

The Research of Chongming Island Plantation Community Characters and the Physical and Chemical Qualities of the Soils

【作者】 张智顺

【导师】 达良俊; 张庆费;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 生态学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 崇明岛是我国第三大岛屿,也是21世纪上海可持续发展的重要战略空间。近年来,上海市加快了崇明岛生态岛建设,绿化造林发展迅速,营造了大批人工林,成为上海森林覆盖率增长最快的区域,促进了崇明岛生态景观的改善。因此,研究崇明岛森林群落结构及其土壤性状,分析人工林群落植物应用和配置特征,探讨影响植物群落发展的主要生境因子,预测森林群落的演变规律,为崇明森林培育和生态重建提供依据。本研究从崇明岛南面大堤开始垂直纵深直至北面大堤划定8条水平样区,并在每条样区上选取岛内最为常见的6种人工林(垂柳、栾树、香樟、女贞、水杉、池杉)群落,共计33个植物群落样方作为研究对象,研究内容主要包括:调查样方内的植物群落结构、测定群落不同剖面土壤的主要理化性质、分析土壤理化因子在不同层次土壤剖面中的相关性及其作用机制,从总体上探讨在水平空间(不同群落类型)和垂直空间(土壤剖面)上,崇明岛人工林群落和土壤之间的特异性和相关性。主要结论如下:1.在调查的人工林群落中,均为纯林类型,且群落结构较为简单,只有乔木层和草本层,缺乏灌木层。乔木层的平均胸径和平均密度呈显著负相关(P<0.05),草本层的种类偏低,仅20科35属42种,而草本层的Simpson指数和Shannon-Wiener指数之间呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。其中女贞群落和垂柳群落的草本层具有较高的物种多样性,而香樟群落草本层的物种多样性较低。而从水平样区上来看,样区5(沿陈海公路)和样区6(沿北沿公路)上人工林群落的草本层具有较高的物种多样性,而样区3(沿奚家港造船厂——南横引河桥)上的物种多样性则偏低。2.土壤物理性质方面,各人工林群落类型之间以及不同土壤剖面之间表现出一定的特异性:其中土壤容重随土壤深度的增加而缓慢增加,土壤总孔隙度和毛管孔隙度随土壤深度的增加而逐渐减小,土壤质量含水量、土壤饱和持水量、土壤毛管持水量和土壤非毛管孔隙度均未体现出明显的规律性变化。水杉和池杉群落的毛管持水量/饱和持水量比值较高,说明群落土壤的供水能力较低;而香樟和垂柳群落的比值较低,说明群落土壤的供水能力较高。但女贞群落的毛管持水量/饱和持水量值在不同土壤剖面中出现极端大小的现象。大部分群落的毛管孔隙度/非毛管孔隙度值都在1.5-4.1之间,说明群落土壤的透水性、通气性和持水能力相对较协调,其中样区4(沿陈南地道——穿乡公路)上女贞群落的比值(19.8)远高于其他群落,反映出其土壤的持水透气功能极不协调。所有的群落物理水分因子基本都表现为阔叶树群落优于针叶树群落的情况。3.土壤化学性质方面,各人工林群落类型之间以及不同土壤剖面之间同样表现出一定的特异性:各群落土壤全部呈碱性,ph值在7.79-9.41之间,表层土壤(0—20cm)电导率介于0.09—0.53mS/cm之间。有机质含量和总氮含量随土壤深度的增加逐渐减小,总磷含量则是随土壤深度的增加先减小后增加,三者的值在群落类型方面均表现为落叶阔叶树群落>落叶针叶树群落>常绿阔叶树群落。在不同样区上有机质含量、总氮含量和总磷含量由南到北呈现出先增加后减小的变化趋势,其中总磷含量的变化较为平缓。而土壤电导率则恰恰相反,表现为“两头高,中间低”的变化趋势,土壤ph值没有体现出规律性变化。4.分别对在不同土壤剖面中的各种土壤理化因子做相关性分析,结果表明,在不同层次的土壤剖面中,非毛管孔隙度与总孔隙度均呈显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)正相关;毛管孔隙度分别与有机质含量、总氮含量和总磷含量呈显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)正相关;饱和持水量与毛管持水量呈极显著(P<0.01)正相关;有机质含量分别与总氮含量和总磷含量分别呈显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)正相关。随着土壤深度的增加,各种土壤理化因子的相关程度明显变少。

【Abstract】 The three islands of Chongming Island in Shanghai is one of the 21st century Shanghai important strategic space for sustainable development. In recent years, Shanghai has accelerated construction of ecological island in Chongming Island, afforestation rapidly, creating a large number of plantations, and has been the fastest growing region about forest cover in Shanghai, promoting the improvement of Chongming Island’s ecological landscape.Therefore, the study of Chongming Island about the forest community structure and soil properties,analysis of application and configuration of plantation characteristics of plant communities to explore the impact of the major plant communities in the development of habitat factors, prediction of forest communities in the evolution law for the Chongming Sen Stand and and ecological reconstruction basis.The paper studied 6 kinds of plantations(Salix babylonica, Koelreuteria paniculata, Cinnamomum camphora, Ligustrum lucidum, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Taxodium ascendens), totally 33 plant samples on each of the 8 horizontal courses identified from southern levee vertically to the northern counterpart, the paper is consisted of the research of the community characters within the samples, the testing of main physical and chemical qualities of different sections of community soils, the relativity analysis of physical and chemical factors of soil sections in different layers and causes, the general study of relativity and difference between plantation communities and soil both in horizontal and vertical spaces which refer to different communities and soil sections respectively. The detailed conclusions are as follows:1. All the plantations under investigation belong to pure forests and the community constructions is comparatively simple with tree layer, herbage but without shrub. There is a evident negative correlation(P<0.05)between the average DBH and the density of tree layer and the species of herbage is on the low side with only 20 families,40 species, while the relationship between Simpson and Shannon-Wiener index is evidently positively correlative(P<0.05).with high species diversities of herbaceous layers of Ligustrum lucidum and Salix babylonica compared with the low species diversity of Cinnamomum camphora. For horizontal courses 5 and 6, their herbaceous layers of plantation have relatively big species diversity while the course 3 has lower species diversity.2. As for the physical characters of soil, there existed some differences between the plantation and different soil sections:the bulk density of soil slightly increased with the increasing of the soil depth while the total porosity of soil and the capillary porosity of soil decreased with the depth, the mass water content of soil, the full water capacity of soil, the capillary moisture capacity and non-capillary porosity of soil didn’t reveal visible rules.The ratio of capillary moisture capacity and full water capacity of Metasequoia glyptostroboides and Taxodium ascendens was high, which demonstrated the low ability of water supply of the community soils, the water supply capacity of Cinnamomum camphora and Salix babylonica was high, as they showed a low ratio, for the that of Ligustrum lucidum, it was either extremely high or extremely low.For the most communities, the ratio of capillary porosity and non-capillary porosity was between 1.5-4.1, which explained the relatively harmonious relationship among water penetrability, ventilation capacity and water holding ability of the community soils, however, for Ligustrum lucidum of course 4, the ratio of 19.8 is much higher than the that of the others which reflected the water holding ability and the ventilation capacity was awfully unharmonious.All the physical factors of the soil in the communities have shown that the broad-leaved forest is much better than coniferous forest.3. Concerned with the chemical character, there were also some differences between the plantation and different soil sections:all the soils were alkaline with ph value at 7.79-9.41, the electrical conductivity of surficial soil(0-20cm) was between 0.09-0.53mS/cm. The organic contents and the total nitrogen decreased as the soil depth increased, while the total phosphor increased firstly then decreased with the increasing of the soil depth, in terms of communities, the value relation between three variables were deciduous broad-leaved forest>deciduous coniferous forest >evergreen broadleaf forest. For different studying courses, the organic contents, the total nitrogen and the total phosphor had an initial increasing trend then decreased with a mild change for the total phosphor while quite the contrary, the electrical conductivity was high on both sides and low in between and there was no rule for the ph changes of soil.4. The relativity analysis of physical and chemical factors of different soil sections was operated and the results indicated that in soil sections of different layers, all the relation between the non-capillary porosity and total porosity, the capillary porosity and organic contents, total nitrogen and total phosphor, organic contents and total nitrogen and organic contents and total phosphor was evidently(P<0.05) or extremely evidently positively correlative(P<0.01), while the full water capacity and the capillary moisture capacity presented a extremely evidently positive correlation(P<0.01). Besides, with the increasing of soil depth, the correlation among all the physical and chemical factors of soil was obviously lower and lower.
