

【作者】 郑灿

【导师】 段匡;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着经济全球化和贸易自由化,贸易与环境之间的矛盾冲突日益严重,环境恶化问题越来越受到各国重视。为了避免贸易行为对环境造成的污染和破坏,发达国家纷纷加强了对国际贸易活动的环境规制,采取法律措施限制或者禁止不能满足进口国环境保护要求的国外产品进入本国市场,绿色壁垒由此产生。绿色壁垒集中体现了自由贸易和环境保护的矛盾,反映了发达国家和发展中国家在经济上的差距和利益上的分歧。而在对发展中国家的出口贸易造成严重影响的同时,绿色壁垒客观上的确又起到了保护全球生态安全、保护人类生命和健康的作用。非歧视性的绿色壁垒具有存在合理性,现阶段消除国际贸易中的绿色壁垒也并不现实。站在中国的立场看,解决绿色壁垒问题的合理路径是构建绿色贸易法律制度,发展绿色贸易,从而超越绿色壁垒。绿色壁垒是环境与贸易之矛盾的最初表现,而绿色贸易正是环境与贸易二者在更高层次上的协调。绿色贸易将成为未来国际贸易的发展趋势。本文共分为三章。第一章探讨了绿色壁垒的背景和根源,分析了绿色壁垒的法律性质和表现形式。第二章在对绿色壁垒合理性进行再思考的基础上,引入绿色贸易的范畴,强调应实现从“应对绿色壁垒”到“构建绿色贸易法律制度”的转变。第三章为构建我国绿色贸易法律制度提供了一些构想,并且就完善绿色贸易法律制度的关键环节即政府绿色预警机制提出了对策。

【Abstract】 Accompanied by economic globalization and trade liberalization, the contradiction and conflict between trade and environment become increasingly serious and environmental deterioration is taken seriously by various countries. To avoid environmental pollution and disruption caused by trade, developed countries reinforce the control over international trade activities in succession, and take legal means to prohibit or restrict the import of the foreign products which can not meet domestic requirements for environmental protection, which gives rise to green barriers. Green barriers best illustrate the contradiction between free trade and environmental protection, and reflect the economic gap and disparity in interests between developed countries and developing countries.Green barriers have serious negative impacts on developing countries’export trade,while in the meantime maintain global ecological security and protect mankind’s life and health indeed.Non-discriminatory green barriers have their rationality of existence and it is not practical to eliminate all the green barriers in international trade at the present stage. From the standpoint of China, the most reasonable approach to solve green barriers problem is to build the green trade legal system and develop green trade so as to transcend green barriers. Green barriers are the initial expressions of the contradiction between environment and trade, while green trade is the coordination of environment and trade at a higher level.Green trade will inevitably become the tendency of international trade.This paper consists of three chapters.Chapter 1 analyzes the background and origin of green barriers, and discusses their legal nature and manifestations. Based on the re-thinking of green barriers’rationality, Chapter 2 introduces the concept of green trade, and emphasizes the idea conversion from reacting to green barriers to building the green trade legal system.Chapter 3 offers some ideas on building our country’s green trade legal system and gives some suggestions on how to perfect the key link of the green trade legal system,namely the governmental green early-warning mechanism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】D996.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】538