

A Research of the Feature and Influencing Factors of Haze in Shanghai

【作者】 谭冶冰

【导师】 束炯;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 环境科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的高速发展,能源消耗量攀升,污染物排放增加,区域能见度恶化态势十分明显,区域性灰霾污染问题越来越突出。霾在大气逆温等稳定气象条件下,由气溶胶和气体污染物造成的一种城市和区域性空气污染现象。霾发生时,细粒子浓度升高,大量极细微的干性尘粒、烟粒、盐粒等均匀地悬浮在空气中,严重危害人体健康。鉴于目前国际上对于“霾”的定义标准不一致,本文综合气象角度与污染物角度对霾对了定义,统计分析了2008年5月到2009年4月的气象资料与污染物资料,并比较了各个季节的污染物气团来源轨迹。具体工作及结果如下:1、介绍国际上对霾的各种定义,比较各定义的适用性及局限性。根据霾的污染特征、形成因素和天气现象等多个角度综合考虑,同时排除了降水、雾和短时能见度变化等干扰因素,对上海地区的霾的特征进行定义和识别。2、利用聚类分析对霾日进行分类和等级划分,一共划分为5类。并归纳几类霾的类型。通过后向散射的回波信号验证霾日的能见度及污染物浓度等,以此来验证霾定义的合理性。3、对2008年5月到2009年4月期间的符合定义的霾日进行统计分析,比较霾的发生规律,以及发生期间的能见度、相对湿度、风速、气溶胶光学厚度等要素。4、利用Thermo-Andersen PM2.5大流量采样仪,于09年的1月至2月、4月至6月及10月至11月期间,分别代表上海市冬季、春季和秋季的PM2.5,进行3次连续不间断采样。对采样样品进行化学分析,对比霾前后的离子、元素和碳黑的组分变化。对离子和元素进行主成分分析,反映霾的主要影响污染物。5、对霾日按季节进行污染物的后向轨迹聚类,并进行72h的轨迹追踪,分析和比较了各季节到达上海气团轨迹的数量、路径和来源。通过本论文的研究分析,对霾做了合理的定义和识别,不仅有助于对霾的发生机制及天气条件有更好的认识,而且为霾的监测、评估、预警及应对的指标体系提供了依据。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of Chinese economy, the increasing discharge of energy and waste emission has worsened the regional visibility; regional haze problem has appeared to be more and more distinct. Under inversion and other weather conditions, haze is a form of urban and regional pollution, causing by aerosol. When haze happens, the concentration of particulate goes up, seriously damaging people’s health.Since the international definitions of ’haze’ vary from one another, this article colligates the definition from weather as well as pollution point of views, analyzing the weather and pollution statistics period from May 2008 to Apr 2009. It also compares track tracing from various seasons. Concrete work and results are shown below:1、Introduce various definitions of haze; Compare each definition’s applicability and limitations. Define haze in Shanghai region, based on its pollution characteristics, formation factors, weather phenomenon and others, excluding the interfere such as rain, fog.2、Utilize cluster analysis to classify and grade into five kinds. Through backscatter to verify the visibility and pollution concentration, so as to prove their rationality.3、Under the definition of haze, analyze its data from May 2008 to Apr 2009, compares the occurrence pattern and other important factors such as visibility、relative humidity、wind speed、AOD, etc.4、Thermo-Andersen PM2.5 flux sampling appearance was used to have 3 continuous observations during Jan to Feb, Apr to Jun and Oct to Nov, which represents winter, spring and autumn in Shanghai respectively. Chemical analysis was offered with the samples got to show the components change of ion, elements and carbon before and after the haze. Main components analysis of iron and elements were made to reflect main affecting pollutants of haze. 5. Trajectory clustering of pollutants was made in hazing days by season, and the amount, path and resource of each air mass arrived in shanghai in different seasons was compared by 72hr track tracing.According to the researches made above, a proper definition and identification was given to haze, which not only helped to get a better understanding to the generation mechanism and atmosphere condition required by haze, but also offered a basis for the whole series of observation, estimation, prediction and corresponding index system of haze.

【关键词】 能见度PM2.5气溶胶后向轨迹模型(HYSPLIT4)
【Key words】 hazevisibilityPM2.5aerosolHYSPLIT4
  • 【分类号】X513
  • 【被引频次】1
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