

【作者】 高学

【导师】 肖鹏程; 罗士凯;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 集成电路工程, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 自1948年第一只半导体晶体管面世以来,半导体技术一直遵循着摩尔定律迅猛发展起来,而集成电路测试技术已越来越成为了整个半导体发展的瓶颈。在我国,测试厂普遍存在测试效率低下的问题,造成测试效率低下主要有两方面:因误测引起的低良率和处理误测的低效率,这两方面也经常为客户所诟病,同时测试效率低下是无法满足电子产品市场需求的重要因素,因此,进行提高测试效率的研究尤为重要。本文首先介绍集成电路测试原理,理解集成电路测试的测试项目是有效解决误测重要前提;接着介绍测试所需的硬件设备,理解这些硬件设备是分析误测原因的基础;最后本文将基于高效解决开路误测的研究,提出提高测试效率的新方案。本文采用流程图的方式表现处理误测新旧流程的区别;运用数据统计分析的方法对误测信息进行分类;运用5-Why分析法体现如何找出误测的根源;利用倒推法研究Pin Card的维修;通过对比的方法,以开路误测为例,得出实施新方案后带来的明显改善,反映了测试效率的提高。通过研究表明,新方案提高了测试效率,反映在以下几方面。采用了误测处理新流程,缩短了处理时间;运用5-Why分析法找到开路误测根源后,进一步研究解决了开路误测,防止开路误测再生,测试良率有明显提高,同时因减少了误测事件的处理,也减少了探针卡的磨针,延长了探针卡的寿命,节约测试成本。

【Abstract】 Since the first transistor been created in 1948,semiconductor technology was developing by big step following the Moore law all along.But the IC test technology development lag behind the semiconductor technology always.In china,the IC test efficiency is low in many IC test company.There is two factor cause the low test efficiency.They are high overkill and low efficiency of overkill troubleshooting which been complained about by client always.Also,the low efficiency is the most factor for desire of IC market. So,test efficiency improvement is very necessary.Firstly,this paper will introduce the IC test elements which is the foundation of how to recognise the various overkill.Secondly,this paper will introduce the ATE and others hardware knowledge which is necessary for overkill troubleshooting.The last,the paper will study the scheme of test efficiency improvement base on the efficient troubleshooting of open test overkill.This paper will show the difference between new and old overkill troubleshoot-ing flow by adopting the flow chart. Will analyse the overkill by adopting statistics.Will analyse how to find the real cause of overkill by adopting 5-why method.Will introduce the anastrophe study how to repair Pin Card.Will show the improvement of new scheme comparing with before.In this paper,the improvement of new scheme will show at below several side. Shorting the time of troubleshooting.Increasing the test yield.Reducing the test cost.

【关键词】 良率针测机测试机探针卡晶圆测试开路误测
【Key words】 YieldProbrerTesterProbe CardWaferTestO/S overkill
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】TN407
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】66