

【作者】 张蓉

【导师】 李向民;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中药学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 薯蓣类植物作为一类重要的经济作物,其主要活性成分是薯蓣皂苷元,是合成甾体激素类药物的重要原料。基于薯蓣皂素重要的药用价值以及目前的市场需求,野生薯蓣资源越来越难以满足生产需要,目前已基本全部应用人工栽培原料。在薯蓣属植物中,只有根状茎组(Sect.Stenophora)大部分种类含有甾体皂苷元。其中,近几年引起较多关注的墨西哥菊花薯蓣单株含量最高可达13%,与之相比我国湖北武当山地区所产盾叶薯蓣皂苷元单株含量最高可达16.15%,是目前世界上单株皂苷元含量最高的薯蓣种[64]。在栽培过程中,盾叶薯蓣通过审定的栽培品种很少,加上用常规方法繁殖良种速度太慢,每年仅以不足10倍的速度增加,满足不了生产上的需求。皂素含量高的菊叶薯蓣因在长江以北薯蓣栽培区不能正常越冬而无法推广栽培。为了解决良种加速繁殖和增加菊叶薯蓣生育期两个问题,本文选取了薯蓣皂苷元含量较高的盾叶薯蓣和菊叶薯蓣进行快速繁殖技术研究。本文结合国内外研究现状,经正交设计试验,总结出两种薯蓣腋芽萌发的激素优化配比。主要试验结果如下:1.在腋芽萌发方面:盾叶薯蓣腋芽萌发培养基的最优激素组合为MS基本培养基上附加1.0 mg/L6-BA和0.2mg/L NAA,芽苗萌发率达94.44%,其芽苗粗壮,植株高,颜色绿,叶片虽小但已经初步展开。菊叶薯蓣腋芽萌发培养基的最优激素组合为MS基本培养基上附加1.0 mg/L6-BA和0.1mg/L NAA,腋芽萌发率为93.33%。2.在生根诱导方面:盾叶薯蓣1/2MS基本培养基上附加1.0mg/L NAA生根率较高,达到80.00%。菊叶薯蓣1/2MS基本培养基上附加0.2mg/L 6-BA、0.5mg/L NAA和0.5mg/L KT培养基生根率最高,加入少量活性炭可有效降低褐化,生根率可达89.73%。3.在炼苗移栽方面:盾叶薯蓣、菊叶薯蓣试管苗使用珍珠岩:蛭石:腐殖土=1:1:1作为移栽基质,适当施加1/2MS液体培养基,并用0.1%多菌灵喷施保苗,试管苗成活率达到98%以上。依据以上结果运用快速繁殖技术,1个腋芽成苗比率至少为0.75。盾叶薯蓣、菊叶薯蓣为草质藤本,一个健壮的茎上就可取到几十个腋芽。也就是说,一株茂盛的植株,通过快速繁殖技术至少可以扩增10倍以上。最后,本文进一步总结出包括外植体消毒方法、腋芽萌发培养技术、生根培养技术和炼苗移栽的两种薯蓣腋芽萌发快繁的整套工艺,为今后工厂化生产提供了技术支撑。

【Abstract】 Dioscoreaceae plants are important economic plants. Diosgenin is the main active ingredient of Yams which is an important raw material for synthetic steroid hormone. On the basis of its high medical value Yam plants are in great demand. Wild Yam plant resources are getting less and less and can not meet the need of production. They are all artificial cultivation currently. Diosgenin exist in sect stenophora Yam plants. There are two kinds of Yam plants in Mexico called D.composite Hemsl. and D. spiculiflora Hemsl which contain 13% doisgenin. There is one kind of Yam plant in Hubei which contain 16.15% doisgenin. This Yam plant own the higtest content in the world[64]There are many problems when cultivate Dioscorea zingiberensis, such as less variety, Slow reproduction. Cultivation can not meet the demand of production. Dioscorea composita Hemsl which content more Diosgenine can not bear the climate of winter in North of China. In order to solve the above two problems (slow reproduction and climate adaption), we choose Dioscorea Zingiberensis CH Wright and Dioscorea composite Hemsl for rapid propagation research.We do research on the basis of former study. See blow the main conclusions:1.abduction of axillary budsThe optimization of hormone ratio of Dioscorea Zingiberensis CH Wright is 8 MS+6-BA 1.0 mg/L+NAA 0.2 mg/L, it lead to 94.44% induction rate.The optimization of hormone ratio of Dioscorea composite Hemsl is MS+1.0mg/L 6-BA+ 0.1mg/L NAA, it leads to the highest induction rate.2. Rooting inductionRooting culture hormone ratio is 7 1/2MS+NAA 1.0mg/L, lead to 80% rooting rate.Rooting culture hormone ratio is 1/2MS+6-BA0.2mg/L+NAA0.5mg/L+KT0.5mg/L, leads to the highest rooting rate; small activated carbon can prevent browning and increase rooting rate to 89.73%.3. TransplantationThe survival rates of test-tube plantlets will up to 98% when we use the following methods:Transplantation medium= (pearlite:vermiculite:humus=1:1:1) with little 1/2 MS liquid media and 0.1% derosal.Using above methods and conclusions we can produce more than 10 plants by one maternal plant. It is give us great help for rapid propagation of these two kinds of Yam plants.The study offers us a whole refined process for rapid propagation of these two kinds of Yam plants and gives effective supports for the further study.
