

Teda Emergency Management System Construction and Research

【作者】 林翊

【导师】 王文俊; 田山;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着全球化的日益深入,技术高速发展,经济日趋繁荣,我们的社会与城市也正处于高速发展与膨胀的状态中。然而高速发展给我们带来益处的同时,也加大了我们社会间、社会与物质间的依赖性,无论是经济的、人文的事件,都会快速通过当前的传播手段,迅速对社会、城市产生极大影响,社会、城市的承受力也越来越脆弱。影响到达一定程度即被定义为事件,然而造成较大影响的恰恰是突发的重大的事件。重大突发事件的形式趋于多样化,但往往都有连带性、辐射性、多样性和叠加性等特点,除了能够造成实际损失之外,给人们心理带来的创伤则更为严重,极难平复,例如美国的911恐怖事件。如何及时发现、遏制和化解突发事件,不但可以减少、阻止事件的蔓延、放大,还能帮助保持社会心理健康和恢复信心,加快重建家园的进程。相对政府而言,如何通过制定规则(应急预案),建立完善的法制、体制、机制,借助高效、稳定的指挥系统平台来应对危机事件,是政府的当然职责,也是本论文的讨论重点。根据国家应急管理体系建设的要求,天津经济技术开发区(英文Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area缩写TEDA,泰达是音译)从可持续发展和创建服务型政府的角度出发,泰达领导决定建设泰达应急信息平台项目。应急信息平台项目的建设是在各部门现有应急处置体系之上,整合相关信息资源,充分利用各部门原有的系统和网络环境,在整合现有信息、组织、资源的基础上,加强综合管理,建设应急技术设备平台。形成与开发区政治经济发展相适应的,以预防为主,预防、处置、救援相衔接的,指挥决策机构、应急处置/支持机构及企业/社区三级管理的高效、快速的综合应急系统,从而对灾害预报、灾情评估、灾时紧急指挥与调度、减灾决策、灾后重建等提供强大的技术支持,实现了管委会领导关于突发事件处置的“信息路经最短,资源利用最少,损失减到最小”的建设要求。本文在通过分析和对比国内外典型应急系统模式,根据泰达的实际情况,以建立具有天津特色的突发公共事件应急信息平台为目标,经过现状调研、业务咨询、需求整理、系统规划、专家论证、系统建设、试运行、验收等多个阶段,历时4年建设期,于08年顺利验收上线,并在奥运会火炬接力、达沃斯论坛等重大活动、H1N1防治以及泰达日常治安管理等方面都发挥了不可估量的作用,在国内同类型应急系统中在各方面效果均排在前列。本文通过研究项目的需求分析、功能设计与介绍其中个别模块,对系统进行建设的成果与工程经验了总结,虽然有地区特性,但工程经验是相通的,希望能够对同类型项目有借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 With the deepening of globalization, rapid technological and economic increasing prosperity, our society and cities are in rapid development and expansion. However, rapid development has not only brought us good, but also increased our society, the social and physical inter-dependence, whether economic, cultural events, will quickly spread through the current means of rapid social, urban produce a severe impact, social, and the city’s affordability is also increasingly vulnerable. Impact reaches a certain level Jibei defined as events, greater impact, however, is precisely the sudden and significant events. Unexpected events in the form of diversification, but often have a continuous, radiation, diverse characteristics of superposition, in addition to that could cause actual losses, given the psychological trauma brought about by the people is even more serious, extremely difficult to restore, for example, the United States, 911 terrorist attacks.How to detect, contain and resolve the unexpected events, not only can reduce and prevent the spread of the incident, amplification, but also to maintain social mental health and to restore confidence, speed up the reconstruction process. Relative government, how to develop rules (contingency plans), establish a sound legal system, structure, mechanism, using highly efficient and stable platform for the chain of command to respond to critical incidents, is the government’s important responsibilities.Emergency management system in accordance with national requirements, TEDA from sustainable development, building service-oriented government point of view, TEDA TEDA decided to build an emergency information platform for the project. Emergency information platform for the project construction is in various sectors over the existing emergency response systems, integrate the relevant information resources, make full use of existing departmental systems and network environments. TEDA in the integration of existing information, organizations, resources, based on the strengthening of integrated management, and construction of emergency technology platform. The formation of political and economic development with the TEDA adapted in order to focus on prevention, prevention, disposal, and rescue phase of convergence, command decision-making bodies, and emergency disposal / support agencies and corporate / community management of three high-performance, fast integrated emergency response system. To disaster prediction, disaster assessment, disaster, when emergency command and dispatch, disaster mitigation decision-making, post-disaster reconstruction to provide strong technical support to achieve the TEDA Leaders on and handle unexpected incidents "information passing by the shortest, least use of resources, loss reduced smallest "building requirements.In this paper, by analyzing and comparing the domestic and international emergency response system, a typical pattern, according to the actual situation in TEDA, Tianjin characteristics in order to establish an unexpected emergency information platform for public events as the goal, through the status of research, business consulting, needs finishing, system planning, experts argue , system construction, commissioning, acceptance and many other stage, which lasted three-year construction period, in 2008 the successful acceptance of on-line, and the Olympic torch relay, the Davos Forum, and other major events, H1N1 prevention and control, as well as day to day security management, etc. TEDA has played an invaluable role. Emergency system in the country the same type of effects are top listed. In this paper, the research project needs analysis, functional design and describe the individual modules of the system to carry out construction and engineering experience, the results are summarized, although there are regional characteristics, but the engineering experience are intertwined, and hope for the same types of projects is worth learning.

【关键词】 应急指挥天津泰达
【Key words】 EmergencyCommandTianjinTEDA
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】149