

【作者】 骆菲菲

【导师】 孙虎;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 旅游业是当今世界上发展最快的产业,也是当今世界上最具影响力产业链。其在构建和谐社会中具有重要的作用,它对缩小地区间的差异和加快城乡间的交流、促进就业、丰富人民群众的文化生活、提高人民群众体质、强化民族素质、凝聚民心、增强爱国主义意识等都具有独特功能。当前,随着我国经济的发展和人民群众物质文化生活水平的逐步提高,旅游开始走进寻常百姓家,旅游事业呈现出日益繁荣的局面,成为国民经济新的增长点。鸡心岭古称“缘溪关”,是战国楚长城上的重要关口和节点,也是陕鄂渝三地界山,有“一脚踏三省”之称,海拔1890m。鸡心岭区域峰林深秀,地势险要,遗台古垒,烽烟尤存,是“盐马古道”上最有名的雄关漫道,自古乃兵家必争之地,历史上战火连绵,军事迹存众多。目前国内学术界有“鸡心岭——中国陆地雄鸡版图自然之心”的观点。“走上鸡心岭,一脚踏三省”的民间俗语流传广泛,三省之地家喻户晓,知名度极高。南北风光相融有别,有“南枝先开、北枝后放”之意境。边民混居,一屋三地,民风交融,特色各异。景区内溶洞景观、地标景观众多。鸡心岭景区的开发对镇坪县,乃至对整个安康都有举足轻重的意义。鸡心岭风景名胜区不仅具有自然旅游资源,还具有比较丰富的人文旅游资源,因此在开发中应充分重视。此外,传统的旅游规划理论往往重视对旅游资源的开发与规划,随着环保意识的增强,旅游景观规划与环境保护的充分结合,环境保护理念正被越来越多的运用到旅游规划设计的实践中。本文以镇坪县鸡心岭风景名胜区为例,融入人文特色与环境保护的理念,对旅游风景名胜区的规划与设计进行了研究。主要研究内容如下:(1)根据大量有关旅游风景名胜区旅游资源开发的文献资料,分析旅游风景名胜区的研究进展,并总结了旅游资源开发的研究进展。同时通过野外实地调查,对研究区旅游资源进行了特征分析和评价。在分析的基础上,提出了鸡心岭景区典型景观规划的目标和原则,并对其进行了旅游产品定位。(2)随后依据旅游资源类型及特征、旅游资源结构及其评价分析等因素,将研究区划分为旅游活动区、重点生态保护区、轻度干扰区、和旅游服务接待及居民生活区4大部分,其中旅游活动区又细分为三省文化展示区、盐马古道和古战壕历史事件体验区、溶洞探险和休闲运动游乐区、观音崖宗教朝拜区、农业民俗村休闲体验区5大景片。在功能分区的基础上进一步进行了各分区的详细规划与设计,每个分区均有不同的规划设计要点,同时对一些典型景观进行了绘图设计,以此为该地的旅游开发提供直观的参考和依据。(3)最后,本文对研究区基础设施、环保设施等也进行了具体的规划。基础设施中重点对道路和旅游解译系统进行了规划和设计。结论表明,系统理论、可持续发展理论、景观生态学理论与旅游学融合在旅游规划设计上具有理论上的新颖性和实践上的可行性,能满足旅游地可持续发展的要求,达到旅游地景观与环境协调发展的目标。

【Abstract】 Tourism is the fastest growing industry in the present world, and also is the most influential industry chain in the world. It plays an important role in establishing a harmonious society. It has special function in reducing various areas differences and accelerating urban-rural communication, promoting employment, enriching the masses cultural life, improving people’s physique, condensing popular feelings, enhancing consciousness of patriotism.Nowadays,with the development of chinese economy and gradual improvement of the messes material and culture living standard, tourism begins to come into common people’s life. Tourism presents increasingly prosperous situation and becomes new growth point of national economy.Heart-shaped ridge was called "Yuanxi checkpoint" or "one footprint of three provinces" in the ancient China. It was important throat and node of chu great wall during warring states period,and also was the boundary mountain of Shaanxi province,Hubei province and Chongqing district.The altitude is 1890 meters.Peak-forest is deep and fine.Terrain is dangerous and important. Fortress and platform are old. Beacon fume still exists. It is a place of conflict and the most famous path in the ancient salt ways.There are so many wars that there are lots of military relics. Domestic academia has the viewpoint that Heart-shaped ridge is the natural center of Chinese territory at present. The common saying that is "walking up to Heart-shaped ridge, your footprint will touch three provinces" is widely spread. Southern scenery and northern scenery are combined and also different. Border inhabitants are living mixed and their house are taking up three zones,so that the folkway are blending and different.There are also so many karst cave and landmark landscapes. The development of Heart-shaped ridge scenic spot plays a decisive role to Zhenping county and even to the whole Ankang city.Heart-shaped ridge scenic spot not only has natural tourism resources, but also has rich tourism resources, so it should be payed full attention. At the same time, the traditional tourism planning theories often focus on the development and plan of tourism resources. With the strengthening of environmental protection consciousness and the full combination of landscape planning and environmental protection, environmental protection idea are being more and more applied to tourism planning practice. Take Heart-shaped ridge scenic spot in Zhenping county for example, blending in humanities characteristics and environmental protection concept, the planning and design of tourism scenic spots are studied. The main research contents are as follows: (1)According to lots of literature datas relevant to tourism resource development of tourism scenic spots, analyzes the research progress of tourism scenic spots, and summarizes the research progress of tourism resource development. Through the field investigation of study area,tourism resources characteristics analysis and evaluation is finished. Based on the analysis, puts forward the goal and the principle of the typical landscape planning area, and conducts its tourism product positioning.(2) Then basing on the types and characteristics of tourism resources, structure and evaluation of tourist resources and other factors, research region can be divided into four parts that are tourism area,key ecological protection, light interference zone, tourism services reception area and the residents living area. Then tourism area can be divided into 5 tourism areas such as three provinces cultural display area, ancient salt ways and ancient trench historical events experiential area, karst cave exploration and leisure recreation area,Guanyin precipice religious area, farming folk culture village experiential area.On the basis of function division, every areas are planned and designed in detail.Each area has it’s own main point.At the same time, some typical landscapes are designed into drawing, so as to provide reference and basis to the tourism development of this area.(3) At last, this paper proceeds a concrete plan of infrastructure and the environmental protection facilities on studied area. About infrastructure, the planning and design of road and tourism travel interpretation system were payed more emphasis.Conclusion shows that system theory, the sustainable development theory, the theory of landscape ecology and tourism which mix together in tourism planning and design is a novelty in theory and feasible on practice. At the same time, it can satisfy the requirement of the sustainable development of tourism spots, and achieve the goal of harmonious development between tourism landscape and environment.
