

Taxonomic Study of Genus Frankliniella and Odontothrips from China(Thysanoptera: Terebrantia: Thripidae)

【作者】 党利红

【导师】 郑哲民; 乔格侠;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 动物学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 花蓟马属Frankliniella和齿蓟马属Odontothrips隶属于缨翅目Thysanoptera锯尾亚目Terebrantia蓟马科Thripidae蓟马族Thripini。花蓟马属Frankliniella迄今世界已知228种,主要分布于南美洲和北美洲,我国分布11种。该属种类主要寄生在各种植物的花内和嫩叶上,部分种类是重要经济作物和花卉的主要害虫,常常造成作物叶片皱缩,叶片、花瓣及果皮表面出现灰白斑点和疤痕等,从而降低水果和蔬菜的产量,影响花卉的观赏价值;花蓟马F. intonsa (Trybom)和西花蓟马F. occidentalis (Pergande)还可传播多种植物病毒。西花蓟马F. occidentalis (Pergande)是我国近年来发现的重要入侵害虫,在北方为害较重。齿蓟马属Odontothrips是蓟马科中的一个较小的属,世界已知31种,多分布于欧亚大陆、北美洲及非洲,中国分布有7种。该属种类常在豆科植物上为害,近几年发现在甘肃、内蒙古等北方地区的苜蓿、红豆草等遭受此类蓟马的严重危害;苜蓿受害后叶片扭曲萎缩,造成产量和质量下降。因此对这两个属蓟马的系统分类研究不仅可以加速我国蓟马物种多样性的描述、区系组成和特点探讨及开展进一步的系统发育研究,还可为农林业害虫的有效防治提供基础资料和理论指导。本文基于大量的标本和文献积累,对中国的花蓟马属和齿蓟马属进行了系统分类研究;基于物种分布数据,对其地理分布格局进行了详细地探讨。论文分总论和各论两部分。总论部分介绍了花蓟马属和齿蓟马属的国内外研究简史;对两属蓟马进行了比较形态学研究,提供了9幅形态特征图;介绍了蓟马的生殖方式、变态方式及生长发育、食性、迁飞与扩散等生物学特征;基于标本采集记录和可靠的文献记载,开展了我国花蓟马属和齿蓟马属物种多样性研究和区系分析,利用GIS技术,分析了两属在我国的地理分布格局;同时还介绍了本研究涉及的研究材料和研究方法。各论部分通过整理和检视中国科学院动物研究所国家动物博物馆半个多世纪收藏的近3000号蓟马标本,系统厘定了我国花蓟马属和齿蓟马属的物种。全文共记述花蓟马属13种,齿蓟马属12种,包括5新种和2新纪录种(已发表)。本文参照《中国动物志》的描记规范详细描述了花蓟马属8种和齿蓟马属10种,测量了近200头标本(形态特征完好)各80个以上的形态特征;绘制了18种蓟马的形态特征图,每种包括5-8个重要鉴别特征,对新种和新纪录种拍摄了整体及重要鉴别特征照片,并且对每个虫态均拍摄了整体照片;编制了分种检索表。花蓟马属2新种为:中华花蓟马Frankliniella chinensis sp.nov.和厦门花蓟马F. xiamenensis sp.nov. o齿蓟马属3新种为:二齿蓟马Odontothrips bispinosus sp.nov.,具爪齿蓟马O. chelionus sp.nov.和同色齿蓟马O. sicoloreus sp.nov.; 2中国新纪录种为:间齿蓟马O. intermedius (Uzel,1895)和蒙古齿蓟马O. mongolicus Pelikan,1985。

【Abstract】 The genus Frankliniella and Odontothrips belong to tribe Thripini, family Thripidae, suborder Terebrantia, Thysanoptera.There are 228 known species of the genus Frankliniella in the world, mostly distributed in Southern and Northern America. In China, there are 11 known species. The species of this genus mainly feed on the flowers and younger leaves of many plants, and some of which are pests for important economic crops and floricultural products. They can cause significant color change, leaf shrinking and surface of flower fading, resulting in reduction of crop production and flower visual value. The species, Frankliniella intonsa and F. occidentalis, can transmit several plant viruses. The latter one is an important invasion pest in China, known in recent years, and has made serious damages in the northern China. Odontothrips is a small genus of thrips, mainly distributed in Euro-Asia, North America and Africa. The genus only includes 31 species worldwide and seven of them from China. The genus mostly infest the species of Fabaceae. In China, they were discovered to damage the alfalfa and sainfoin in Gansu Province, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regions and the other parts of North China. Thus, the research on the thrips is very useful for the theoretical study, agricultural and floricultural production, to provide the basal data for Chinese thrips species diversity, to study the fauna and phylogeny of thrips in China, and to give directions for controlling the pests in the agriculture and forestry. Based on the abundance of Chinese specimens and literatures, the two genus were revised here.In the general part, the research history of the genus Frankliniella and Odontothrips were outlined. The comparative morphology was summarized and the thrips biology was introduced, including reproduction, growth and development, feeding habits, migration and diffusion. Based on the specimen records and literatures, the species diversity, the fauna and the distribution pattern of Frankliniella and Odontothrips in China were discussed.In the taxonomic part,13 species in Frankliniella and 12 species in Odontothrips from China were reviewed. About 3000 specimens were examined, deposited in the National Zoological Museum of China (NZMC), Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The descriptions of 18 species, keys of species in each genus and features of each species were provied here, including 5 species new to science and 2 species first recorded from China.The five new species are Frankliniella chinensis sp.nov., F. xiamenensis sp.nov., Odontothrips bispinosus sp.nov., O. chelionus sp.nov. and O. sicoloreus sp.nov.The two new record species to China are Odontothrips intermedius (Uzel,1895) and O. mongolicus Pelikan,1985.
