

Performance Management System Establishment in De-ya Company and Related Think Shanghai Jiao Tong University

【作者】 康健民

【导师】 诸葛海; 马忠德;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 项目管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年来中国的汽车整车市场迅猛发展,与之相配套的汽车零部件企业也进入了快速发展的阶段。为了加强在中国市场的竞争力,许多跨国公司纷纷在中国成立独资的研发中心,大量聘用中国的工程师从事产品的研发工作,因此中国人才市场上出现了汽车研发人员“供不应求”的情况。这种情况对研发人员及研发型企业都产生了巨大的影响。对于研发人员,他们面临“矛盾”的选择:一方面市场给他们提供了“频繁跳槽”获取高薪的机会;另一方面他们需要“稳定的环境”来积累知识和技能,提高自身价值,并从企业对自己价值的认同中获得成就感。而对于研发型企业,他们也很“矛盾”:一方面为了提高企业的研发能力,企业必须投入大量的人力、物力和财力对员工进行培训;而另一方面当员工对企业不满意而选择离开时,企业又要面临巨大的损失。如何达到员工满意及企业发展“双赢”的局面成为所有管理者最关注的事情。现代绩效管理理论正是基于“以人为本”的理念在企业中得到越来越广泛的应用。本论文的选题来源于汽车零部件行业德国独资的亚太研发中心(德亚公司)在三年中面临的人力资源管理问题,从单纯的绩效考核冲突一直发展到全体研发人员工作积极性的减少。为激发研发人员的积极性并完成该公司的战略目标,笔者尝试利用所学的项目管理工具对该企业作深入地分析,包括研发工作内容分析、研发人员所需能力分析、中德员工基于文化差异的沟通问题分析,并在此基础上利用现代绩效管理的理念建立该企业新的绩效管理体系及绩效考核体系,最终达到研发人员的业绩与企业业绩共同提高的目的。本文所列的成果都是由该企业全体研发人员共同讨论产生的,并已经在现在的工作中得以实施。笔者希望本文中的思考方法及过程中的一些具体分析能对类似企业有一定的参考意义。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the Chinese automotive market grown up rapidly and the correlative automotive component’s company also had quick development in China. In order to keep competition in Chinese automotive market, many foreign automotive component’s company build up R&D center in China, that makes product engineers who worked in automotive industry in the situation as“demands exceeds supply”in Chinese human resource market. Both product engineers and enterprises get huge influence from this situation. From one side, product engineers have lots of chance to jump from one company to another for higher offer, but to get success of their career, they need to stay in one company for long time to improve their ability. From other side, to increase the competition in the market, enterprises have to pay a lot for engineer’s training, but with the engineer’s left, enterprises get a huge loss. How to keep“win-win”situation between engineers and enterprises becomes the key job for human resource manager, modern performance management theory based on“people oriented”philosophy start to be widely used in many enterprises.This dissertation originates from the practical human resource problem in DE-YA company which is an Asia R&D center of German automotive component’s manufacturing group. During three years, the problem started with performance evaluation conflict and later it became to no positivity of all engineers. In order to reach the strategy target of company, I made a deep study including product study、engineer ability study、communication problem study based on different culture between Chinese and German with project management tools; also I established the performance management system and performance evaluation system in De-Ya company in order to encourage engineers improving their performance. All ideas of this dissertation came from all employees in De-Ya company with perfect team work, and also we are working with these ideas in our daily work. I hope the thinking way and some study method in this dissertation could be useful for other company as reference.

  • 【分类号】F272.92;F416.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】69
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