something of anthropology.This paper attempts to analyze this novel from the perspective cultural anthropology and the vision of“cultural otherness”to reveal the rich cultural heritage of the Chinese nation, and to discover its original cultural value and significance. It has an important practical significance for us to re-examine modern civilization, to inherit and carry forward the fine traditional Chinese cultural thought and spirit, and to consolidate national unity.This paper analyzes the novel,“The Zhuolu War”, from the following three aspects:Chapter One mainly studies on the primitive tribal totem culture. It analyzes such totems as“Bear”of Yellow Emperor’s tribes,“Sheep”of Yan Emperor’s tribes, “Dragon”of Yan and Huang tribal alliance, and“Bull”of Chi-You’s tribes. And then, it points out the impact of totem culture on primitive tribes and modern enlightenment.Chapter Two mainly probes into the primitive tribes’witchcraft ritual activities, including Fengshan sacrifice, self-immolation for rain, casting out devils, offering sacrifices to the Stove God, pouring wine on the thatch to offer sacrifice to Gods, and cutting wood to predict the luck, etc. The primitive witchcraft worship, as a cultural phenomenon, has its unique cultural features.Chapter Three mainly analyzes the ancient tribes’marriage and family status. The different tribes not only have various forms of marriage, such as blood marriage, group marriage, polygamy, monogamy, but also have different marriage customs, such as levirate marriage, marriage by capture, and so on. This marriage culture has great significance for the social life at that time and it has also been exerting a far-reaching impact later.
