

A Market Access Method Driven Research for Government Process Reengineering

【作者】 金盈

【导师】 樊博;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 公共管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 在网络信息化、经济全球化的社会环境,源于工商企业管理的流程再造理论纷纷被引入公共部门,已成为政府提高行政效率,提升竞争力和公信力的有效工具。在我国政府行政管理体制的改革中,也已着手政府相关流程的再造,其中市场主体准入流程作为政府流程再造的组成部分,因与经济发展的直接相关性,已成为近几年我国政府流程再造的重点之一。本文运用政府流程再造的基本理论,借鉴发达国家的经验,对于中国政府体制改革语境下的基于市场主体准入领域的政府流程再造进行了积极的研究和探讨。文章主要内容由以下几部分组成:第一章“绪论”,在对背景、国内外的研究现状进行梳理的基础上,引出本文的论题和创新点,一是研究领域创新,本文主要的研究领域是市场主体准入这一颇具实践意义的领域,二是研究角度创新,主要侧重于跨部门流程再造。第二章“市场主体准入流程再造的理论基础”,界定了流程、政府流程、政府流程再造的内涵之后,文章分析了市场主体准入流程的基本要素,论证了将之引入政府流程再造领域的基础。在此基础上阐明了再造的理论基础:新公共服务理论明确了政府以为公民服务为宗旨的,阐明了流程再造的价值取向;业务流程再造理论、无缝隙政府理论是市场主体准入流程再造的支撑。第三章“我国市场主体准入流程再造的探索和实践”,介绍了我国传统市场主体准入流程的分类、特点和弊端,回顾了十年来我国市场主体准入流程再造的形式和成果,并分析了再造困境的产生原因。第四章“国外政府流程再造的经验借鉴”,以美国、新加坡为例介绍了发达国家政府流程再造的历程、市场主体准入流程再造的典型案例和值得借鉴的经验。第五章“基于市场主体准入的政府流程再造的发展策略”,针对我国市场主体准入流程再造的困境,运用公共管理的相关理论,并借鉴国际经验,提出我国市场主体准入流程再造的步骤安排和四项配套措施。第六章“个案研究——上海市场主体准入流程再造”,介绍了2009年开始的上海新一轮市场主体准入流程再造的背景和基本过程,也客观分析了再造的存在问题和持续改进措施。文章将理论与实践相结合,试图构建与我国市场经济建设和行政管理体制改革目标相匹配的新型市场主体准入流程,不断优化我国投资软环境,促进经济快速健康发展。

【Abstract】 In connection with the informatization based on the Internet as well as the globalization of the economy, Business Process Reengineering, has been introduced to public department.Government Process Reengineering has become an effective instrument of improving the administrative efficiency, competitiveness and creditability of governments.The Chinese government has also launched the reengineering of government process of market access in the governmental administration reform, as part of which, the reengineering of government process of market access, for its intimate tie with the economic development, has become one of the crucial points. This dissertation will apply the basic theory of government process reengineering in researching and discussion of the approval process of market access involving multiple governmental authorities in the context of the Chinese government’s administrative reform. This dissertation include the chapters as follows:Chapter One: An Introduction. After an introduction and analysis of the background and the current situation of the research in this area both internationally and domestically, this chapter will raise the subject of the dissertation as well as its contributions to the research in this area, which include first that it focuses the research area on a specific, practically valuable one, namely the government process of market access, and second that the research particularly focuses its perspective on the restructuring of the approval process involving multiple governmental authorities.Chapter Two: The Fundamental Theory of The Reengineering of Government Process of Market Access. By examining certain concepts including process, governmental process, market access administration, government process of market access and government process reengineering , this Chapter elaborates the theory foundation of this dissertation, namely, the innovative theory of new public service which requires governments to serve citizens as its primary purpose founds the value orientation of government process reengineering, the theory of business process reengineering and the theory of seamless government as directly related to the restructuring are pillars of the reengineering of the government process of market access.Chapter There: The Practices of The Reengineering of Government Process of Market Access in China. This Chapter depicts and review the current status of the restructuring of the government process of market access and the attempts with respect thereto by different local governments for a decade, and also to analyze the obstacles confronted inrespect of the system and strategies. Chapter Four: Experience From The Reengineering of Government Process of Foreign countries. This Chapter takes the United States and Singapore as examples to introduce the history, classical cases and valuable experiences of developed countries.Chapter Five: Objects and Suggestion of The Reengineering of The Government Process of Market Access in china. This Chapter discusses the underlying motives for advancing the present reengineering of the government process of market access and specifies the goals thereof should be“High Efficiency, Regulation, Convenience for People, and Science-Oriented.”It also proposes the four principles to be sustained in the reconstructing as well as the basic strategic choices.Chapter Six: Empirical Study -- Shanghai as an Experimental Case: The Chapter analyzes the sample data of the current reengineering of the government process of market access as initiated in 2009 by the Shanghai government.In addition, the chapter analyzes the problems that may exist in the reengineering and possible measures to make constant improvements.The dissertation tries to, by abridging theory and practice, more specifically, an application of the academic theory of public administration in guiding the reengineering of the government process of market access, outline a creative approval process of market access comparable with the goals of China’s efforts to establish a market economy and to reform the administrative system, so as to continue to optimize the soft environment for investments and to further the healthy and rapid development of the economy of China.
