

Research on Design Methodology of Theouter Configuration Regarding SHOPPING Malls in Shanghai

【作者】 巢尔康

【导师】 张健;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 大型购物中心(Shopping Mall)代表了购物的新潮流,从一个侧面反映一个国家经济发展和生活消费水平。上海作为中国改革开放的前沿和经济增长的龙头,其Shopping Mall在数量和规模上位居全国之首,但目前并没有对其进行系统的研究。对上海的Shopping Mall进行总结具有现实的理论意义和未来的实践指导意义。本文从上海诞生的第一家Shopping Mall开始,对至今已建成的所有Shopping Mall进行实地调研,在大量的第一手资料基础上,整理归纳出其现状及基本特点;根据建筑形态学的原理,对其进行理论分析,提炼出其建筑外部形态的构成要素及系统构成;在上述基础上,总结出上海Shopping Mall建筑外部形态的创作手法及其发展趋势。本文的基本内容:第一章为绪论,明确研究课题的意义、目的和方法,并对国内外研究现状进行简要叙述;第二章为一些相关基本概念的界定,并对我国,尤其是上海Shopping Mall的现状特点进行概括;第三章通过调查问卷的形式,分析了消费者对Shopping Mall外部形态的综合要求;第四章为Shopping Mall外部形态的系统构成要素,主要分析了形体、主立面、广告及广告位三大构成要素的特点及其构成方式;第五章针对上述三大构成要素和系统构成,实例分析上海Shopping Mall外部形态的创作手法;第六章在前五章的基础上,提出了Shopping Mall外部形态的评价原则和发展趋势。

【Abstract】 The development of Shopping Mall represents the latest trend of shopping and consumption. It also indicates the nation’s economic status and signifies future potential. As the forefront of China’s opening up and reform, Shanghai boasts the most advanced economy. The number and scale of Shopping Malls in Shanghai are larger than those in any other cities of China. Therefore, the research and analysis of Shopping Malls in Shanghai is quite meaningful in both theoretical and practical aspects.Start from the first Shopping Mall in Shanghai, based on lots of survey and the theories of Architecture Morphologic, this paper summarizes their actualities and characteristic. Through the studies of Outer Configuration of Shopping Mall, the paper summarizes the Design Methodology of Outer Configuration of Shopping Mall and an evaluation principle will be set in order to construct a foundation for a better Shopping Mall designing in theory.The main thread of the dissertation is: Ch. 1 Introduction, Ch. 2 Terms Defining, such as Shopping Mall Categorizing and Outer Configuration, Ch. 3 Demands of customers relay to the Outer Configuration of Shopping Mall, Ch. 4 Composing Elements, including its Configuration, Main Facades and Advertisements, Ch. 5 Design methodology and Ch. 6 Evaluation principle and Conclusion.
