

Transformation of Medium Small Chemical Design Institute to Engineering Company

【作者】 赵洪涛

【导师】 刘欣;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先对论题中的相关概念,如“转型”、“中小型化工设计院(MSCDI)”、“工程公司”等进行了界定,确定了研究对象、内容,对转型研究的背景和意义进行了分析。在此基础上,本文对目前国内的化工设计市场进行了大量的深入细致的调查,把市场参与者归并为三类,即大型石油和化工设计院(LEC)、外资(或合资)工程公司(FEC)及中小型化工设计院(MSCDI)。本文对MSCDI的现状从行业管理、企业改制、人力资本、劳动生产率、基础管理能力等几个方面进行了剖析,并对目前国内化工设计市场上的的三类参与者进行了全方位的比较分析。本文明确,表征工程公司特有的组织能力、运作体系等,用以构筑“工程公司软实力”的要素,包括设计体制、项目管理、技术质量管理、流程管理等,是MSCDI向工程公司转型的关键所在。为了对转型的研究更加地具有针对性,本文综合相关文献对我国的工程咨询业、发达国家的工程设计机构类型、工程公司的基本特点等进行了阐述,并结合国际型工程公司运作的22个要素,对比MSCDI的情况,逐一地进行了实施转型操作可行性的判断和评价。通过对工程公司运作的分析,本文明确:工程公司是典型的项目化组织;工程公司项目管理是PMI项目管理体系的具体实践;项目的矩阵式管理是工程公司项目管理的显著特点。本文认为,提高项目管理和项目控制能力是MSCDI向工程公司转型的重中之重。找到转型问题需解决的关键要素后,本文对“MSCDI向工程公司转型”这一论题进行了更为详细的SWOT分析,并逐条提出了应对措施和解决方案。然后,本文从标识MSCDI和工程公司宏观差别的地方,即企业主营业务在单纯设计项目和总承包相关项目的分配上,结合相关文献,对MSCDI向工程公司的转型探讨并设定了可行路径,即建议MSCDI采用“循序渐进”的方式推动转型。考虑到转型的成本代价以及MSCDI的自身特点,本文在目前国家对于化工工程设计行业资质管理和个人从业资格管理逐渐和国际接轨的新形势下,不失时机地提出了“MSCDI联合体”以及“网上工程公司”的构想,并作为本文的创新点。由于转型工作涉及企业经营管理的各个方面,为了便于对转型工作进行有效实施,本文在论文的最后阶段,从操作层面上,对MSCDI向工程公司转型的着力点进行了深入的分析。提出的主要措施具体包括:设计管理上建立矩阵式运行机制、营销管理上重视和控制前期报价、以项目管理为核心推进项目经理负责制、逐步建立完善的适合自身特点的技术质量管理体系、提高项目管理和控制能力是转型的核心要素、强化流程管理能力是转型的基本手段等。

【Abstract】 The thesis defined the related concept in the topic firstly, which was described“transformation”、“medium-small chemical design institute(MSCDI)”、“engineering company(EC)”. The research object and research content were established. After discussing the background and necessity of MSCDI’s transformation to EC, the author carried out a large amount of investigation on domestic chemical design market, and got the lists of almost all the chemical design related enterprises in China. The thesis classified the enterprises as 3 types, which were large petro&chemical design institutes or engineering company(LEC), foreign or joint venture engineering company(FEC) and MSCDI.The thesis analyzed MSCDI’s status quo by their industry administration, enterprise restructuring, human resource structure, labor’s production rate, general management capacity, etc. Then, in order to find out the gap between MSCDI and LEC, the thesis compared in details all of the 3 types participants in domestic chemical design market. And the author indicated definitely that, the unusual organization capacity and operation system, which were used to express the“EC’s soft-power”, including design system, project management, technique &quality management, process management and so on, were key factors of transformation of MSCDI to EC.To research the transformation more convictively, the thesis reviewed our state’s engineering consulting industry’s history, summarized the engineering design organization styles of western developed countries and analyzed the basic characteristics of EC. According to the 22 elements of the international EC’s operation, the thesis evaluated every element one by one, comparing with the MSCDI’s situation, found the differences and pointed the ways to improve. Then, the thesis concluded that EC was a typical projectized organization, whose project management was the real practice of PMI’s project management system, and that matrix management was the distinct characteristic of EC’project management. The thesis also got the idea that to improve the project management capacity was the most important factor of the transformation of MSCDI to EC.Then the thesis used the SWOT tools to analyze the transformation of MSCDI to EC, provided corresponding treatment measures or problem solutions one by one. To find the appropriate and feasible route map from MSCDI to EC, the thesis suggested MSCDI to adopt the“step by step in proper sequence”mode to promote the transformation based on the ratio distribution of MSCDI’s single design business to the EPC (general contract) business.Consideration of the cost constraints of the transformation and MSCDI’s characteristics, applying the new changes in qualification management on enterprise and personnel after WTO, the thesis brought forward the concepts of“MSCDI combo”and“network engineering company”, which were actually this thesis’s innovation points.Though the transformation research was dealt with almost all aspects of MSCDI’s enterprise management, the thesis analyzed the key points for operation of transformation of MSCDI to EC in the article’s last stages in order to implement the transformation effectively and efficiently. The key points, together with feasible treasures, discussed in the thesis were as following: 1) to set up matrix operation mechanism in design management; 2) to pay more attention on and control projects’prophase quotation;3) to promote project manager’s responsibility and organize all of company’issues centering around project management; 4) to work up applicable and self-contained technique &quality management system; 5) to improve project managing and controlling capacity which is the core factor of transformation; and 6) to enhance the process management that is the basic measure of transformation of MSCDI to EC.
