

Research of Ming Shi by Zhao Yi’s Nian Er Shi Zha Ji

【作者】 李琳

【导师】 徐德明;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 赵翼是清乾嘉时代的著名学者,其考史著作《廿二史札记》与王鸣盛《十七史商榷》、钱大昕《廿二史考异》并称为乾嘉时期三大考史著作。《札记》一共包括了从《史记》到《明史》的二十四部正史,其中《明史》是清代的钦定正史,史学家为避免惹来是非,故而在研究时极少涉及。赵翼是清代第一位对官修《明史》做了大量研究的人,虽然在六卷的《明史》研究中不乏歌功颂德之语,但在不少地方还是做了相对客观、公正的评价。本文分为四章,第一章是对《廿二史札记》的概述,包括对赵翼生平经历、史学思想的介绍,对《廿二史札记》作者问题的回顾,以及《廿二史札记》不同于另外两部考史著作之处。第二章是赵翼对《明史》编撰的研究,包括对《明史》的评价与对《明史》体例的研究,这一章一方面可以看出赵翼对官修《明史》所持的态度,另一方面也是对《明史》体例的一个全面总结。第三章主要是论述赵翼研究《明史》所采用的方法,这也是本文的重点所在,一共分为五节:一是用比较归纳法研究《明史》,开辟了一条历史研究的新途径。二是做专题研究,重点总结了影响明代兴衰的两大问题:吏治与宦官之祸。三是作大量的史评,表达了对明史历史的独特看法。四是利用《明史》传与传、本纪与列传进行互证,用以子之矛攻子之盾的方法巧妙揭示了《明史》舛讹之处。五是利用《明史》以外的野史、笔记考证《明史》,或补《明史》之缺,或证《明史》之误,或为《明史》所载史实存异。第四章便是对《明史》本纪、列传、表志的研究,其中本纪主要是对《太祖本纪》的研究,以补《明史·太祖本纪》之不足为主。列传分为诸王、后妃及一般臣僚,志主要是《食货志》与《兵志》,对列传及志的研究中包含了赵翼对明代政治、制度的理性思索,体现了他史学中的经世思想,结语是对全文的总结,以叙赵翼《明史》研究的主要成就。

【Abstract】 Zhao Yi is a famous scholar of Qianjia period in Qing Dynasty,his Nian Er Shi Zha Ji and Wang Mingsheng’s Shi Qi Shi Shang Que,Qian Daxin’s Nian Er Shi Kao Yi are all know as three history reference books for the period of Qianjia. Nian Er Shi Zha Ji includes twenty four history books,from Shi ji to Ming Shi.For cruel ideological and political environment in Qing dynasty, historians to avoid trouble, and to study at a little in Ming Shi, zhao yi is the first man who do a great deal of research in it.Though in six volumes of the research simply lavishing praise on Ming Shi, but in many places also be made relatively objective and fair appraisal.The dissertation is made up of four chapters,the first chapter is an overview of the notes, including Zhao Yi’s life experiences, historiography ideas, reviewing of the author doubts, and the difference from the other two books. The second chapter is research to Ming Shi acabume banjibukuu, of this chapter we can see that Zhao Yi’s attitudes, it’s also a comprehensive review of regulations to Ming Shi.The third Chapter deals with the major methods used in Ming Shi research, this is the key, includes five sections:a more summary method is used to study the Ming Shi, opened up a new way of historical research. The second is to focus special study up on the vicissitudes of the two major issues in the ming dynasty:hafan i dasan and eunuch of misfortune. Three is the assessment of Ming history by himself. The fourth is use the original in Ming Shi to research Ming Shi, discipline and a warrant from each other to the spear and shield against the subtle way that the suyen of error. Five is on the outside of Ming Shi like unofficial history or privately compiled history to research Ming Shi, some is a complement to Ming Shi, some to prove Ming Shi, and the other to hold back the differ statement of the historical facts. The next chapter four is the research of BenJi,LieZhuang,Biao,Zhi in Ming Shi, these study included Zhao Yi’s rational thought in political systems of Ming dynasty and his historiography thoughts.

【关键词】 赵翼《廿二史札记》《明史》
【Key words】 Zhao YiNian Er Shi Zha JiMing Shi
  • 【分类号】K248
  • 【下载频次】433