

Research on the Construction of China’s Legal System of Financial Regulation

【作者】 陆国静

【导师】 马太广;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 经济法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在金融自由化、国际化、全球化的潮流驱动下,在金融市场的发展由间接金融逐步转向直接金融的过程中,金融创新蓬勃发展,金融商品推陈出新,使得金融业运行日益复杂。在美国次贷危机影响下,各国纷纷审视本国的金融监管模式,加快完善金融监管立法,调整金融监管组织体系架构,力求实现金融市场的稳定和繁荣。危机之后西方国家先后启动金融监管体制改革,于我们来讲是一次非常好的学习、借鉴的良机,未雨绸缪的重新梳理和完善中国金融监管法律体系,变得尤为重要。我国金融监管水平落后于国际,学界的研究也显单一,大多是从金融监管模式的角度研究,从法律体系这一角度切入的论文较少。同时存在照搬照抄国外模式、跟风较多而脱离国内实际的现象。本文旨在通过案例剖析现行金融监管法律框架下暴露出的问题,打破一刀切的移植,选择性学习、借鉴英美金融监管体系,结合我国实际,提出完善我国金融监管法律体系的建议。全文共分为五章:第一章绪论提出了问题,介绍了国内外研究现状,并对相关概念做了界定。第二章介绍了国内外金融监管模式的发展历程,作为文章研究的基础。第三章比较了国际主流监管体系,集中比较了英国的统一监管模式以及美国的双层多头“伞形”监管模式,选择性的学习和借鉴了适合我国国情的经验。第四章是对中国金融监管法律体系的现状分析,在我国金融分业监管的立法突破背景之下,从“平安收购深发展”一例入手,有针对性的剖析现行金融监管法律框架下暴露出来的问题。第五章提出了完善金融监管法律体系的建议,就法律制度存在的问题提出对策,并着重讨论了金融监管组织体系架构优化的可行性方案。

【Abstract】 Driven by the trend of financial liberalization, internationalization and globalization, in the process that the financial market gradually switches from indirect finance to direct finance, financial innovations are developing vigorously and financial instruments are being refreshed frequently, making it complicated to operate in financial industry. During the developing process of financial industry, financial supervision is becoming increasingly important. The financial supervising ability of a country can determine the international competence of this country in a large scale. Affected by the subprime crisis of USA, all the countries start to examine their financial supervising modes, accelerate in completing the legislation of financial supervision, and adjust structures of the supervising organization, making best efforts to remain the stability and prosperity of financial market. Due to the late starting of the financial industry in our country, the financial operation and supervising mode with Chinese features suffered less damage in this crisis and won the chance to accelerate its economic development. However, it becomes extremely important to comb the Chinese finance in case of any disasters may happen.Starting from defining some necessary concepts, through studying at the supervising mode characterized by the United Kingdom and the supervising mode characterized by USA, on the base of comparing the two, this article focused on the current financial supervising law systems of our country and, started from the case that Pingan Insurance (Group) Company purchased Shenzhen Development Bank, analyzed the problems within the current financial supervising law frames. Advices to improve the legislation and related mechanisms are raised and feasible plans to build a financial supervising organization structure are discussed.

  • 【分类号】D922.28;F832.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】374