

The Application of Transfer Theory to the English Reading Teaching in a Senior High School

【作者】 彭青香

【导师】 刘乃银;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 英语阅读教学是高中英语教学的一个重点和难点,英语阅读教学的困难在于阅读策略能力的提高需要在较长时间内进行大量的阅读训练,并在教师的正确阅读教学的引导下,才有可能见成效。本人通过对高中学生英语阅读中的迁移(主要是背景知识和阅读技巧的迁移以及学习动机和兴趣的迁移)的正确引导和训练,得出迁移方法在阅读中的运用有助于提高学生的英语阅读能力和水平。同时,英语阅读中的迁移不是自动的,而是有条件的,英语阅读中迁移的条件是:第一,高中学生的英语有一定的基础。经过小学初中阶段的英语学习,高中学生的英语达到一定的水平。尤其是到高三阶段复习阶段,相对可以利用整块的一个时间来做一个专项,比如阅读专项,这时教师既有条件也有必要行大量的阅读训练和指导,指导学生提高英语阅读能力。第二,具备了相关的阅读策略。高三学生利用母语的阅读策略与技巧理解当前英语阅读任务。在对英语材料的阅读中,教师应该指导学生利用阅读技巧理解篇章,以提高学生的阅读能力和水平。第三,学生的知识结构更加完善和丰富。学生已有的语言知识和背景知识都是学习新知识的基础,利用学生的已有知识在英语阅读中的迁移来帮助理解英语阅读材料。研究表明,学生正确的阅读策略和技巧、积极的阅读态度(主要指动机和兴趣)和增加适量的阅读训练有助于提高学生整体的阅读水平。

【Abstract】 The teaching of English reading is important and difficult in high school. Difficulties in the teaching of English reading lie in the reading strategies that require a long period of time to train and improve. Reading strategies can pay off only by the instruction and the guidance of the teacher. As for senior high school students, reading strategies are very significant to improve their reading skills. Besides, background knowledge and information transfer exist during the learning process, and English teachers should attach greater importance to how to transfer the readers’ existing knowledge and information during their reading to make a better understanding of the whole text. At the same time, the transfers of knowledge and skills in English reading are not automatic, but conditional. The conditions of this transfer are as follows:Firstly, high school students have a certain level of English. They accumulated a certain amount of vocabulary and master the basic grammar of the English language. In high school, however, the main task of traditional English teaching is the knowledge of English itself rather than the skills in learning English. Secondly, students have related reading strategies in their first language reading. They will more or less choose the proper reading strategies for target language reading in hope of better understanding. In this case, teachers should guide students to use reading strategies and skills to improve student’s reading ability and level of understanding. Thirdly, students have prior knowledge. The teacher should guide the students to transfer the prior knowledge and the background knowledge in the reading process of the target language.As my experiment shows, I have made full use of the transfer of information, attitudes and skills in the teaching of English reading and my result shows the uses of transfer in the process of teaching and learning have led to the better ability of English reading.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
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