

The Implication of Concept of "Sub-colored Ink" in Chinese Modern Oil Painting

【作者】 李娜娜

【导师】 周长江;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 美术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 “墨分五色”是传统中国画论里涉及的术语,追求墨色的丰富变化是中国绘画表现的一个重要方面,就水墨本身而言,其具有特殊的审美价值。本文将重点阐述“墨分五色”的内涵在中国传统绘画中的具体表现以及中国现代油画对其理念和技法的借鉴与运用,明确“墨分五色”与油画“丰富层次”的呼应关系对于中国现代艺术家的油画创作所起到的作用。文章首先论述了“墨分五色”的内涵,主要从墨色变化的丰富层次、色差的表达以及墨色肌理进行阐述。在此基础上,通过分析研究一些具有代表性的画家作品,结合对相关艺术语言演变的研究以及个人艺术创作实践的体会,具体分析“墨分五色”理念在现代油画创作中的运用方式以及由此产生的不同审美价值。当下,艺术理念和语言丰富多变,关于传统绘画语言,特别是语言背后所折射出的绘画理念的研究是中国油画不可回避的课题,这对于中国油画的持续发展有着深远的意义。

【Abstract】 "Sub-colored ink" is a traditional Chinese painting in the techniques of language, Chinese painting ink change is an important aspect of performance. It also has a special aesthetic value. This article focuses on the "sub-colored ink," the connotation of traditional Chinese painting in the specific performance and modern Chinese painting techniques of their ideas and learn from and use. And then projected onto the current practice of the historical background to the big, definitive "five-color ink points" with the painting "rich layers" in relation to echo the modern Chinese oil painting artists played role.The article has discussed the "Sub-colored ink". The major changes from the ink-rich layers, the expression of color to texture in ink, and through analysis of some representative works were combined with the historical development, scientific basis and personal experience in learning the specific analysis of "sub-colored ink" concept in the use of modern oil paintings in different ways, and the resulting aesthetic value.In the rich and varied art forms and styles of modern society, especially the traditional idea of painting language study is an unavoidable problem of Chinese oil paintings, oil paintings for the sustainable development of China also has far-reaching significance.

【关键词】 墨分五色丰富层次现代油画
【Key words】 Sub-colored inkrich layersModern oil painting
  • 【分类号】J213
  • 【下载频次】164