

【作者】 薛华敏

【导师】 戴开宇; 曹邦伟;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 化妆品和护肤品产业在中国的历史很短,但随着我国经济的发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,人们的需求与生活观念也发生了根本性的转变,这一过程使中国从20世纪80年代中期以来成为了世界化妆品及护肤品产业的新兴增长点。据权威部门的调查数据显示,中国化妆品行业的销售量在过去10年内以平均每年25%的速度递增,中国化妆品市场在全球市场中的份额已居亚洲第二位。步入二十一世纪,激烈的市场竞争和强大的技术变革使得营销渠道对于化妆品行业的竞争变得愈发重要。数字化营销的趋势必然导致企业在信息化平台建设的投入与策略侧重增加,更好的使信息广泛的来自于企业、品牌,更个化、完整的服务于消费者成了一个重要的课题。其中构建一个满足化妆品企业内容多样化需求,可以为未来3-5年快速的发展提供基础的内容平台已经成为紧要的问题。本文探讨了面向多样化内容格式的内容管理系统的开发,采用将格式抽象为多个字段组合的方式构建格式的基础。并使用XML对各单元进行描述与存储,提供面向内容的格式组织方式。在内容的存储上使用格式化XML技术代替传统的文本类型的内容格式,在展示阶段不需要再次引入格式,简化了发布的流程。专注于解决需求多样性的内容管理系统目前还不多见,作为一个面向化妆品企业信息发布的内容管理系统雏形产品,我们希望通过对特定行业需求的探讨,提供了一种解决不确定内容格式问题的思路。

【Abstract】 The history of Cosmetics and skin-care industry in China is very short. With the economic development and continuous improvement of people’s living standard, people needs and life style has great change. This change makes China became the world fastest emerging growth market of cosmetics and skin care products industry since 1980s. According to the authoritative department of the report show that China’s cosmetic industry sales in the past 10 years, an average annual increase rate of 25%. China’s cosmetics market share is second rank in Asia. Into the 2000s, the fierce market competition and technological improvement makes marketing channel become increasingly important.Digital Marketing trends will inevitably lead companies to increase investment and strategic focus in the information platform for the construction. This trend is also better to make information more widely from the business, the brand. More personalized, full service consumer has become an important topic. To build a cosmetics enterprise content management system, to meet the diverse needs in the next 3-5 years, become a critical issue.We are discussing the multi-format function for content management system. The concept is use post-defined abstract format fields to compose different formats. And use XML to describe the various fields and storage, providing a format for information dissemination organization. The content stored in XML-formatted text instead of the traditional types of content formats. The display stage does not require re-parse of the format.The systems focus on solving the diversity of content are still rare. As a cosmetics industry information platform, this multi-format content management system is still a prototype product. We hope to explore the needs of specific industries, providing ideas to resolve the problem of uncertainty contents.

【关键词】 内容管理系统多格式内容XMLLAMPSmarty
【Key words】 Content Management SystemMulti-FormatXMLLAMPSmart
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】130