

Study on Impact Factors of RFID System Performance Based C1G2 Protocol

【作者】 汪幸

【导师】 王东;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着射频识别技术(RFID)在各个行业内的应用日益广泛,人们对于RFID系统性能的要求也越来越高。基于UHF RFID系统工作频段的特殊性以及读写原理的特点,不同的应用场景会存在削弱RFID读取性能的众多影响因子。尽管目前一些功能强大的读写器可以提供各种配置参数以降低这些影响因子对系统性能的影响,然而由于RFID系统实施人员缺乏对现有读写器中各种配置参数的了解,无法很好地调整这些参数,只能通过不断的现场测试以达到预期的读取效果,降低了现场实施的效率。如何提高UHF RFID系统的读取性能和现场实施的效率,成为了RFID系统部署所面临的巨大挑战。本文从目前UHF频段应用最广泛的C1G2协议出发,研究了实际应用场景中UHF RFID系统性能影响因子与读写器操作层配置参数之间的依赖关系,设计了基于影响因子的读写器配置参数自动调控平台,以提高现场实施的工作效率。提出了一种基于启发式排序算法的增量调控技术:根据不同的应用场景,定义一系列影响因子,分析影响因子之间的依赖关系;计算每一个读写器配置参数对系统性能指标的贡献度,并根据贡献度的大小确定参数调控的优先级顺序。贡献度一共分为四级,级数越低,贡献度越高。具有同级贡献度的参数则通过计算每个参数的得分来比较贡献度的大小,最终得到参数调控序列。通过该增量调控技术,可以提高UHF RFID系统的读取性能,并加快现场实施的速度。本文首先分析了UHF RFID现场实施中存在的问题,结合C1G2协议提出了RFID系统性能影响因子的网络层次;通过静态和动态实验设计,分析了读写器配置参数对读取性能的影响,确定了应用层与操作层影响因子之间的依赖关系,并在此基础上提出了基于影响因子的自动调控技术;然后,对读写器配置参数自动调控平台的架构进行设计,分析了关键模块的工作流程;最后通过实验,验证了本文提出的自动调控算法的有效性。

【Abstract】 With the increasingly widespread application of RFID technology in various industries, the performance requirement of RFID system becomes more and more demanding. Moreover, due to the working frequency and principles of UHF RFID system, there are many impact factors which degrade RFID reading performance in different scenarios. Although there are many powerful RFID reader which can provide various configuration parameters to decrease the effect caused by these impact factors. However, many RFID system deployment personnel do not understand the function of configuration parameters, so they can’t take advantage of these parameters to achieve the expected reading performance efficiently. Therefore, how to enhance the reading performance of UHF RFID system as well as improve the efficiency of the implementation on site becomes an enormous challenge in RFID deployment field.From the perspective of C1G2 protocol which is most used at UHF band, this thesis studies the dependency between RFID performance impact factors and the reader configuration parameters. Also the automatic control platform for RFID reader configuration parameters is designed to improve the efficiency of implementation on site. An incremental control method is proposed based on heuristic ordering algorithm. First we define a series of impact factors according to the different application scenarios, and then we analyze the dependency between the impact factors. After that we calculate the contribution indicators for each configuration parameters and decide the operation priority accordingly. There are four levels of contribution indicators. The lower level stands for higher contribution. For the parameters which have the same contribution level, the score is calculated in order to obtain the final regulatory sequence. Through the incremental control method, the reading performance of RFID system can be improved, and the speed of the RFID deployment is also accelerated.This thesis first analyzes the on-site implementation problems of UHF RFID system, and then proposes a network hierarchy of performance impact factors based on C1G2 protocol. Through the static and mobile experimental design, this thesis studies the impact of reader configuration parameters on reading performance and determines the dependence between the impact factors of application layer and operation layer. On this basis, we propose heuristic ordering algorithm, then design the framework of automatic control platform for reader configuration parameters as well as analyze the workflow of key modules. Finally we verify the effectiveness of automatic control algorithm through experiments.
