

Study on Equipment Maintanence Plan of Dynamic Uncertain Environment in Process Enterprise

【作者】 徐慧

【导师】 严隽琪;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 保持设备的良好运行状态是企业进行安全、高效生产的重要保障。提高设备的维修管理水平,尤其是制定优化的设备维修计划又是保持设备良好运行状态、提高设备利用率的关键。流程制造业具有生产过程连续、自动化程度高、工艺复杂且涉及复杂的物理变化及化学变化等特点,使得设备的维修管理工作在该行业的企业管理中占据了十分重要的地位,亦使得维修计划的制定具有一定的行业特征:各台设备维修之间具有较强的关联性,维修计划的制定受设备性能状况、有害排放物排量等多不确定因素的影响。本文在总结流程制造企业设备维修计划制定特点的基础上,提出了在设备可靠性、设备状态、生产等多动态不确定影响因素下的流程制造业设备维修计划的制定方法,开发了相关网络化信息应用系统模块,并在某橡胶企业得到应用验证。主要的研究工作有以下几个方面:1.提出了流程制造企业动态不确定环境下设备维修计划制定技术框架。在对企业常用维修方式分析比较及对流程制造企业维修计划制定的特点的基础上,提出该框架。框架分为多数据采集、数据处理、计划制定及应用等多个层次。2.研究了设备可靠性分析方法和关键设备识别方法,为维修计划的制定提供数据基础。通过对设备故障数据的统计分析,获取设备可靠性指标函数;利用模糊综合评判方法,兼顾考虑设备的故障特性、故障后果、维修费用、安全风险等因素,进行关键设备的识别。实时监测关键设备的运行状态并对维修计划作出针对性的调整。3.提出了多动态不确定环境下流程制造企业设备动态维修计划制定方法。该方法包括以设备可靠性为中心的预防维修模型和针对多不确定因素(设备性能劣化、实时生产状况、有害排放物排量超标等)的动态调整模型。两个模型的结合可以实现维修计划的多阶段动态调整。4.开发了设备维修计划系统模块。基于.NET技术开发了维修计划的制定系统模块,该系统同时可以对维修工作进行网络化管理,并在某轮胎橡胶企业密炼车间的设备管理系统中得到应用。

【Abstract】 The well equipment operation status is an important guarantee for the safety and high efficient production. A high managament level of equipment maintanence, especially making an optimiziong mantainence plan is the key point of keeping good operation status and utilization ratio of the equipment. High automatic level, continuous production process and complex production technology, which are the characheters of the process enterprise, caused many requirements on mantainence plan. The maintanence of different equipments affect a lot with each other, and the maintancence plan will be influented by the equipment status and some other factors. Based on the analysis of the mantainence method in the process enterprise, a new way of maintenance plan making under the equipment reliability, equipment status and some other uncertain factors is been established, a related system is also been developed. The main research contents of this paper are as following:1. Different maintenance ways is been discussed, and an framework of the maintancence plan making system is built based on the the characters of the production process, There are four layers in the framework: data collecting layer, data processing layer, plan making layer, and imply layer.2. Equipment reliability has been researched, and a key equipment recognition method is been established. After statistical analysis of the failure data, reliability fuction has been made. The key equipment is been identified using the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation method.3. Equipment maintance plan of dynamic uncertain environment has been made. Preventive maintenance plan, which is been made using the preventive maintenance model, will be adjusted for some uncertain influencing factors and become the dynamic equipment maintance plan.4. A dynamic maintenance plan system based on the B/S and .NET technology is also been developed.
