

A Study on Status and Influential Factors of China’s Theme Park

【作者】 徐春燕

【导师】 楼嘉军;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 自1955年7月迪斯尼乐园在美国加利福尼亚州诞生以来,主题公园已经在世界范围内快速蔓延开来,发展势头强劲。1989年中国第一家严格意义上的大型主题公园——深圳锦绣中华微缩景区开业,巨大的示范效应带动了国内主题公园建设热潮。此后的二十年中,国内出现过主题公园的“建设狂潮”,又很快遭遇“倒闭狂潮”。起落之中,这个行业逐渐走向理性与成熟。近两年,投资者对主题公园的建设热情再度升温。巨大的游客群体,不断提高的消费能力刺激着投资者的神经,与此同时,不少地方政府的扶持政策也助推了主题公园又掀高潮。但此时的主题公园投资者能否规避先前“倒闭”的覆辙,此时的政府管理部门能否在宏观上给予及时的调控,这些都取决于我们对以往的历史和现状是否有清晰的认识和总结,取决于我们对主题公园业发展趋势的正确判断。基于此,本文以2009年5月前入选国家旅游局A级景区名单的主题公园为对象,试图从一定层面上总结以往发展历程中的经验和教训,剖析主题公园发展特点,并在此基础上对影响主题公园行业发展的相关因素进行分析。本文共分为五个部分。第一章绪论,主要介绍了本文的研究意义、研究方法与研究内容,在参阅大量国内外相关研究文献的基础上,对国内外有关主题公园的研究进行了综述。第二章,我国主题公园发展历程回顾。本章分别对国外主题公园和中国主题公园发展历程进行了梳理,总结其发展特点。第三章是我国主题公园的现状分析。本章以191个入选A级景区的主题公园为对象,描述了国内主题公园的构成与分布及经营状况等。第四章围绕地方经济发展水平、交通发达程度、客源市场条件、市场环境、产业环境、市场要素成本方面等定量分析了影响主题公园发展的社会因素,同时也从旅游业发展阶段、主题公园企业内部因素等方面进行了定性研究探讨。在前几章基础上对主题公园未来发展趋势进行了展望。第五章对主题公园发展趋势提出了相关建议。

【Abstract】 Since Disneyland opened in California U.S. in July 1955, theme park industry has extending around the world quickly, and the development is gathering momentum In 1989, the first large-scale theme park in China-Shenzhen Splendid China miniature scenic area opened, which led the domestic theme park building boom by huge demonstration effect. The next two decades, domestic theme park industry experienced "building craze" and also soon "collapse frenzy." Among the ups and downs, the industry gradually moved toward a rational and maturity.These years, investors’enthusiasm for the construction of theme parks is heating up again. The huge consumer groups, increased income levels and consumption upgrading by rapid economic development stimulate the investors’ motives. Mean while a considerable number of local governments’supports promote this trend. However, whether the park investors could circumvent the previous "failure" cycle this time, and the government administration could give macro regulation and control in a timely manner, are depends on clear understanding of past history and right judge of future trend to the theme park industry. For this reason, this paper attempts to summarize the development process in some extent, and select the May 2009 pre-selected A-level scenic area theme park as an object to sum up the experience and lessons in the theme park phylogeny and analysis the development characteristics. On this basis, author attempts to analyze the influential factors of theme park industry for offering scientific and reasonable proposal to future trends.This paper is divided into five parts. Chapter one:Introduction. It is mainly describes the significance of this research, research methodology, research content, and literature review. Chapter two, review of theme parks phylogeny. This chapter reviews comprehensive course of development of theme parks as well as China and foreign in order, and summarizes characteristics of the development. The third chapter analyzes the status of China’s theme parks. Author selected 191 A-level scenic area theme parks as object, and described the composition, distribution of domestic theme parks and the business state. Chapter four:The influential factors and development trend. Focusing on local economic development level, traffic development level, source market conditions, market environment, industry environment, market costs and other factors that affect the theme park industry, author discuss the factor of theme park development in social factors by quantitative analysis. Also from the tourism development stage and the theme park internal factors, this paper carries out a qualitative research study. Based on the previous chapters, the theme park’s future development trend is prospected. Chapter five:suggestions and prospects.

  • 【分类号】F592
  • 【被引频次】17
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