

Study on the Synthsis Naphthenate Imidazoline Borates and Corrosion Inhibition Performance

【作者】 徐平

【导师】 石顺存;

【作者基本信息】 湖南科技大学 , 化学工艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文以环烷酸和羟乙基乙二胺经两步缩合脱水反应生成咪唑啉中间体,再以甲苯为携水剂,用硼酸与该中间体制得环烷酸咪唑啉硼酸酯。运用静态挂片失重法和电化学极化曲线法,对合成产物在HCI—H2S—H2O体系和盐酸、硫酸和磷酸体系的缓蚀性能进行了评价。在咪唑啉硼酸酯的合成中,为得出最佳的反应条件,采用了单因素多水平的方法,实验得出的最佳反应条件为:咪唑啉和硼酸的投料比为1:1.2(摩尔比)、反应最高温度为190~200℃、反应时间约为5个小时,携水剂甲苯的用量为反应物总质量的30﹪。在HCI—H2S—H2O体系中,随着缓蚀剂投加量的增加,缓蚀率逐渐提高;当溶液pH值的降低,缓蚀剂的缓蚀率先增大后有所降低。溶液的pH值为酸性时,缓蚀效果明显比溶液呈碱性时要好;缓蚀剂的缓蚀率随着H2S的浓度增加而减少,当H2S的浓度达到一定数值时,缓蚀率几乎不再变化。咪唑啉硼酸酯在盐酸体系中对碳钢、不锈钢、铝挂片都具有良好的缓蚀效果,缓蚀率随着缓蚀剂投加剂量的增大而越高。当缓蚀剂的调节剂量增大到一定量后,缓蚀效率趋于稳定。电化学极化曲线得到的结果与失重法定结果基本一致;磷酸介质中的缓蚀性能评价表明:缓蚀剂的缓蚀率随缓蚀剂投加剂量的增加先升高后有所降低,咪唑啉硼酸酯的投加剂量存在最佳值;硫酸介质中的实验结果表明:投加的缓蚀剂能够较好地抑制碳钢的腐蚀,当投加量达到300g/L时,缓蚀率最高,试片表面光亮且无黑色膜;添加少量缓蚀剂就可以对不锈钢挂片获得较高的缓蚀效率;缓蚀剂的缓蚀率随实验温度的升高先升高后降低,在50℃左右达到最佳;随着实验时间的不同,缓蚀剂的缓蚀率随时间的延长先增大后逐渐减小。

【Abstract】 Firstly the mid-pruduct imidazoline was produced by reaction of naphthenic acid and Hydroxyethyl-ethylenediamine.Then with Toluene being the carrying agent, Naphthenate imidazoline borates(NIB) was synthesized from the intermediate and Boric acid. Weight method and electrochemical polarization curves were used to evaluated the corrosion inhibition performance of NIB for metals in HCl and H2S solution and hydrochloric acid,sulfate,phosphate.In the process of the synthesis,the method of singer factor of multi-level was used in order to get the optimum reaction condition,and the optimum reaction condition was got through tests:the ratio of imidazoline to Boric acid is 1:1.2,the maximum temperature is about 190-200℃,the reaction time is about 5h.the amount of toluene is 30% of reactant mass.The inhibition efficency is increasing as the concentration of NIB increase in the HCl and H2S solution. As the pH of the solution decreased, the inhibition effeet increased at first and then decreased. When the pH value of solution is acidic, the inhibition effect was better obviously than in alkaline solution. Corrosion inhibition rate decreased with the increase of the concentration of H2S, When the concentration of H2S reached a certain value, the corrosion inhibition rate was almost not change.the result showed that the corrosion inhibition rate on mild steel、aluminum coupon、stainless steel was high.The inhibition efficency inereased as the concentration of inhibitor increased. When the concentration of inhibitor reached a certain value, the corrosion inhibition rate was almost not change. The results obtained from electrochemical polarization are consistent with the results obtained form weight loss. Experiments in the phosphate shows that when the concentration of inhibitor increased, the corrosion inhibition rate increased in first and then decreased. There was an optimal dose of inhibitors;The experiments in sulfate show that: The inhibitor can inhibit the corrosion of carbon steel greatly, when the dosage is 300g / L, the corrosion inhibition rate was highest, and the surface was bright . Higher inhibition efficiency can be obtained with a small dose of inhibitor in exprements of stainless steel. The corrosion inhibition performance of NIB became better in first and then worse as the exprement tempreture rised, the corrosion inhibition rate inereased and then decreased when the experiment time extended.
