

The Lateral Resistance Analysis and Calculation of Vehicles Sliding in Roller-path Parking Equipment

【作者】 徐向阳

【导师】 程晓鸣;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 车辆工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 乘用车辆滚道存放是一种停车的新方法、新技术。滚道存放型机械式停车设备具有存容量大占地小、结构简单造价低、存取车辆时间短、运行可靠等特点,在国内有很好的推广应用前景。1.提出了全文的研究问题。存取车辆过程中,车辆在搬运器与存车区上的无动力托放滚道之间横向移动,需要借助作动器的推力或拉力。横向推动车辆所需推力的大小是选择电机减速器的主要依据。2.通过对车辆在滚道上横移过程中轮胎胎面与滚柱接触时力学特性的分析,建立此运动与弹性带传动之间的联系,借助轮胎胎面与滚柱之间运动的欧拉效应,推导出计算推力的基本公式。3.对某型轿车轮胎结构进行简化,建立了基于滚道接触的子午线轮胎模型,借助有限元分析软件ANSYS11.0,在车辆重力载荷、充气压力等工况下,进行轮胎与滚道的静力学仿真分析研究,得出轮胎与滚柱接触区域的形变情况,并由此计算出轮胎胎面与滚柱接触时产生的圆形压角大小。4.根据有限元分析得出的结果,进行实际推力的近似计算,并进行适当的系数修正。

【Abstract】 Roller-path parking is a new method and a new technology of parking. It owns the following advantages: large capacity, small footprint, simple structure, low cost,short access time, and excellent reliability. In China it has very good prospects for the popularization and application.1. Introduced the main study target of this thesis. The period of storing and accessing to the vehicles, the lateral movement of vehicles in non-powered roller between the handling device and the parking area needs the use of actuators to push or pull. Horizontal force to move the vehicle is the main basis to choose motors reducers.2. Through the analysis of the dynamic properties of the tire tread and roller in contact in the process of traversing in the roller-path, the linkage between the elastic belt drive and this movement is established. The basic formula for calculating the force is derived by reason of the Euler effect between the tire tread and roller.3. A simplified structure of a tire is used, and the model of a radial tire based on roller contact is established. By use of finite element analysis software ANSYS11.0, this thesis investigates the statics between the tire and the roller by simulation in loads and air pressure. Finally, we get the characteristics of the tire and roller contacting area of deformation, and thus calculate the tire tread pressure angle when the tire rests on the roller.4. According to finite element analysis results, the actual thrust is approximate calculated, some proper amendments in the coefficient should be made.
