

Growth Characteristics and Ecosystem Services of Phragmites Australis, A Typical Vegetation in Baiyangdian Lake

【作者】 李博

【导师】 刘存歧;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 水生生物学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 湿地作为地球上水陆相互作用形成的独特生境,与森林、海洋一起被列为全球三大生态系统,占地球表面积约6.4%,为地球上20%的已知物种提供了生存环境,具有不可替代的生态功能。白洋淀湿地是华北地区最大的淡水湖泊,对于保障全流域和北京、天津等重要城市的环境安全具有显著作用。淀内以沼泽为主,土壤营养物质丰富,生物种类繁多,是芦苇的理想产地。芦苇在白洋淀的分布广泛,是白洋淀分布面积最大、最典型的水生植被,在湿地功能的发挥过程中起着不可忽视的作用。但是自20世纪70年代以来,由于遇到各种原因,导致湿地面积不断萎缩、苇地面积相应波动、芦苇品质变差、芦苇产量骤减,不仅影响到当地农民的收入,也影响到湿地生物多样性的保护及其生态服务功能的发挥。本文以白洋淀湿地典型植被芦苇为例,研究了中国华北典型湿地生态系统中优势植物的生长特性及其着生土壤的理化性质,估算了芦苇种群在湿地生态服务功能行使过程中的直接价值与间接价值,并对芦苇适宜收割时间的选择进行了初步探讨。研究发现,土壤含水量的变化趋势为随深度的增加而上升,各土层含水量的最小值出现在4月,最大值出现在8月;土壤有机质、全氮、全磷含量的变化趋势为随深度的增加而下降,表层土有机质含量高于中、下层土且差距明显,各土层含量随时间变化的趋势不尽相同;土壤全氮/全磷比值的变化趋势为随深度的增加而下降。芦苇的密度在四次采样中保持稳定,显示出芦苇种群对环境因子的充分适应;芦苇的株高与直径均随时间的推移而增长,增长速度最快的时期正是芦苇的主要生长期,株高与直径的变化趋势符合白洋淀湿地芦苇种群的生长规律:生长始于每年的3月底、4月初,终于每年的10月底,主要生长期在6月到8月;根状茎具有最大的生物量与氮、磷积累量,地上茎、叶片、叶鞘等构件的相应指标随时间的推移而增大;叶片具有较高的全氮、全磷含量,地上茎、叶片、叶鞘等构件的相应指标随时间推移而降低;芦苇植株的生物量、氮、磷积累量的最大值分别出现在8月、8月和10月,地上部分的相应最大值分别出现在10月、8月和6月;地上部分的全氮/全磷比值在主要生长季中均高于16,显示出在这一时期磷是芦苇地上部分生长的限制因子。白洋淀湿地芦苇的生物量较高,为6.48~9.13 kg·m-2,平均7.18 kg·m-2;植株碳储量较大,为2.86~4.04 kg·m-2,平均3.17 kg·m-2,且地下部分的生物量大于地上部分,两者比值为1.90~4.18,平均3.27,地下部分碳储量是地上部分的3倍有余。白洋淀湿地芦苇具有较强的固碳能力,为0.69~2.25 kg·m-2·a-1,是全国陆地植被平均固碳能力的1.4~4.6倍,全球植被平均固碳能力的1.7~5.5倍。与中国不同生态系统相比,白洋淀湿地芦苇种群的固碳能力强于城市、河流、湖泊等生态系统,与相同植被覆盖度的森林生态系统相当。白洋淀芦苇地上部分吸收氮元素的能力为12.05~35.21 g·m-2·a-1,平均18.74 g·m-2·a-1;吸收磷元素的能力为0.64~1.36 g·m-2·a-1,平均1.17 g·m-2·a-1。白洋淀湿地芦苇的光能利用率仅为0.50%~1.65%,若提高到植物理论最大光能利用率5.00%~6.00%,则固碳和释放O2能力可提高2.03~11.00倍,分别达到6.60~8.28 kg·m-2·a-1和18.70~22.44 kg·m-2·a-1,对氮、磷的吸收能力也会有较大的提高,潜力很大。另外,本研究发现白洋淀湿地芦苇的适宜收割时间为每年10月,每年通过收割白洋淀典型植被芦苇的地上部分可以获得综合经济收益3.89亿元(其中包括出售芦苇收益1.17亿元,固碳减排收益1.33亿元,释放O2收益1.24亿元,吸收氮元素收益0.12亿元与吸收磷元素收益0.03亿元),相当于安新县年国民生产总值的16.34%、白洋淀区域年旅游收入的60.78%,具有显著的经济效益与生态价值。建议加强对白洋淀湿地典型植被芦苇的研究和管理,做好综合利用,以增加地方财政收入,提高当地人民生活水平,促进白洋淀湿地各种生态服务功能的行使,推进社会主义新农村事业与和谐社会的建设,实现社会-经济-自然复合生态系统的全面发展。

【Abstract】 As the special habitat formed by the interaction between terra and water area, wetlands are considered one of the world’s three majoy ecosystems along with forests and oceans. Wetlands account for approximately 6.4% of the earth’s surface, provide habitats for nearly 20% of the known species on the earth, and have irreplaceable ecological functions. As the largest freshwater lake in north China, Baiyangdian Lake plays a significant role in protecting the environmental security of the whole basin and majoy cities. The lake mainly made up of marsh with nutritious soil, is a proper habitat for Phragmites australis. P.australis distributes widely in the wetland, is a typical vegetation and plays an important role in the process of the ecological functions. However, since the 1970’s, due to various reasons encountered, the wetland has been shrinking, and the P.australis area has also been fluctuating, at the same time the quality of P.australis has been downtrending and the production of P.australis has also been plummeting. This situation has not only affected the income of local farmers, but also affected the conservation of wetland biodiversity and its ecosystem services.This thesis used P.australis, the typical vegetation in Baiyangdian Lake, as an example to research the growth characteristics, soil physical and chemical parameters of the dominant vegetation in the typical wetlands in north China.The direct and indirect value of P.australis in ecosystem services was estimated, and the suitable harvest time of P.australis was also researched.The study found that the soil water content increased with the increasing depth, the minimum of which was in April and the maximum was in August; the contents of soil organic matter, total nitrogen and total phosphorus decreased with the increasing depth, the maximum of which appeared in the surface layer, and the changing trends in different layers over time are different; soil total nitrogen / total phosphorus ratio decreased with the increasing depth.The density of P.australis populations remained stable over time, showing the adaptation to environmental factors; the height and diameter of P.australis increased over time, and had the fastest growth rate during the main growing period; rhizome with the largest biomass, nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation, and the corresponding parameters of each component increased over time; lamina with high total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and the corresponding parameters of each component decreased over time; the maximum P.australis plant biomass, nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation were respectively in August, August and October, the maximum of corresponding parameters of aboveground were in October, August and June; the total nitrogen / total phosphorus ratio of the aboveground was higher than 16 in growing period, showing that phosphorus was the limiting factor to the growth of P.australis in this period.The P.australis in Baiyangdian Lake had a high biomass(6.48~9.13 kg·m-2, at an average of 7.18 kg·m-2), and carbon storage(2.86~4.04 kg·m-2, at an average of 3.17 kg·m-2). The underground biomass was larger than shoot biomass, and the ratio was over 3(1.90~4.18, at an average of 3.27). Thus underground carbon storage was more than 3 times that of shoot. A typical wetland like Baiyangdian Lake had a strong carbon fixation capacity, 0.69~2.25 kg·m-2·a-1, can be 1.4~4.6 times of the average carbon fixation of terrestrial vegetations in China, and 1.7~5.5 times of that of the world. According to the formula of light efficiency, it was still low, only 0.50%~1.65%. If the light efficiency were improved to be 5.00%~6.00%, the maximum value in theory, the carbon fixation and release oxygen capacity of the vegetation in the wetland would increase 2.03~11.00 times, reach 6.60~8.28 kg·m-2 and 18.70~22.44 kg·m-2 per year, the nitrogen and phosphorus absorption capacity would also increase accordingly, the potential ecosystem services would be huge.The suitable harvest time of P.australis was found to be October and the economic value made by harvest the aboveground parts can reach 389 million yuan(including the P.australis sale income 117 million yuan, emission reduction benefit of carbon fixation 133 million yuan, benefit of release oxygen 124 million yuan, benefit of nitrogen and phosphorus absorption 12 million yuan and 3 million yuan), which was equivalent to 16.34% of the gross national product of Anxin County and 60.78% of the tourism income of the region of Baiyangdian, and brought significant economic and ecological value. We suggest that the research and management of P.australis in Baiyangdian Lake should be reinforced and the P.australis should be put into comprehensive utilization so as to enhance local income and people’s living standard. Besides, local government should increase financial assistance to accelerate the ecosystem services of the wetland, promoting socialist rural construction and creating socialist harmonious society, and realizing development of all-round social-economic-natural complex ecosystem.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期