

The Research on the Impact of FDI To China Sustainable Development

【作者】 王艳玲

【导师】 李惠茹;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 国际贸易学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 经济全球化已经成为世界经济发展的主流,与此同时国际直接投资迅猛发展,随之而来,国际环境问题凸显,如温室气体效应、臭氧层空洞等,这些环境问题已经给世界经济发展带来了巨大威胁,甚至威胁到了人们的生命安全。在全球都在追求可持续发展这一背景下,研究FDI对可持续发展的影响作用,具有重大的理论意义和实践意义。根据中国利用外商直接投资行业数据,分析结果表明污染密集型产业,特别是严重污染密集型产业是外商直接投资的主要产业。由此可见,关注和探讨FDI对可持续发展的影响作用,就是试图充分发挥FDI对可持续发展的积极作用,减少其不利影响,推进世界可持续发展进程。国内外研究成果大部分只关注于FDI对可持续发展的影响作用的理论研究,缺乏实证分析,本文就是在前人研究成果的基础上,结合理论研究和实证分析,详细地阐述了FDI对可持续发展的影响作用,并提出了促进FDI有利于可持续发展的对策建议,为东道国更好地利用FDI提供了指导。论文以FDI与可持续发展的关系的基本界定为依据,从理论、现实以及实证分析角度,探讨FDI对可持续发展的影响作用,以此得出发挥FDI对可持续发展的积极作用途径。具体而言,论文主要研究内容及观点是:1.理论层面,从FDI对经济可持续发展和生态可持续发展的影响方面进行了梳理和解析。新经济增长理论表明,FDI为东道国带来了先进的技术,而技术是推动经济增长的内在动力,所以FDI促进了东道国的经济增长;污染产业转移论说明FDI不利于东道国的环境保护;而“波特”假说则强调环境标准较低的国家和地区,有充足的理由和空间,提高自身的环境标准,FDI有利于东道国的环境保护。2.现实影响层面,从FDI对经济可持续发展、生态可持续发展、区域可持续发展三个角度,阐述了FDI对中国可持续发展的影响,结果显示FDI促进了中国经济的发展,但是FDI不利于中国生态的可持续发展和区域的可持续发展。3.实证分析层面,运用广义差分法和格兰杰因果检验法,针对FDI对中国可持续发展进行了实证分析,分析结果显示FDI促进了中国经济增长的同时,也加深了中国生态环境的恶化程度。4.对策层面,提出了促进FDI有利于可持续发展的对策建议。首先要协调对外开放与环境保护的关系,提高引资质量;其次,通过加强对FDI的宏观调控,为其提供充足的人力资本,充分发挥FDI对可持续发展的积极作用;再次,加强国际合作,调动发达国家和发展中国家所有力量,提高FDI的社会责任感;最后,充分利用FDI在清洁发展机制方面的作用,提高可持续发展能力。

【Abstract】 Economic globalization has become the mainstream of world economic development. The result of economic globalization is the rapid development of international direct investment. Followed by inflow of FDI, the international environmental issues appear, such as the greenhouse effect, ozone hole. These environmental issues have threatened economic development of the world, even people’s lives. In this context of the pursuit of sustainable development, the study of the impact of FDI on sustainable development has great theoretical significance and practical significance. According to the data of foreign direct investment in china, results show that the pollution-intensive industries, especially the serious pollution-intensive industries are the major industries for foreign direct investment. Thus, concerning and exploring the impact of FDI on sustainable development is an attempt to bring the positive role for sustainable development and reduce its negative impacts. It promotes the sustainable development process in the world. Research achievements about the impact of FDI on sustainable development at home and abroad are mostly focused on theoretical research. It is the lack of empirical analysis. Based on the results of previous research, this paper combines theoretical study and empirical analysis. In detail, it gives FDI’s influence to sustainable development. It provides guidance for host countries in making better use of FDI.Paper is based on the relationship between FDI and sustainable development. The paper gives the role of FDI on sustainable development, defined as the fundamental basis of theory, reality and perspective of empirical analysis. It offers advice for the host government. In particular, the thesis research content and perspectives are as flow:1. From the theory, parsing the impact of FDI to economic sustainable development and ecologically sustainable development. The new economic growth theory shows that FDI brings advanced technology for the host country. While technology is the internal driving force of economic growth, so FDI promotes economic growth of the host country. The theories about the transfer of polluting industries explain that the FDI is not conducive to environmental protection in the host country. The "Porter Hypothesis" stresses good reasons and space to improve their own environmental standards in the country with lower environmental standards. FDI is conducive to environmental protection in the host country.2. From a practical side, for example our country, it describes the impact of FDI on sustainable development, from economic sustainable development, ecologically sustainable development, social sustainable development. The results show that FDI contributes to economic sustainable development, but FDI is not conducive to ecological sustainable development and social sustainable development in China.3. From the empirical analysis level, the paper uses generalized difference method and the Granger causality test for the effect of FDI to sustainable development in China. The results show that FDI contributes to economic growth and the deterioration of the environment in China.4. From the response level, it gives the countermeasures and proposals in order to promote the good effect of FDI to sustainable development. First of all, coordinate the relationship between open and Environmental Protection to improve the quality of foreign investment; secondly, by strengthening the macro-control of FDI and providing adequate human capital, FDI can fully play the positive role for sustainable development; once again by strengthening international cooperation, developed and developing countries mobilize all the forces to raise FDI’s sense of social responsibility; and finally, make full use the role of FDI in the clean development mechanism, and improve capacity of sustainable development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】F832.6;F124
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】531
  • 攻读期成果