

【作者】 余佳奇

【导师】 吴海江;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 建设民富国强的现代化国家,实现中华民族的伟大复兴,是近代中国人孜孜以求的目标。百余年来数代中国人为探索适合中国国情的现代化道路经历了无数的曲折,付出了沉重的代价。改革开放以来,中国立足于解决实际问题,坚持走自己的路,把马克思主义普遍真理与中国具体实际相结合,以理论创新推进实践创新,结出了中国特色社会主义理论体系的卓越理论成果,开辟了中国特色社会主义伟大道路。中国自主探索所取得的成就为世人所瞩目,其发展道路被称为“中国模式”。本文运用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法,从比较不同国家发展模式的特征入手,分析了发展模式的多样性及其根源,在对“中国模式”进行概念辨析的基础上,探讨了“中国模式”形成与发展的历史进程和内在逻辑,从理论上论述了“中国模式”的实质内涵、基本内容和普适性问题,并从中引申出“中国模式”的意义与启示。全文包括以下四章内容。第一章是论文的基础部分。主要围绕“模式”一词从定义上进行理论探讨。文中探讨了社会发展模式多样化的成果。并从历史渊源上对“北京共识”和“中国模式”两者进行辨析,以此论证“中国模式”的特殊性和不可替代性。第二章主要对“中国模式”的发展历程与不同阶段进行分析,本文采取两种划分方式即(1)改革开放;(2)邓小平、江泽民和胡锦涛三代领导人的施政纲要为截点,从历史宏观的角度对“中国模式”发展历程这一问题进行探讨。并通过当今学界的两种不同态度对“中国模式”进行再次反思,以便对当代中国发展模式有一个比较系统的把握。第三章主要分析“中国模式”的内涵与特殊性。文中通过梳理了当今国内对“中国模式”的不同学说,并结合国外对“中国模式”的评价和看法,对“中国模式”进行一个理论的解读。并希望通过解读的方式展示“中国模式”的特殊性,以此说明“中国模式”在复制和传播中存在的问题。第四章主要论述了“中国模式”对后世的启示与其未来的发展趋势。由于当代中国发展模式是在全球化背景下的一种成功发展模式,因此,对世界其他国家的发展有一定的启示。它的最大启示就是一个国家发展自己要立足国情走自己的发展道路,不要照搬别国模式,并且要自主创新,同时不要封闭自己,固守成规,要坚持改革开放融入世界文明发展的潮流之中。本文力图通过以上部分全面系统地从整体上对当代中国发展模式的主要内容进行理论上的探讨,从而推进理论的发展,以便更好的指导实践。

【Abstract】 In the background of globalization, the human society lives are interactive with each others. To build a modern society and to realize a rich and strong nation are the historical missions of modern China. Several generations of Chinese people have made great efforts for the exploration of a suitable way for the modern China in the recent 100 years, lots of them had paid a heavy price. Since the reform and open policy, China has explored the historical achievements independently, and the achievements have attracted worldwide attentions, the development of the path is called as the "Chinese pattern", the essence of the "Chinese pattern" is a concentrated series of self-expression under the economic globalization. Under the guidance of emancipating the mind and realistic ideology, China bases on the solution actual problem, insisted its own road, and unify specifically the Marxism universal truth and China, paved the great way of Chinese characteristic socialism under its instruction. The full text mainly divides four chapters.The first chapter is the fundamental part of the paper. It’s mainly discussed the definition of theoretical study around the word of "model" itself. This paper focuses on the world’s origins and the diversity of results about the development model. And give a discrimination to the "Beijing Consensus" and the "China model" from the origin means, by this proof to demonstrate the particularity and irreplaceable" of "Chinese pattern."The second chapter mainly analyzed the development process and the different period of the "Chinese pattern", this article attempt analyzes the "Chinese pattern" from the historical macroscopic angle through two division ways:(1) the reform and opening up; (2) the three generations leaders’ policy outline of Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao. And to rethink the order of contemporary China’s development model through the two different attitudes of today’s scholars of the "Chinese pattern".The third chapter based on the foundations of the first two chapters, it does mainly analyze the connotation and particularity of the "Chinese pattern". The paper primarily through the collection of the current interpretation of the "Chinese pattern", combined with foreign scholars’evaluations and views on the "Chinese pattern" for an academic interpretation. The author hopes to demonstrate the particularity of the "Chinese pattern" through an academic explanation way. By this to display the special nature and the duplicate and distributive demonstrations of the "Chinese pattern", and thus its universal significance. The fourth chapter mainly discusses the later generation’s enlightenment and its future trend of development of the "Chinese pattern". Because the contemporary Chinese development pattern is one of the successful development patterns under the globalized background, therefore, it has certain enlightenment to other countries in the world. Its biggest enlightenment is one country should based on its own national conditions when choosing the development path, and do not copy the model of other countries directly. We must insist that the reform and open policy integrates the world civilization development in the tidal current.The article tries to carry on the discussion to the contemporary Chinese development pattern systematically through above parts, on the one hand to advance the development in an academic way, so that can instruct our practice in a better way. On the other hand, it also provides an idea for China’s development in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】F279.2;D61
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1976