

The Research of Tang Wengzhi’s Family (1841-1954)

【作者】 吕成冬

【导师】 易惠莉;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文研究的主要内容,是太仓唐文治家族三代人在1841—1954间的历史,包括受教育内容、职业选择、婚姻关系以及思想观念。这三代人是:父亲唐受祺、唐文治本人、唐文治的三个儿子唐庆诒、唐庆增、唐庆永。本文分为四部分:第一部分,简略描述唐文治的先祖在1644—1840间的生活状态。唐家原籍南京,因明末战乱迁居太仓。太仓是清代江浙漕粮北运的起点,唐家属于卫籍,由于卫籍需要承担漕运,这决定了家族需要承担漕运。此外,唐家在牙行和布业经营上也有史料记载。这些构成了唐家在这个时间段的经济生活,此时唐家过着较为稳定安逸的生活。第二部分,唐受祺出生于1841年,此时家道中落,家族希望唐受祺在科举仕途上能够有所作为,但唐受祺不能如家族所愿。1865年,唐受祺获得恩贡身份后,既未继续攻科举,也没有重振家族衰落的商业,而以塾师作为养家糊口的职业。唐受祺在其塾师经历中培养了两名进士(1892年的唐文治和1894年的吴敬修),并以此为耀。1892年,儿子唐文治中进士后,唐受祺随其居住北京,生活重点也随之发生转变,不再做塾师,开始参加到编辑古人遗集、集资助赈的活动中,并乐于此道,度过后半生。第三部分,唐文治是唐家发展史上的关键人物,这主要是由于他在科举上的成功,改变了家族的命运。1892年,唐文治中进士后未入翰林,而是直接任户部江西司主事,后任总理衙门章京、外务部榷算司、商部左侍郎,直至1906年底署理农工商部尚书。1907年2月,唐文治因丁母忧回籍,同年底经邮传部尚书陈璧推荐担任邮传部上海高等实业学堂(今交通大学前身)监督,直至1920年因眼疾辞职,成为交通大学历史上影响最重要的校长之一。1920年,唐文治创办了无锡国学专修学校,直至病逝,奉献教育40余年。唐文治在发展自己事业的过程中,形成了以他为中心的家族关系,除父亲获得“诰封荣禄大夫”的待遇外,家族中的其他成员在很多事情上,也得益于唐文治。第四部分,对于唐文治的三个儿子来说,父亲在社会上的事业,为他们提供了安定的生活和学习环境。三个儿子在唐文治的安排下,接受了从小学、中学、大学或留学的教育过程。唐庆诒、唐庆增、唐庆永学成回国后,最先都是在高校中任职。他们在自己的专业范围内,都能够有所施展,学以致用,比如唐庆诒是著名的英语语言学家,唐庆增和唐庆永两人共同参加了中国经济学社的创办活动,后成为著名的经济学家。在家族内部,他们在唐文治的安排下,择期成婚,婚后还要承担赡养家人的义务。唐文治家族的百年发展史,既是个人奋斗影响家族发展轨迹的历史,同时也有来自社会变革带来的新因素。在中国近代史的艰难转变过程中,唐文治家族的发展经历表明:个人奋斗对家族生存状态会带来决定性的影响,另外,在一定的范围内,时代变化对个人或家族的发展也有着一定的影响。

【Abstract】 The main contents of this paper is to study the history of Tang Wengzhi’s family in the 1841-1954.It includes their education,career choices,marriage,and ideas.The three generations were:Tang shouqi,Tang Wengzhi,and three sons Tang Qingyi,Tang Qingzeng,Tang Qingyong.The paper is divided into four sections.The first section is to describe the life of Tang Wengzhi’s ancestor between 1644 and 1840.The Tang’s family went to Taicang from Nanjing,because of the late Ming Dynasty’s war.In this period,the family need to transport grain to the captial from Taicang by ship,and they also operate business.The second section is about Tang Shouqi.He was born in 1841,the year was the begining of modern Chinese history.He studied hard,hope to make a difference in the imperial offcialdom.However,he could’t.In 1865,he was given Engong Identity,and then as a teacher to support his family.In 1892,he lived with his son in Beijing,and began to edit ancient’s postthumous,help the poor,donor coummunity,and so on.The third section is about Tang Wengzhi,he is the key figure in the history,which was mainly due to his imperial success,changed the family’s fate.From 1892 to 1907,he was as senior official of the Qing Dynasty.After 1907,he was appointed the supervison of Shanghai Industrial College of the Ministry of Posts and Telegrapfs(now SJTU).In the family,he was the center of the family.The reason is that in the process of developing his cause,he also formed a social relation.The forth section is about Tang Wengzhi’s three sons.Of the father’s cause in the community,Tang Wengzhi could provide them a stable living and learning enviroment.Three sons received the whole process of education,from the primary,secondary,to university or study abroad.Tang Qingyi,Tang Qingzeng,Tang Qingyong were to serve in the university.They elective the object of marriage under the father’s required conditons,after marriage they bear the obligation to support their families.In the difficult process of change in modern Chinese history,the history of Tang’s family decalare:the individual effort is important to the family,and the specific historical circunstance has some effect on the personal and family.

【关键词】 家族社会变迁唐文治唐受褀
【Key words】 familysocial changeTang WengzhiTang Shouqi
  • 【分类号】K25
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