

Studies on Evaluation Index Systemof Country Park

【作者】 李婷婷

【导师】 车生泉; 陈伟;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 风景园林, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 郊野公园起源于二十世纪六十年代的英国,并在我国的香港地区得到长足发展。中国内地近些年引入了郊野公园的概念,并在东部发达城市进行了大量的探索性建设。但在郊野公园的建设中,始终缺乏一个科学、合理、可操作的评价指标体系,以致出现一些盲目跟风建设的现象。本研究综述了郊野公园的概念、起源、历史和发展,比较了郊野公园与其他公园的异同,分析了郊野公园的类型和特征,重点讨论了郊野公园的结构和功能,为构建以功能为导向的郊野公园评价指标体系奠定了理论基础。体系构建从指标选取、权重确定和综合评分三方面展开。初始阶段通过大量查阅文献资料和专家访谈,按照功能分类,搜集原始指标30个。其次,应用德尔斐法确定评价指标24个。再次,应用层次分析法计算了24个指标各自的权重。并按5分制标准,制定了综合打分的原则,从而构建了郊野公园评价指标体系。最后,以上海近几年建成的滨江森林公园、顾村公园和海湾国家森林公园三个典型郊野公园为研究对象,进行综合评价,所得结果客观真实的反映了三个公园的建设情况,从而也验证了郊野公园评价指标体系的科学性、合理性和可操作性,使得该体系的进一步推广和应用成为可能。

【Abstract】 The concept of Country Park derived from the United Kingdom in1960’s, and it was developed greatly in Hong Kong District. There are many country parks were constructed in developed cities of Eastern China recent years. But there is no scientific, logical, operable Evaluation Index System.The concept, origin, history and development of country parks were summarized in this paper. The difference between country parks and other parks was compared. The types and characteristics of country parks were analyzed. The structures and functions of country parks were discussed especially. Those researches established the foundation for building functional Evaluation Index System of Country Park.Then the system establishing includes three parts: selecting indexes, confirming weights and integrated grade. In the beginning 30 original indexes were searched by referring lots of literatures and visiting specialists. At the same time these indexes were classified according to the functions. Secondly 24 indexes were confirmed by Delphi technique whose weights were calculated by Analytical Hierarchy Process. The rule of integrated grade was made in accordance with the five-grade marking system. The Evaluation Index System of Country Park was established through these measures.Binjiang Forest Park, Gucun Park and Haiwan National Forest Park which were three typical county parks in Shanghai are selected as study cases. The results showed that, it reflects the construction circumstances of these parks objectively and truly. The Country Park Evaluation Index System is scientific, logical and operable. It is possible to extend the system to all country parks in China.
