

Gyrocompass System Study for Vessel Attitude Determination Utilizing Global Positioning System

【作者】 王博雄

【导师】 翟传润;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 导航制导与控制, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 利用GPS实现航向指示的设备称为卫星罗经(GPS罗经),由于其具有体积小、精度高、速度快、易安装、免维护、价格低廉、不受磁场分布影响、没有累积误差等优势,可以成为传统电/磁罗经的主要替代设备。低成本航向确定技术在民用船舶导航上的应用一直是国际导航界研究的热点问题,因此使用GPS进行载体姿态测量是近年来GPS应用技术领域的重要方向,并且越来越多的应用于航海、航天等领域。该方法主要是利用安装在载体上的多个GPS天线接收到的载波相位等信息进行差分解算,实时求解载体两维或者三维度姿态角信息。而在姿态测量的整体算法中,关键技术在于初始时刻整周模糊度的解算和姿态/航向确定算法。本文主要包括GPS测姿基本原理、载波相位差分技术、整周模糊度搜索以及仿真、实时姿态测量算法的实验验证及分析研究。本文在以下几个理论方面问题进行了深入研究,首先在姿态方程解算方面,本文对姿态测量方程的传统求解原理和方法进行介绍,重点对公式解析法进行深入研究。其次,对于整周模糊度搜索算法的研究,本论文首先对传统方法进行研究(如LAMBDA、最小二乘法等),在此基础上提出限制基线长的解析公式法,并将其应用到实际系统软件中。同时,本文讨论针对双差模型测姿过程中,利用进行线性组合的方法避免整周模糊度重新初始化。最后,对于RAIM算法引入姿态测量的应用进行了分析和实验,减小计算量、提高了解算速度、精度和稳定度。实验方面,在由三块SuperStar II OEM接收机、PC104工控机等搭建的测姿系统平台上,进行了实地数据采集以及实时处理等实验。实验结果验证:基于公式解析法的船用GPS罗经系统输出可以达到0.1°至0.2°的测姿精度。本文对实验中采集的结果、卫星数据及结果误差进行了深入的分析,并对该系统的下一步应用开发提出了规划和设计思路。

【Abstract】 GPS gyrocompass is a crucial instrument used in navigation and attitude determination aspects. It has many advantages such as little volume, high precision, convenient, uninfluenced by magnetic field and no errors accumulation and so on. An essential trend is noticed that GPS gyrocompass will replace the traditional compass in some applications. Low-cost direction determination for civil ship has long been an issue of great interest in navigation. Recently, the attitude determination study has been focused more and more in the application of GPS study. The main idea of this method is to calculate the attitude parameters of the differencing equations by the observations received from GPS broadcast. The most important and difficult point of this technology is to find out the integer ambiguity combinations and resolve the attitude angles accurately in a short time.The main work in this paper includes the principle of attitude determination, carrier differencing method, integer ambiguity searching algorithm and attitude determination test. The major contributions and roadmap of the thesis are summarized as follows. Firstly, having a deep study and discussing about the hybrid analytical method. This method can help advance the real-time calculation and optimize the process of the searching work. Secondly, along with a length constraint of baseline, the improved algorithm can reduce the search span effectively, and this method will be important for the initialization step. Thirdly, a new method which reduces the times of restart in many different environments is discussed in the paper. The fourth one is the RAIM algorithm which is introduced to help advance the accuracy and stability of attitude results. The fifth part of the paper gives the experiment process in attitude determination. The test is carried out in the campus environment and the main equipments we used in the experiment are Super-Star II receivers and PC-104 machine. Results of this system are analyzed and compared with the traditional method in detail, while the precision of the system can be up to 0.1°to 0.2°rms around. Finally, it should be noticed that the study in this paper should not only be used on ship navigation but also could be applied to airocraft in the future.
