

Harmony of Life

【作者】 何曙

【导师】 肖祥彪;

【作者基本信息】 湖南科技大学 , 文艺学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 魏晋时代以“文的自觉”与“人的自觉”凸显于中国历史。这个时代缘何能够出现这样的两个自觉,学者们已从文学、哲学、历史等诸方面作出了卓有成效的探究,并提出了许多建设性的理论主张。尽管如此,这却是一个探究不完的话题。所有关注魏晋时代的人都回避不了两个问题:第一,这个时代出现“文的自觉”的原因是什么?它对于文学艺术的发展有何意义?第二,“人的自觉”为什么在这个时期出现?它对于人类社会的发展、人性的完善和恢复,具有怎样的借鉴作用?研究的深入有赖于方法和观念的更新。高尔基“文学是人学”的著名论断,西方马克思主义的“总体性”观念,中国古代哲学的“生生”理念,早就提醒我们从总体、从人、从生命的角度和层面去思考,然而,以往的学术研究却在对于“常识”的忽视或对于经典的误读中走了样。人,首先是生命体。生命的特性决定着人的本性,也从根本上决定着人所创造的一切的本质与特点,包括所有的物质文化和精神文化产品。魏晋“文的自觉”,是与人、与生命紧密相关的社会历史文化原因造就的,就文化而言,儒学的式微、政治的紊乱、玄学的兴起,无疑是重要的因素。而“文的自觉”的具体表现就是生命意识的张扬。这里有对于生和死的敬畏,有对于生命永恒的幻想,甚至有对于现世享乐的放纵。“人的自觉”实质是生命的自觉。生命自觉的基础是中华民族先哲们对于天、地、人及其关系的体认。和合,和谐,是中国哲学的基本范畴,也是中国哲学及人生追求的理想境界。天地人需要和谐,人生需要和谐,生命需要和谐。生命和谐的具体表现就是:人自身的内在和谐,人与自然的和谐,人与社会的和谐。魏晋人追求并实现了这种和谐,他们的人生多姿多彩,他们的才情喷发而出,他们的生命呈现出闪光的勃发状态。

【Abstract】 In Wei- Jin dynasty, "self-awareness of arts" and "self-awareness of human beings" are viewed as the highlights of Chinese history. For what reason contributes to such these two. Scholars have made a fruitful study of this in the aspects of literature, philosophy, and history and so on and also put forward many constructive theories and ideas. However, this remains an endless topic.People studying Wei-Jin dynasty cannot avoid answering two questions. First, what is the reason for the appearance of "self-awareness of arts" and what’s the significance in the development of literature and arts? Second, why does "self-awareness of arts" appear in this period? Is it referential experience to develop human society, to improve and to recovery human nature.Thoroughly research is deeply based on renewed methods and concepts. Three concepts, that is Gorky’s noted thesis "Literature is a human study", Marxism’s theory of integrity and ancient Chinese philosophy of life, had reminded us of pondering from the point of view on integrity, human, and life. Yet in the past academic research, it comes to disfigure this because of neglecting of "common sense" or misunderstanding of classics.First of all, human beings are creature. The characteristics of creature determine the nature of man; furthermore determine the essences and characteristics of all the things created by humans including material culture and cultural product.In the period of Wei-Jin, "self-awareness of arts" is shaped by humans and the social historical background which is closely related with humans. In terms of culture, the decline of Confucianism, disorder of politics and the start of metaphysics, without doubt, are the most important factors. Moreover the concrete manifestation of "self-awareness of arts" is to affirm life consciousness. The confirmation of life consciousness includes the awe towards life and death, the fantasy of eternal life and even the indulgence in the present world.The essence“self-consciousness of human beings”is the self-consciousness of life. The universal realization of the heaven, the earth, humans and the relations between them given by Chinese ancient sages lays the foundation of life consciousness. Harmony is the basic category of Chinese philosophy and the ideal state of life goal and the Chinese philosophy. Nature and humans needs to be harmonious; and life also needs to be harmonious. The concrete manifestations of life harmony are the harmony that not only lies in the person himself, but also between humans and nature and humans and society.People in Wei-Jin dynasty pursued and had realized this kind of harmony, thus their life was enriched, their talent was well displayed, and their life was presented in a thriving condition.
