

【作者】 王阿婷

【导师】 夏建国;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 民商法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 农村土地承包经营制度实施三十多年来,我国农村经济取得了令人瞩目的成就。然而,随着改革开放的深入和城市化进程的加快,我国现有的农地制度矛盾突出,已成为阻碍农村改革的主因之一。而作为繁荣农村市场的主要制度——农地使用权流转制度,相对于城市土地市场的发展更显滞后,甚至有些制度建设还处于真空地带。目前针对农地使用权流转的研究可谓不少,也取得了一些成果,但是学界对这一制度在理论和实践操作层面还有很大的分歧。理论上,关于“土地承包经营权”的概念、农地使用权流转的方式、农地使用权流转的登记制度、农民利益保护机制等问题还存在很大分歧。实践中,农地使用权流转的现状令人堪忧,流转盲目、不规范、无秩序的情况易发生,农民利益屡遭侵害,现有法律对农地使用权流转的规定操作性差等问题突出。本文总共由五部分组成。第一部分为引言,主要介绍本文的研究现状、研究意义、研究方法以及拟解决的关键问题,搭建起本文论证的一个整体框架。第二部分主要介绍农地使用权流转制度的相关内容并针对学界的质疑和争论焦点做以评析,提出自己的观点。在这部分里,笔者着重对农地使用权流转的几种方式做深入的论证分析,强调抵押、继承两种方式的合法性和必要性,并给出自己的理由。第三部分为农地使用权流转的现状研究,笔者通过对国内农地使用权流转现状的分析,提出农地使用权流转中还存在自发、盲目流转;流转地区差异大;农民利益得不到有效保护;中介机构不完善等急需解决的问题。第四部分为完善农地使用权流转制度的建议,笔者从扩大流转方式、完善中介机构、完善农民利益保护机制、保护耕地资源等方面提出了相应的法律制度方面的完善建议。第五部分为结束语。在总结全文内容的基础上重申农地使用权流转制度的重大意义。在收集大量资料的基础上,通过对农地使用权流转理论和实践中的问题做深入的比较分析,笔者认为,应将“土地承包经营权改为“农地使用权”;流转方式应当适当放开,尤其是抵押、继承等方式;农地使用权流转的登记应采取“登记对抗主义”;农民利益保护机制应进一步完善;在条件成熟时,应专门对农地使用权流转立法,以求更大程度的保护农地使用权流转过程中各方的利益。笔者将尽最大努力对其加以分析、研究,以期对此制度做更深一步研究有所裨益。

【Abstract】 Rural land contrat system is implemented 30 years, China’s rural economy has made remarkable achievements. However, with the deepening of reform and opening up and speed up the process of urbanization, China’s current system of agricultural land are prominent contradictions. It has become one of the main obstacles in rural reform. As a prosperous rural market, the main system-Agricultural land use rights transfer system is even more lag as opposed to the development of urban land market, and even some system construction is still in the vacuum.AT present, the transfer of farmland use rights can be described as a lot of research, and they also have achieved some results. But there is a lot of differences in the academics of the system in theory and practice. In theory, the concept of "right to land contractual management", the transfer means of farmland use rights, the registration system of transfer of farmland use rights, the interests of farmers protection and other issues are still greatly divided. In practice, the transfer situation of farmland use rights is worrying, blind transfer, no standardized transfer, no order transfer is easy to occur, the interests of farmers have been repeatedly violated, the existing laws on the transfer of farmland use rights has not detailed provisions.This total consists five parts. The first part is introduction, particularly introduces the current status, significance, research methods and key issues to be resolved to erect an overall framework for this argument. The second part introduces the system of transfer of farmland use rights and the academic challenge and controversy for the focus to do the assessment, put forward my own point of view. In this section, the author will do in-depth analysis and argument on the ways of transfer of farmland use rights and emphasiz the legitimacy and necessity of security, inheritance, and give your reasons. The third part is the status of agricultural land use rights, the author will analysis the status of domestic agricultural land use right transfer,and say that there are still many urgent problems such as spontaneous, blind transfer; transfer large regional differences, the interests of farmers can not be effectively protected, imperfected agency. The fourth part is proposal that how to perfect the system of transfer of farmland use rights. The author give some perfect legal proposal by expanding circulation, improving intermediary agencies, improving the interests of farmers protection, protecting arable land resources.The fifth Part is conclusion. The author will repeat the significance of agricultural land use right transfer based on the conclusion. In this paper, I will give you a comparative analysis of agricultural land use rights on the theory and practice, and think "the right to land contractual management" should become to "agricultural land use rights"; The transfer mode should be properly relaxed, especially mortgages, inheritance, etc. The transfer registration of agricultural land use right should become, "Registration of Confrontation"; The mechanism of farmer interest protection should be further improved. When the conditions are ripe, we should devote to the transfer of farmland use rights legislation with a view to protect the various interests of agricultural land use Right in the circulation. I will do my best analyze, research in order to help the deeper research on this system benefit.
