

A Study of the Paradoxes in Katherine Mansfield’s Short Stories

【作者】 郑超

【导师】 李文良;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪初期新西兰小说家凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德以其自然的笔触和清新淡雅的文风独树一帜活跃得在欧洲文坛,并使短篇小说这一历来不受重视的文学样式逐渐为人们所熟知,对整个英语文学作出了不可磨灭的贡献。曼氏小说的魅力之处不仅在于它继承了维多利亚时期女性文学传统,精通于雕琢普通生活的细微之处和平凡人物的典型形象,更在于作者将自身复杂丰富的经历感受和价值观融入作品之中,使作品具有矛盾性、双重性的基调。本文诣在透过对曼斯菲尔德作品的深入解读,挖掘其多舛命运与作品的联系,进而探讨作者渗透于创作之中的矛盾价值观。本论文包括五部分。序言包括对凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德生平、作品的简介。第二部分重点分析作者通过印象主义和象征主义的对比运用来渲染自然场景的对立。第三部分作者试图分析曼斯菲尔德作品中人物凸显的矛盾性格。从对生死矛盾的比对,婚姻中的男女关系的探讨,到对具有自恋情节的主人公描写,再到作者眼中纯洁无辜的儿童形象的解读,无疑都渗透着作者对现实残酷性的逃避与顿悟以及对自我身份的怀疑。第四部分论证了曼斯菲尔德边缘地位对小说主题的影响:在她的大多数作品中都存在着幻灭感与孤独感,即虚幻美好与人在现实中的无助形成的强烈对比。文章的第五部分是结论。通过矛盾主题的揭示,读者体会到了曼斯菲尔德短篇小说所要传达的意境。

【Abstract】 New Zealand writer Katherine Mansfield is one of the masters in modernism with the pure style and delicate words. She devotes herself to innovations of short story genre and thus makes the great contribution to the development of literature in Europe. Inheriting the Victorian female literary tradition, Katherine Mansfield portrays a series of ordinary lives and images with subtle observation and penetrating insight. Consciously somewhat, she integrates her own experience and the ambivalence about her identity into the process of her writing, which gives the works a unique style of paradoxes and ambiguities as a result. The present study attempts to discover the link between the author’s suffering fate and her works, and tries to probe into her ambivalent value in the stories by deep appreciation.This thesis falls into five parts. Part one includes a brief review of Mansfield’s life, works and the themes of her short stories. Part two focuses on the ambivalent descriptions in nature from Mansfield’s view. In this part, the employment and comparison of impressionism and symbolism are discussed in her stories. The third part stresses on analyzing the characters’paradoxes in her stories. The paradoxes contain the relationship between men and women in marriage, the protagonists’narcissism, and the children’s purity. Also in it, the analysis of the paradoxes of life and death show that the narrator’s sickly life gives her special view on the destiny. The interpretation shows Mansfield’s epiphany for the marriage, family and human nature. The fourth part devotes itself to the analysis of ambivalent relationship between society and people. It argues that Mansfield’s dual nationalities make possible her depictions about the isolated exiles and descriptions of disillusion. In her stories, the protagonists are always helpless and alienated in reality in spite of illusion. Finally, based on the above chapters, the last part is conclusion. By the employment of paradoxes, Mansfield achieves her ideal so successfully that readers can feel the themes of melancholy, frustration, indifference with which she wants to share.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】I612.074
  • 【下载频次】232