

The Research on Development Issues of China’s Rural Finance Cooperative

【作者】 矫立军

【导师】 杨雅如;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 政治经济学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 “三农问题”目前已成为影响我国经济现代化的最要的因素,而这一问题的核心就是农村金融问题,经过近些年的农村经济改革,广大的农村形成了农村合作金融、商业金融与政策性金融、民间借贷四位一体的农村金融服务体系,农民贷款难有所缓解,但是事实证明这些组织并没有很好地解决民间的“草根”金融问题,“农村资金互助合作组织”是伴随着我国农民专业合作经济组织的发展而产生的,实践证明是很好的解决“草根”金融的组织形式,党和国家也从2004年到2009年先后出台的5个1号文件都在鼓励农村新型的民间金融组织形式的探索和组建,银监会也在2007年出台了规范“农村资金互助合作组织”的规定,一些地方政府也响应中央的精神,积极引导这种组织的组建和发展,这些都表明从中央到地方对这种民间金融组织形式在我国农业现代化发展中作用都是予以肯定的。“农村资金互助合作组织”是民间金融组织的一种创新形式,与现代化的金融机构相比,它有自己天然的优势:地缘、血缘关系或者是人缘和人脉关系。这种组织又有它的特殊性,那就是“草根金融”的特性,一个优良的金融体系应当是兼容并包、惠及于人类各个阶层和群体的。但是,与任何一种新兴的事物一样,在它的发展初期难免会出现这样那样的问题。因此,本文立足于国内,采用回归分析,实际案例调查,从宏观到微观利用规范和实证等分析方法对“农村资金互助合作组织”的发展条件和发展问题进行了系统的研究,挖掘出了很多能够解决这种组织进一步发展的创新方法。希望这些解决方法的提出对该组织的进一步发展和完善有一定的借鉴意义,对我国“三农”问题的化解添砖加瓦。本文共分4章:导论、我国农村资金互助合作组织发展的条件分析、我国农村资金互助合作组织发展的问题分析、我国农村资金互助合作组织发展的对策建议。

【Abstract】 The "three dimensional of agroissue" has played the role to China’s economic modernization factors, the core of the problem is that rural finance, rural economic reform in recent years after, the majority of the formation of a rural cooperative of rural finance, commercial finance and financial policy, private lending four in one rural financial service system, farmers in getting loans eased, but the fact that these organizations and the private sector can not solve the "grass-roots" financial problems "of rural mutual funds organization" is accompanied by the farmer specialized cooperative economic organizations in China’s development arose, proved a good solution to "grassroots" financial organization, the party and the countries from 2004 to 2009, has introduced a 5 on the 1st file is in encouraging rural new forms of private financial organizations to explore and set up, the CBRC also issued a standard in 2007, "Organization of rural mutual funds" requirement, some local governments also respond to the spirit, and actively guide the establishment and development of such organizations, which are shows that between the central and local private financial organizations such forms of development in China’s agricultural modernization our understanding of the role of Di, a very high level."Rural mutual funds organization" is a kind of civil society organizations, innovative forms of finance, as compared with the modern financial institutions, it has its own natural advantages: geographical, kinship, or popularity and personal connections. Again the special nature of this organization, that is "grassroots financial" nature, a good financial system should be inclusive, benefiting all sectors of human and groups. However, with any new thing, as in its early stage of development will likely have this kind of problems. Therefore, this article based on domestic, using regression analysis, practical case studies, from macro to micro and empirical use of standard analytical methods such as "mutual funds organizations in rural areas," the further development of a systematic study of the issue, dig out a lot to solve the further development of such organizations and innovative ways. Hope that these solutions put forward the further development of the organization and play a perfect reference for China’s "three rural" issue to resolve building blocks.This article is divided into six chapters: Introduction, rural organizations, the basic theory of mutual funds, Mutual Aid Organization of rural financial status, rural mutual funds related organizations to further the development of problem analysis, rural mutual funds organizations to further the development of countermeasures, Conclusion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期