

Study and Assessment of Vegetation Communities Structure of the Green Space in Shanghai New Jiangwan

【作者】 张慧博

【导师】 张庆费; 达良俊;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 生态学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 植物群落是城市绿地的基本构成单位,是城市绿地系统生态功能的基础,是提高绿地景观丰富度的前提,也是城市绿化发展水平的重要标志。构建科学、合理的植物群落结构才能使绿地稳定、高效和健康的发展。植物景观是以植物群落而体现。群落景观美主要是靠群落优势种的生活型、群落的物种多样性、生长密度、季相变化、群落层次等方面共同体现的。植物群落中乔木层、灌木层、草本层的物种多样性及合理的复层垂直配置结构,道路绿地中利用物种多样性以及垂直结构与水平结构相互渗透等配置方式,不仅可以大大增加绿量和色彩变化给人以绝美的享受,同时更能够在维持群落稳定性和生态功能的基础上上发挥生态效应。因此,随着城市植被不断深入的研究和现代城市园林绿化的发展,利用植物群落结构与功能的关系,构建单位空间生态功能最大,维护成本最低的最佳植物群落结构,充分发挥群落结构自行调节整体功能势在必行。本文以上海新江湾城绿地作为研究对象,采用法瑞学派的野外调查方法对生态走廊、生态保育区、淞沪路道路绿地及中央隔离带绿地植物群落现状进行调查,对绿地的物种组成、属的地理区系、群落类型、生活型及物种来源和生物多样性特征等进行群落结构的分析研究;采用QMSW-Quantum Meter光量子计测定各群落的光照强度,分析光照与群落结构的关系及光照对群落结构的影响;在群落调查的基础上选择典型的群落,结合调查的绿地植物群落对典型群落绘制植物配置图,分析植物群落配置应用的合理性;并运用层次分析法(AHP)建立景观和生态相协调的群落评价指标体系,进行景观生态综合评价。得出以下结论:(1)共调查到维管束植物242种,隶属94科205属。其中蕨类植物2科2属2种,裸子植物5科6属6种,被子植物85科188属226种。乔木33科、49属、55种;灌木27科、40属、52种;藤本植物9科、11属、12种;草本46科、106属、122种。从科属组成来看,菊科(Compositae)、禾本科(Gramineae)、豆科(Leguminosae)、蔷薇科(Rosaceae)的属种数较多,是新江湾城绿地的优势类群。从属的角度来看,种子植物以北温带和泛热带分布为主,占总属的36.5%;其次为东亚、东亚-北美洲间断和中国-日本分布。以上5个分布区类型共112属,占总属的55.2%。符合上海地处中亚热带北缘向北亚热带过渡带、且常年受太平洋季风气候影响的特点。(2)新江湾城绿地植物群落类型十分丰富,以常绿阔叶混交林和常绿阔叶林两种类型为主,出现频率分别为47.9%和14.6%。表明新江湾城绿地的植物群落具有明显地带性特征。常绿阔叶林虽出现频率较高,但群落类型并不丰富。针叶阔叶混交型林的出现则丰富了绿地景观效果。群落中草本种类最多,其中又以多年生草本居多。其次为乔木树种,以落叶树种占优势,约为常绿树种的两倍,且大部分为外来或栽培物种,特别是道路绿带中广泛引种观赏物种,但由于香樟、女贞等大多群落优势种在江浙及周边城市区域均有分布,因此仍具有地带性特征。灌木类以常绿物种为主。可见落叶乔木与常绿灌木在此区域占据重要地位,不仅构成丰富的群落层次,更加符合季相景观的搭配。(3)从物种出现频率来看,群落中常见乔木有香樟、女贞、杜英、朴树等,灌木有扶芳藤、八角金盘、蔷薇等耐阴物种或半耐阴种,对光照较强的环境也能较好的适应。香樟和银杏为整个新江湾城绿地植物群落的主要优势种。苦槠、青冈等上海乡土物种出现频率很低,这与近几年来上海对外来树种的过高频率引用有关。生态走廊群落绿地多运用纯林中插植其他树种的自然配置模式,而道路绿带则采用人工园林式布局,乔木层树种丰富,以达到景观优美与种类丰富的目的。(4)新江湾城绿地植物群落的物种丰富度指数(S)、多样性指数Shannon--Wiener和Simpson指数整体反映出基本一致的趋势:草本层>灌木层>乔木层。其中生态走廊与生态保育区绿地物种丰富度最高,生态保育区绿地乔灌物种均匀度亦最高,表明道路绿带和中央隔离带绿地更加侧重群落观赏性,生态走廊绿地和生态保育区绿地以自我维持为主的自然式种植模式使生物多样性更高,群落更加稳定。(5)郁闭度与光量子降幅成显著正相关关系(P<0.01);随着郁闭度的增加,林下草本植物种类趋势为先增加后减少;在中等郁闭度条件下,草本植物种类最丰富;光照强度随光照强度的增加,林下草本物种丰富度先增加后减少。(6)本文运用层次分析法(AHP)和主成分分析法建立生态和景观相协调的评价指标体系并确定权重对所有调查样地进行了评价。结果表明,新江湾城绿地群落中没有景观协调度为一级的群落;达到二级的群落有9个,占总数的20.93%;由于新江湾城绿地的建成时间不长,群落未能拥有较长生长期,人为管护度较高,未能达到维持自身稳定发展的水平,导致总体评价值不高。

【Abstract】 Plant community is the basic unit of urban landscapes. It is the basis of urban system with its ecological functions, and is also the premise of improving the richness of the green space, as an important sign of landscape development of the city. Building up a scientific and reasonable plant community structure makes the green spaces more stable, efficient, and healthy occupied the most important position. The beauty of landscape is reflected by plant community structure, and many other aspects, such as life form of dominant species, species diversity, density class, seasonal changes, community level and so on。Diverse species like Shrubs and grass in plant community and the fine Stratified structure of the vertical configuration, also the roadside green space are the best illustration of species diversity and mutual penetrated configuration of vertical structure and horizontal structure. In order to give people aesthetic pleasure by increasing the amount of green space and enjoying the changeable color view, they offered people the aesthetic pleasure and the great enjoyment of the colorful view. At the same time, they’ve played the wonderful ecological effects. Therefore, with the in-depth study of urban vegetation and the rapid development of modern garden, it is imperative for us to use the lowest cost to maximize the ecological benefits by invoking the self-regulating function of plant community.In the study, we choose New Jiangwan green space as studying object. Investigating areas distributing are distributed from Ecological conservation area, the central isolated communities of Songhu Road to Ecological Corridor, we look into Species composition, life form, geography fauna, community type, source species and biodiversity etc. Use QMSW-Quantum Meter to get illumination value; Adopting AHP method to construct Landscape Evaluation system; Draw plant distribution map of several typical plots, the conclusions are as follows:1).During this investigation, there are 242 species of vascular plants in all, which belong to 94 family and 205 genera. Among these plants, there are 2 species of Ferns, which belong to 2 family and 2 genera; there are 6 species of Gymnosperm, which belong to 5 family and 6 genera; there are 226 species of Angiosperm, which belong to 85 family and 188 genera. Specie amount of arbor is 55,belonging to 33 family and 49 genera; Specie amount of bush is 52,belonging to 27 family and 40 genera; Specie amount of liana is 12,belonging to 9 family and 11 genera; Specie amount of herbal is 122,belonging to 46 family and 106 genera; from the view of species composition, Composita、Gramineae、Leguminosae and Rosaceae appear with higher frequency and can be considered as the dominant species of New Jiangwan green space; From the view of genera, seed plants mainly distribute in north temperate and pan-tropical area which accounted for 36.5% of the whole genus. And this meets is in well accord with the characteristics of shanghai climate.2). New Jiangwan City is rich in plant community type, with evergreen forest and evergreen broad-leaved forest as two mainly types, whose occurrence frequency were 47.9% and 14.6%.although the statistics of evergreen forest and evergreen broad-leaved forest is higher,its type in shortage.Kinds of herbal is the richest, which mainly is Perennial herb. Secondly, the arbor mainly is leaved forest specie, which is about double of evergreen forest. Moreover these species mostly are cultivars or alien species, especially in roadside green space. Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Presl.and Ligustrum lucidum are widely distributed around Jiangsu and Zhejiang so it still has strong zonal characteristics. Shrubs are dominated by evergreen species. This shows that deciduous trees and evergreen shrubs occupy an important position in this area. Not only form a rich community level, but also be better in line with seasonal landscapes.3).From the view of appearance frequency of species, Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Presl., Ligustrum lucidum, Elaeocarpus sylvestris(Lour.), Celtis sinesis Pers., Fatsia japonica (Thunb) Decne et Planch and Euonymus fortunei(Turcz.)are the Common species. Cinnamomum camphora (L.) and Ginkgo biloba are the dorminant species in the whole New Jiangwan green space. However, Native species, like Castanopsis sclerophylla (Lindl.) and Cyclobalanopsis glauca are rare even none. This is because alien species were introduced frequently these years in into Shanghai. The plant community of Ecological Corridor mostly consisted of pure forest while roadside green spaces adopting artificial garden layout design in order to achieve some beautiful landscape effect.4). Species richness index(s), Shannon-Wiener index and Simpson index of plant community in New Jiangwan area show a common trend:herbal>bush> arbor; Among these indexes, ecological corridor and green eco source own the highest richness index,and their species uniformity as well. This shows that roadside green spaces focused on view of community much more while other two investigated area are good at Self-sustaining with high biodiversity and own more stable,healthy ecosystem.5). It is a significant positive correlation between Canopy density and the light fall (P<0.01), a significant negative correlation between Canopy density and species richness index, and a significant Negative correlation between the light fall and species richness index. It shows that with the increasing of canopy density, the fall between outside forest and inside forest become lager, at the same time, species richness of herbal tends to decrease. With the increase of canopy density, understory herbaceous species increased firstly and then decreased; In the middle canopy density conditions, it is the herbaceous species that is most abundant; With light intensity, understory herb species richness first increased and then decreased.6). In this paper, AHP and Principal Component Analysis methods were used extensively to establish an ecology well coordinated with landscape evaluation index system and weight was caculated. The result shows:there is none plant community belonging to the first grade; nine communities belong to the second grade which account for 20.93%.New Jiangwan green space has been built up for not too long term, just because of this, communities don’t have enough time to arrive a stable growth state.as a result, maintaining their level of steady development is going on, so the overall assessment of value is not too high. More integrated communities with high levels of native trees, foliage species, flower species also account for a large proportion, not only enriched the plant community type, and greatly increased the visual effects community in New Jiangwan City.

  • 【分类号】Q948
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