

【作者】 李秉星

【导师】 郑土有;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 民俗学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 本文以台湾作家萧丽红的小说为例,探讨其文学书写中的民俗记忆问题,以考察日常的民俗如何成为文艺的民俗,及其在这一过程中民俗记忆的中介作用。本文第一章论述民俗记忆产生的生活基础和时代影响。民俗记忆一方面来自作家童年生长的地域和家族环境,一方面也受到作家成长经历中的文化与时代的影响。由此民俗记忆往往成了一种潜存于作家身上的“文化意识团”,含混与参杂了各种面向的文化诉求。在作家进行写作之时,通过书写诸种民间的传说、歌谣、节日节气的习俗和故土人情,民俗事项被作家赋予了独特的政治与美学关照。第二章以对《千江有水千江月》中的国族寄寓和《白水湖春梦》中的方言书写的探讨为例,论述民俗记忆对于集体、族群意识的建构,考察日常的俚俗在萧丽红的文学书写中如何具备了一种礼乐的理想并寄寓了一种国族的隐喻。第三章则以《千江有水千江月》和《白水湖春梦》中人物的成长体悟为例,论述民俗记忆对于个人生命体验的启悟作用,考察作为生活形式的日常的民俗在萧丽红的小说中如何成为一种寄托情义、了悟生死的精神体验。第四章从小说文本中体现出来的时间意识出发,论述萧丽红如何通过对民俗记忆为依托的时间意识的表现,将故土布袋镇建构成一处既乡土又净土的场域,其中既饱含了家族邻里的温情,又超越了世俗情感的羁绊。本文希望经由这几部分的论述,能够厘清在以民俗记忆为中介的文学书写中,意涵丰富的文艺的民俗是如何生成与发展的。

【Abstract】 This thesis discusses the folk memory in literary writing through analyzing Xiao Lihong’s novels. It focuses on the issue that how the daily folk-practices become the literary folk-custom, in which the folk memory serves as an intermediary agent.Chapter one discusses the issue that how the daily-life and times influence the generation of folk-memory. The folk memory derives from folk environment in the author’s childhood, and it’s also affected by the cultural values during the author’s growth. Thereafter, the folk memory becomes a group of cultural sub-consciousness, containing various possibilities of cultural pursuit. During the author’s writing, the folk items, including folk legends, folk songs, festivals, customs and human relationship, are bestowed certain special political and aesthetic concerns.Chapter two discusses the issue that how the collective and ethnic consciousness constructed by the folk-memory, and how the author bestowed certain kind of cultural order or imagination of nation-state beneath the folk items.Chapter three discusses how the folk-memory influences characters’ inspirational experiences, which taking the character’s growth experiences in Xiao’s two novels for examples. The daily customs in Xiao’s literary writing transformed to the life experiences for affection and inspiration.The last chapter discusses how the Budai town transformed to certain original hometown by the folk-memory-based temporal experiences, in which the town contains both affection of family and transcendency of secular emotions. The temporal dimension in Xiao’s novels stretches, which resets the aesthetic and cultural values of the folk land.In sum, the aim of this thesis is to clarify the issue that how the daily customs transform into the literary customs with the help of intermediary folk-memory.

【关键词】 民俗记忆萧丽红文学书写
【Key words】 folk memoryXiao Lihongliterary writing
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】277