

A Study on Resilience of Parents of Special Children

【作者】 徐媛

【导师】 张福娟;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 特殊教育学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 个体在逆境中会不同程度地调动内外资源以求适应,在此过程中心理弹性发挥了作用。目前对于心理弹性的概念存有争议,但其促进个体在逆境中积极适应和良好发展的作用得到公认。特殊儿童的功能受损对其家长来说是一个长期存在的持续压力,过去在消极心理学影响下,人们多关注于特殊儿童家长在压力之下所产生的消极心理,但实际上特殊儿童家长在适应压力的过程中展现出了许多积极心态,这是心理弹性的展现。笔者从积极心理学出发,关注特殊儿童家长的心理弹性,对特殊儿童家长适应养育压力的能力予以肯定。本研究以智力障碍、自闭症、听力障碍、视力障碍四类特殊儿童家长为研究对象,在上海市各特殊学校及幼儿园随机抽样共214位被试,通过问卷调查和访谈等研究方法,探讨特殊儿童家长的心理弹性水平和特征,并深入分析特殊儿童家长心理压力、人格与心理弹性间的关系,在此基础上对特殊儿童家长心理弹性的危险因子和保护因子进行了讨论。研究结果发现:(1)特殊儿童家长心理弹性处于中等偏上水平,在心理弹性六维度中,特殊儿童家长的问题解决技能水平最高,控制感稍显薄弱。(2)特殊儿童家长在问题解决技能、自信心、接纳度以及心理弹性整体上的表现随着收入水平增高而逐渐提高;在初中及以下、高中或中专、大专及以上三组学历水平的特殊儿童家长中,较高学历者的自信心得分高于较低学历者;智力障碍和自闭症儿童的家长在精神支持、乐观坚韧和接纳度上的表现低于听力障碍和视力障碍儿童的家长;特殊儿童父亲在控制感和自信心两方面的表现显著优于特殊儿童母亲。(3)特殊儿童家长越是感到缺乏成就感、经济负担重、终身照顾负担重,其心理弹性可能越弱;具有较高利他性、适应性和道德感的特殊儿童家长,其心理弹性可能较强。(4)特殊儿童家长心理弹性的危险因子突出表现在消极人格特征、养育负担和社会压力,而积极人格特征、家庭支持、社会支持是特殊儿童家长心理弹性的保护因子。最后,本研究在特殊儿童家长心理弹性分析的基础上,对特殊儿童家长心理健康服务提出相关建议,为提高其心理健康水平提供参考。

【Abstract】 In the face of adversity, individual will be to mobilize internal and external resources to adapt. Resilience plays a role in this process. At present, the concept of resilience is controversial. However, people recognize its role to promote individual for active adaptation and good development.Because of special children’s impaired function, their parents have to face a long-term sustained pressure. As the impact of past negative psychology, people pay more attention to the negative psychological factors of special children’s parents. In fact, the parents show lots of positive qualities in process of adaptation, which is a manifestation of resilience. This thesis, from the perspective of positive psychology, concerns on the resilience of special children’s parents and commends their ability to adapt to parenting stress.This study investigates level and characteristics of resilience and explores relationship among stress, personality and resilience of special children’s parents. On this basis, risk factors and protective factors of their resilience are discussed. Analysis relies on questionnaires and interviews to 214 parents whose children are mental retardation, autism, hearing impaired children or visually impaired children in special education schools or kindergartens in Shanghai. The results are in the following:1) The resilience of special children’s parents is in the medium level. In the six dimension scores of resilience, the parents’ problem-solving skill is highest while their control feeling is lowest.2) With the growing of income level, the special children’s parents show a trend of increasing in the aspects of problem-solving skill, self-confidence, acceptance and resilience overall. Among primary education level and below, high school education level, college education level and above, the special children’s parents with higher education level have higher self-confidence scores. Compared to parents of children with hearing impaired and visually impaired, parents of mental retardation and autism are likely to get lower level of spirit support, optimism & perseverance, and acceptance attitudes. Special children’s fathers perform significantly better than the mothers in aspects of control feeling and confidence.3) The parents with more lack of sense of achievements, economic burden, life-long care burden, are likely to be with lower resilience level. The parents with more special altruism, adaptability and sense of morality are likely to be with higher resilience level.4) Risk factors of resilience of special children’s parents prominently exist in negative personality characteristics, burdens of parenting and social pressures. While, positive personality characteristics, family support and social support are protective factors of special children’s parents.Finally, on the basis of analysis and discussion of resilience of special children’s parents, several recommendations on mental health are given.

  • 【分类号】B844.1;G78
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1751