

Software Quality Control and Management for Open-source Based Commercial Software

【作者】 杨磊

【导师】 张忠能;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 项目管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,计算机软件的复杂性不断提高和规模不断扩大,商业软件项目经常会发生软件产品交付延期、软件质量低劣等问题,甚至最终导致整个软件项目的失败。而开源社区却在同样情况下,却创造了很多成功软件项目。这引起了许多软件企业的重视并积极参与,兴起一些采用开源模式开发的商业软件项目。但是,许多软件公司在采用开源软件开发模式进行商业软件项目的过程中发现项目管理的方法、理念上存在巨大的反差甚至是冲突,无法顺利的开发基于开源的商业软件系统。本文主要致力于研究公司在开源的商业软件系统开发的项目中如何进行有效地修正和整合现有的商业软件和开源软件项目的管理资源、管理方法,特别是软件质量控制和管理方面进行了多方面探讨和深入分析,从而最终满足各方面用户对软件质量的要求。本文重点从传统商业软件与开源软件在软件开发项目管理上的不同之处入手,讨论了基于开源的商业软件系统在软件质量管理中容易遇到的三大问题——需求管理,质量控制流程和方法以及软件质量持续改进的重点。结合项目管理和软件工程理论,本文研究并提出了对于开源软件和商业软件不同的软件项目需求-资源配置模型,并以此模型为指导,通过研究移动操作系统平台项目(M项目)的质量控制和管理过程,提出了改善需求管理、质量控制流程和软件质量持续改进的可行性方法:动态需求演进(DRE),双目标管理(DOM),基于软件缺陷的易用性评估(BBUA)。并且,本文最后对这三种方法进一步推广,提出基于开源的商业软件系统质量控制和管理框架——质量屋(QoH)模型。

【Abstract】 Today, software is more and more complicated and larger. This leads to commercial software project delay, low quality and project fail. On the other hand, under same conditions, Open Source community creates many large and complicated but successful software projects. As a result, more and more software companies are interested in Community and join Open Source projects and deliver the software to their commercial customers. Unfortunately, not all companies are smooth to go into Open Source Community, the huge gap of project management methodologies and conceptions between commercial and Open Source software make the old problems happen, even worse. According to this situation, this paper is focusing on integration of resources and managing conception when companies are working on Open Source based commercial software, especially on the aspects of software quality control and management.The research in this paper gets start from the differences of project management on Open Source and commercial software. By researching, author identified 3 major issues companies may met in Open Source based commercial software project: Requirement Management, Quality Assurance process and the points to improve software quality. By referencing results from software engineering and project management research, this paper builds a Software Requirement-Resource Deployment Model (SRRDM). In additional, based the model and by researching a realistic project (M project) , this paper identifies 3 methodologies to optimize software quality management of Requirement, Quality Assurance processes and software quality improvement: Dynamic Requirement Evolution (DRE), Double-Objective Management (DOM) and Bug-Based Usability Assessment (BBUA). Furthermore, this paper concludes the 3 methodologies as one Quality Control and Management Framework: Quality of House (QoH) model.
