

The Study on Traditional News Media Guide Path Transformation

【作者】 钟时音

【导师】 韩立新;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 新闻学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 新千年后的十年,中国新闻舆论引导格局发生了深刻的变化。中国进入社会转型加速期,社会利益格局调整加快导致社会矛盾加剧,带来的一个直接变化就是群体性事件、突发性事件明显增多。互联网等传播新技术在中国广泛应用,一篇博文、一条帖子都可以成为舆论的中心,这彻底解构了传统媒体信息霸权地位。传媒体制改革加快、传播国际化等因素,也是影响新闻舆论引导格局变化的重要原因。在这样一个时代背景下,传统的舆论引导方式已不合时宜,新闻舆论导向具有繁杂性和紧迫性。当前,传统媒体仍是新闻舆论引导的主要工具,如何做好新闻舆论引导、增强舆论引导能力,是新形势下每一个传统媒体迫切需要解决的重要课题,党和国家对此殷切期望,并提出了新的要求。新形势下,传统媒体要做好新闻舆论引导,必然要进行新闻舆论引导路径转型。新闻舆论引导路径转型,并不是单纯地改变引导方式、提高引导技巧,而是全面地转变。第一,要转变观念。从传统的、单一的宣传体制桎梏中解放出来,确立“新闻导向”思想,按照新闻规律传播信息,引导舆论。第二,要转变心态。以受众为中心,保障受众知情权、参与权、表达权、监督权。长期以来,传统媒体掌握着信息传播的控制权,受众一直处于被动地位。改变信息传播的不对称,传统媒体应充分给予受众选择和表达的自由。另外,转变文风,转变视角,转变引导机制,拓宽渠道,这些都是传统媒体新闻舆论引导路径转型的重要选择。目前,业界、学界已经意识到新闻舆论引导路径转型的迫切性,但是研究还不充分。本文通过对近年来舆论事件的个案分析,试图归纳总结出当前传统媒体新闻舆论引导的成功经验与失误、教训,进而明确引导路径转型的方向,探寻引导路径转型的可行方法。这不仅对新闻实践有指导意义,同时对新闻舆论监督研究也有建设性意义。

【Abstract】 Ten years after the new millennium, the Chinese news media guide has undergone profound changes.Accelerate the social transformation of China into the community of interest adjustments increased to speed up the contradictions in society,change is directly caused by mass incidents,emergencies more.Internet dissemination of new technologies widely used in China, a blog post, a post can become the center of public opinion, which thoroughly deconstructs the hegemony of traditional media information. Media reform to speed up dissemination of international factors, also affect the pattern of changes in the news media to guide the important reasons. Under such a background in traditional media guide are outdated. At present, the traditional news media is the main instrument guiding public opinion news, how to do news media guide, enhanced ability to guide public opinion, is the new hem in the traditional media, the situation is an important topic, this earnestly hope the party and the country and put forward new requirements.The new situation, the traditional media to do the news media guide, is bound to lead the path to transformation of the news media. News media guide path transformation, not simply change the boot mode to improve skill guide, but a comprehensive change. First, we must change their ideas. From the traditional, single communication system, the shackles, the establishment of information legislation newspaper, news station established thinking, according to news dissemination of information law. Second, we must change the mentality. To the audience as the center to protect the audience right to information, participation, expression, and to oversee. Over the years, traditional media hold control over the dissemination of information, the audience has been in a passive position. Change the asymmetry of information dissemination, traditional media should be given to the audience choice and freedom of expression. In addition, change style, change perspective, change oriented mechanism, expand the channels are to guide the path of traditional media, the news media an important part in transition.Currently, the industry, academia is aware of the news media guide path transformation problem, but research is not sufficient.Based on the analysis of cases on public opinion in recent years,attempts have summarized the current traditional media,the news media to guide the successful experience and lessons from mistakes,and then clear the path to guide the direction of transition,to explore possible ways to guide the path of transformation. This is not only practical guiding significance to the press, at the same time by the news media research and constructive.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期